
alcott n.奧爾科特〔姓氏〕。

Alcott ' s theory on education was that “ early education is the enduring power “ in forming the imagination and moral life of a human being 愛爾考特的教育理論認為初期教育乃是形成人類想像與道德生活的持久力量。

“ mr . alcott , a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute ? “阿爾柯特先生,我身旁的一位太太想問你全能是否沒有個性? ”


Over the next few years , the couple moved several times as amos alcott attempted and later abandoned experimental schools after they proved financially unsuccessful 在接下來的幾年里,愛默斯愛爾考特因為經濟的問題,導致創辦實驗學校失敗,也經歷了多次搬家、遷徙。

Bronson alcott , the “ sage of concord . ” her early surroundings were of a highly intellectual and literary character , and she naturally took to writing while still very young 早期生活在一個高級知識分子和文人的環境中,很自然地在她還很年輕的時候就從事了寫作。

After several attempts at literature , miss alcott wrote “ little women , ” which was an immediate success , reaching a sale of 87 , 000 copies in three years 在文學方面幾經嘗試,奧爾科特小姐寫下了《小婦人》一書,立即獲得極大的成功,三年之內銷售了八萬七千冊。

While sitting in front of a roaring fire with a cup of hot cocoa , you ' ll bereading something by maeve binchy or louisa may alcott 當坐在溫暖的火爐前喝著熱可可奶時,巨蟹座最適合捧一本梅芙-賓奇或露易莎-玫-艾爾考特的書來品讀。

Alcott ' s theory on education was that “ early education is the enduring power “ in forming the imagination and moral life of a human being 愛爾考特的教育理論認為初期教育乃是形成人類想像與道德生活的持久力量。

1832 louisa m . alcott , american novelist , author of little women , was born in philadelphia 美國小說家、 《小婦人》的作者路易莎?奧爾科特出生于費城。

“ mr . alcott , a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute ? “阿爾柯特先生,我身旁的一位太太想問你全能是否沒有個性? ”

“ rich people have about as many worries as poor ones , i think ” ( louisa may alcott ) “我認為富人和窮人的煩惱一樣多” (路易莎?梅?阿爾科特) 。