
alderman n.(pl. -men)1.〔美國〕市參議員。2.〔英國...

“ very well ; i see you got that nomination for alderman . “很不錯。我得知你被提名當市議員了。 ”


In the mirror of the giltbordered pierglass the undecorated back of the dwarf tree regarded the upright back of the embalmed owl . before the mirror the matrimonial gift of alderman john hooper with a clear melancholy wise bright motionless compassionate gaze regarded bloom while bloom with obscure tranquil profound motionless compassionated gaze regarded the matrimonial gift of luke and caroline doyle 在鏡子前面,市政委員約翰胡珀送的結婚禮物以清澈憂郁聰慧明亮一動不動體恤同情的視線盯著布盧姆,布盧姆則以模糊安詳意味深長一動不動富于惻隱之心的視線,瞅著盧克和卡羅琳多伊爾所贈結婚禮物。

The common chest shall be in the house of the chief alderman or of the steward , and the three keys of it shall be lodged with three discreet men of the aforesaid twelve sworn men , or with three of the skevins , who shall loyally take care of the common seal , and the charters and of the treasure of the town , and the standards , and other muniments of the town ; and no letter shall be sealed with the common seal , nor any charter taken out of the common - chest but in the presence of six or twelve sworn men , and of the alderman or steward ; and nobody shall sell by any kind of measure or weight that is not sealed , under forfeiture of two shillings 公共櫥柜應當安放在首席會長或管事的房間內,櫥柜的三把鑰匙將由上述12個宣誓者中的三位謹慎者保管,或由三位糾察員保管,他們應當忠誠的存放公章、章程、城市的財寶與徽旗以及其他的城市憑證;任何信件都不能加蓋公章,在沒有六位或十二為宣誓者以及會長或管事在場的情況下,不得從櫥柜內取出任何文書;任何人都不能用未經蓋章的量器或砝碼營業,違者將處以兩先令的罰款。

A timepiece of striated connemara marble , stopped at the hour of 4 . 46 a . m . on the 21 march 1896 , matrimonial gift of matthew dillon : a dwarf tree of glacial arborescence under a transparent bellshade , matrimonial gift of luke and caroline doyle : an embalmed owl , matrimonial gift of alderman john hooper 透明的鐘形罩子里是冰狀結晶矮樹盆景,那是盧克和卡羅琳多伊爾213送的結婚禮物。一只制成標本的貓頭鷹,是市政委員約翰胡珀214送的結婚禮物。

On the steps of the city hall councillor nannetti , descending , hailed alderman cowley and councillor abraham lyon ascending . the castle car wheeled empty into upper exchange street . - look here martin , john wyse nolan said , overtaking them at the mail office 在市政府門前的臺階上,正往下走著的市政委員南尼蒂同往上走的市參議員考利以及市政委員亞伯拉罕萊昂打了招呼。

Alderman richard thompson initiated the program after he saw a newspaper photograph of a firefighter in superior giving mouth - to - mouth resuscitation to a cat rescued from a house fire 該行動的發起者是阿普爾頓市議員理查德?湯普森。他現是在報紙上看到一名消防員對一只被從火災中搶救出來的貓進行人工呼吸,后來便產生了為寵物設計氧氣面具的想法。

Bloom in alderman s gown and chain . electors of arran quay , inns quay , rotunda , mountjoy and north dock , better run a tramline , i say , from the cattlemarket to the river 身穿高級市政官的長袍,掛著鏈子阿倫碼頭英斯碼頭圓堂蒙喬伊和北船塢的選民們,我認為應該從牲畜市場鋪設一條電車道,一直通到河邊。

Alderman richard thompson initiated the program after he saw a newspaper photograph of a firefighter in superior giving mouth - to - mouth resuscitation to a cat rescued from a house fire 他現是在報紙上看到一名消防員對一只被從火災中搶救出來的貓進行人工呼吸,后來便產生了為寵物設計氧氣面具的想法。

Under missouri law the city ' s schools will now be placed under a three - member board appointed by the governor , the mayor and the president of the board of aldermen 密蘇里州的法律規定,市立學校由州長、市長和委員會主席指定的三名委員來管理。

And when the gild shall be sitting no one of the gild is to bring in any stranger , except when required by the alderman or steward 公會集會時,若非得到了會長或者執事的許可,任何成員都不得帶陌生人入內。

And the alderman shall have a sergeant to serve before him , the steward another sergeant , and the chaplain shall have his clerk 并且會長要有一名警士為其效勞,執事亦之,而牧師也要有他的辦事員。

Alderman robert o reilly emptying the port into his soup before the flag fell , bobbob lapping it for the inner alderman 市參議員羅伯特奧賴利在比賽開始前,將葡萄酒全倒進湯里。

A member of the town council for thirty years , alderman smith gave good counsel and loyal service 作為一個擔任鎮地方議會的成員,阿爾德曼?史密斯提供了很好的建議和忠誠的服務。

In 1565 he was chosen as an alderman , and in 1568 he held the chief municipal office , that of high bailiff 但也正如所有歷史上演的那樣,保守勢力對他做了無恥的圍攻。

The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild 經過會長的密封蓋章之后,行會的卷檔和錢財應有管事保管。

A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign 一名住在附近的市議員找了一個技術上的理由,把該廣告牌給拆除了。

In 1571 as an ex - bailiff he began another year of office as chief alderman 能夠頂住事業初期的壓力的人,始終值得尊敬,也有資格成功。

At calvin ' s barbershop when alderman lalowe brown stopped by 雷隆?布朗市議員來到以家族生意著稱的卡文理發館

At calvin ' s barbershop when alderman lalowe brown stopped by 雷隆布朗市議員來到以家族生意著稱的卡文理發館