
alder n.【植物;植物學】榿木。 the black alde...


A row of sunken dwarf willows borders the stream on one or both sides , while at a greater distance the meadow is skirted with maples , alders , and other fluviatile trees , overrun with the grape - vine , which bears fruit in its season , purple , red , white , and other grapes 沿著溪流的一邊或者兩側有一排沉入水中的矮柳,而稍遠處,草甸則被楓樹、榿木以及其他一些長在河里的樹圍繞著,葡萄藤則四處蔓延,一到結果實的季節,這里就會長出紫的,紅的,白的以及其他各種葡萄來。

S contemporary research on tcm . in order to further enhance sino - uk partnership in tcm and promote mutual understanding on the latest research results as well as relevant policies and regulations , mr . roy alder , head of executive support , medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency and 為了進一步加大中英雙方在中醫藥領域的合作,增進兩國政府和科研人員對雙方在該領域的最新科研成果和近期政策規定的了解,英國藥品和保健品監管署負責人羅伊

Our main business is processing and selling the log , veneer laminate and devorative plywood of imported woods , such as burmese teak , ebony , american cherry , red ceder , walnut , alder , red oak , white oak , etc 東莞市宇力木業有限公司主要加工緬甸柚木、歐美櫻桃木、黑胡桃、黑檀木、美國香松等進口木材的木皮及裝飾面板。

Late lord mayor harrington in scarlet robe with mace , gold mayoral chain and lace white silk scarf that alder man sir leo bloom s speech be printed at the expense of the ratepayers 身穿猩紅袍子,手執權杖,佩帶市長的金鏈,系著白絲大領帶高級市政官利奧布盧姆爵士的演說詞將付梓,費用由地方納稅者支付。

I pointed to where our village lay , on the flat in - shore among the alder - trees and pollards , a mile or more from the church 我把我們村子的位置指給他看。村子就坐落在距離教堂一英里多遠的平坦河岸上,四周矗立著赤楊樹和截梢樹。

I pointed to where our village lay on the flat inshore among the alder trees and pollards , a mile or more from the church 我把我們村子的位置指給他看。村子就坐落在距離教堂一英里多遠的平坦河岸上,四周矗立著赤揚樹和截梢樹。

And there stand all around the alders , and birches , and oaks , and maples full of glee and sap , holding in their buds until the waters subside 那里長滿了榿木、樺樹、橡樹和楓樹,生意盎然,一旦大水退去,它們就會爆出新芽。

And the birch and the wild cherry and the alder beginning to come out . but i havent noticed the oak . yes , here he is , the oak 無論是樺樹稠李還是赤楊都已經開始可是沒有看見橡樹,瞧,這就是橡樹。 ”

There he soon died , and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his cage upon ben alder 沒多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,說不定是他對本?亞爾德山上的“籠子”曾經是依依不舍呢。

Its name is ben alder , it is a wild , desert mountain full of hills and hollows 它的名字是本?亞爾德,是一座盡是些山崗和雞谷的漠無人煙的荒山。

Alder wood , leather 赤楊木,皮革

After the park service arrived , then i ' m leading them up through the alders 在公園服務人員到達我領他們去到事發的那個叢林

1950 kurt alder germany 1950年庫特阿爾德德國

Sell alder and chest . 銷售美國白橡木white oak

And headed off up through the alders 并且在山頂上

Alder trees belong to the birch family 赤楊屬于樺木科。

The nobel prize in chemistry : kurt alder 諾貝爾化學獎-庫特阿爾德

Sark ' s being transported to alder tonight 沙克今晚要被運送到阿爾德

I ' m having you transferred to alder tonight 我今晚就把你轉送到阿爾德