
alcove n.1.壁櫥;壁龕;凹室;洞穴中凹處。2.林中空地;園中...


Angel had come as pupil to this dairy in the idea that his temporary existence here was to be the merest episode in his life , soon passed through and early forgotten ; he had come as to a place from which as from a screened alcove he could calmly view the absorbing world without , and , apostrophizing it with walt whitman - 安琪爾來到這個奶牛場里當學徒,心想在這兒的短暫停留只不過是他人生中的一段插曲,不久就過去了,很快就忘掉了他來到這兒,就像來到一個隱蔽的洞室,可以從里面冷靜地觀察外面吸引人的世界,并且同華爾特惠特曼一起高喊

The dining room was simply a widened section of the hallway with the alcove where the women of the house sat to sew , and a table for sixteen expected or unepected diners who would arrive every day on the noon train 餐廳其實就是走廊上加寬了的一塊地方,加上那個家里的婦女們坐著干針線活的亭子,放著個可供十六個人用餐的餐桌,隨時恭候那些每天都會坐中午的火車前來的約好或不期而至的客人們。

The place , indeed , was like an alcove or narrow bathroom , full as it was of the steam of hot water and sponges and of the strong scent of essences which mingled with the tartish , intoxicating fumes of the champagne 這間屋子頗像臥室中放床的凹室,也像一間狹小的洗澡間,空氣中彌漫著盥洗盆和濕海綿散發出來的水氣,濃郁的香水氣味,還夾雜著一點醉漢呼出來的香檳酒酸味。

She scaled and addressed the letter , and going in the front room , the alcove of which contained her bed , drew the one small rocking - chair up to the open window , and sat looking out upon the night and streets in silent wonder 前屋凹進去的地方擺著她的小床。她把那把唯一的小搖椅拖到開著的窗前,就坐在那里,靜靜地看著窗外的夜色和街道,心里默默地驚嘆。

Still , know that bees are especially active on hot days , build their hives in protected environments ( e . g . under roofs and in alcoves ) , and swarm to relocate four or five times a year , from march through november 雖然我們知道蜜蜂在夏季的活動力特別強盛,他們喜歡在有遮蔽的地方筑巢(如石縫中或天花板下) ,從三月至十一月也會有四到五次的集體遷徙行為。

Well - dressed guests moving to and fro over the thick carpets carried him back to the old days . a young lady , a guest of the house , playing a piano in an alcove pleased him 那些在厚厚的地毯上來回走動的衣冠楚楚的客人們,把他帶回到過去的日子。一位年輕太太,這家飯店的一個客人,正在一間凹室里彈鋼琴,使他感到很愉快。

A linear house with eight successive rooms along a hallway with an alcove filled with begonias where the women in the family would sit to embroider on frames and talk in the cool of the evening 沿著走廊,八間屋子一字排開,外帶一個種滿海棠花的涼亭,在那里女眷們可以坐著繡花和在夜晚的涼風中交談。

One clean , bright bedroom ( 12m2 ) , with build - in alcove , tv , escritoire , bed stand , reading lamp , telephone , internet ( 1 . 5m , support both cable and wireless , support wireless network card ) 臥室內提供電視、寫字臺、入墻組合衣柜,電話線、網線(可提供無線接入及無線網卡) 、單人床,床頭柜,臺燈。

There was still another chair in the detached alcove , but the straw was half gone from it , and it had but three legs , so that it was of service only when propped against the wall 在那小暖房里,的確還有一張椅子,但是椅上的麥秸已經脫了一半,并且只有三只腳,只是靠在墻上才能用。

To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which winston was now sitting , and which , when the flats were built , had probably been intended to hold bookshelves 在電幕的一邊,有一個淺淺的壁龕,溫斯頓現在就坐在這里,在修建這所房子的時候,這個壁龕大概是打算放書架的。

Inside the east gate were three alcoves on each side ; the three had the same measurements , and the faces of the projecting walls on each side had the same measurements 10東門洞有衛房,這旁三間,那旁三間,都是一樣的尺寸。這邊的柱子和那邊的柱子,也是一樣的尺寸。

The working group focused on areas with concentrated pockets of homeless people , most of whom congregate in subways and small alcoves in the city s underground train stations 當天,同修將目標鎖定在游民朋友們聚集的地區,包括各地下道地下鐵的偏僻角落。

By sitting in the alcove , and keeping well back , winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen , so far as sight went 溫斯頓坐在壁龕里,盡量躲得遠遠的,可以處在電幕的控制范圍之外,不過這僅僅就視野而言。

Use scope : wooden road , alcove , grape frame , guardrail etc . all indoors or outdoors wooden production 使用范圍:木質棧道,涼亭,葡萄架,護欄等一切室內外木制品。

Find a good spot for your nook , such as a corner , alcove , or even a place in a closet 找一個好的地點,像一個角落、壁凹,甚至可以是在一個在小房間的一個地方。

In front of each alcove was a wall one cubit high , and the alcoves were six cubits square 12衛房前展出的境界,這邊一肘,那邊一肘。衛房這邊六肘,那邊六肘。

Two persons were coming down the stairs ; he had only time to creep into an alcove to avoid them 兩個人正從樓梯上走下來他急忙躲到一個小間里來避開他們。

He did not know enough to ask the man at the desk , and began his adventures in the philosophy alcove 他也不知道到借書臺去咨詢,徑自在哲學部跑來跑去。

You mean you wouldn t mind if he made love to julia in some discreet alcove “這是說要是有人和朱麗亞躲在壁里戀愛起來,你便不介意么? ”