
aldosterone n.【生物化學】醛甾酮。


Although angiotensin is generally acknowledged to be responsible for renovascular hypertension , at least in the early phase , there is no consensus regarding the role of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system in patients with primary hypertension , even in those with high pra 普遍認為,血管緊張素對腎血管性高血壓負有責任,至少是在早期,但是,在原發性高血壓病人,甚至是pra升高的原發性高血壓病人中,人們對腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統所起的作用尚無一致意見。

Other mechanisms become involved when hypertension due to an identifiable cause ( eg , catecholamine release from a pheochromocytoma , renin and angiotensin from renal artery stenosis , aldosterone from an adrenal cortical adenoma ) has existed for some time 當因某些易于確定的原因所引起的高血壓存在一段時間后,如嗜鉻細胞瘤釋放的兒茶酚胺、腎動脈狹窄所產生的腎素和血管緊張素、腎上腺皮質腺瘤分泌的醛固酮等,其他機制也會參與高血壓病的形成。

Our aim was to determine whether inhibitors of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , which can reduce entricular hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis , can improe diastolic function to a greater extent than can other antihypertensie agents 腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統可以減小心室肥大和減少心肌纖維化,我們的目的就是確定這一系統的抑制劑是否比其它抗高血壓藥物能更好地改善心臟舒張功能。

Anp is a circulating hormone with asodilatory and diuretic properties that inhibits the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , which has been suggested to modulate cardiac sympathetic nere actiity and cardiac remodeling Anp是循環系統中的一種激素,其舒張血管和利尿特性能夠抑制腎素?血管緊張素?醛固酮系統。普遍認為腎素?血管緊張素?醛固酮系統能夠調節心臟交感神經活性和心臟重塑。

The mosaic theory states that multiple factors sustain elevated bp even though an aberration of only one was initially responsible ; eg , the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system 鑲嵌理論認為,有多種因素使血壓維持在升高位置,盡管最初起作用的異常因素只有一個,如交感神經系統和腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮之間的相互作用。

This inactive product is cleaved by a converting enzyme , mainly in the lung but also in the kidney and brain , to an octapeptide , angiotensin ii , which is a potent vasoconstrictor that also stimulates release of aldosterone 這一非活性產物經轉換酶裂解,主要是在肺部但也在腎和腦部,成為八肽,即血管緊張素,這是和中強烈的血管收縮素,可刺激醛固酮的釋放。

Owing to persistent electrolyte abnormalities and renal salt loss , hormone studies were done and revealed elevated concentrations of cortisol , adrenocorticotropic hormone , aldosterone , renin and 17 - hydroxyprogesterone 但實驗室檢查卻發現持續性代謝性酸中毒,電解質失調包括低血鈉,高血鉀,低血氯和大量鈉離子由尿液中流失。

The three zones can be better seen in this intermediate magnification iew . zona glomerulosa ( just beneath the capsule ) is the site of aldosterone synthesis and responds to angiotensin and potassium 這三個區帶在中倍鏡下就被可以比較好的觀察到。球狀帶(就在被膜下面)是合成醛固酮的地方和負責血管緊張素和鉀的代謝。

Also found in the circulation , the des - asp heptapeptide ( angiotensin iii ) is as active as angiotensin ii in stimulating aldosterone release but has much less pressor activity 同樣可以在血循環中發現的去天門冬氨酸七肽(血管緊張素) ,它在刺激醛固酮釋放時的作用與血管緊張素一樣,但其升壓作用則不如后者。

Angiotensin also stimulates production of aldosterone , which leads to na retention ; excessive intracellular na enhances the reactivity of vascular smooth muscle to sympathetic stimulation 它還刺激醛固酮的產生,導致鈉潴留;細胞內鈉過多增強血管平滑肌對交感刺激的反應性。

Effect of circadian variability of dipper blood pressure induced by valsartan in patients with non - dipper essential hypertension on levels of aldosterone 纈沙坦干預非杓型高血壓者恢復杓型血壓晝夜節律后對血醛固酮水平的影響

The concept and meaning of clearance ; function and regulation of aldosterone ; secretion of h 、 nh3 、 k ; micturition reflex 清除率的概念及測定意義;醛固酮的作用和調節; h 、 nh3 、 k分泌;排尿反射。

The identification of primary aldosteronism within the hypertensive population by using serum aldosterone to plasma rennin activity as a screening test 值在原發性醛固酮增多癥中的臨床意義

In the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system , the juxtaglomerular apparatus helps regulate volume and pressure 在腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統中,腎小球旁體幫助調節血容量和壓力。

The effect of laboratory mental stress on plasma levels of angiotensin , aldosterone , atrial natriuretic peptide and no 心理應激前后血液中部分血管活性物質濃度的變化

Aldosterone - to - renin ratio threshold for screening primary aldosteronism in chinese hypertensive patients 腎素活性比值標準的探討

Role of oxidative stress in aldosterone salt chronic infusion - induced renal injury 鹽慢性灌注致腎損害中的作用

Diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy with aldosterone 糖尿病及糖尿病腎病與醛固酮