
alcoholism n.酒精中毒。


Others have questions regarding health - related issues such as alcoholism , drug abuse , or hiv / aids 其他人則有健康相關的問題,例如酗酒、藥物濫用、或hiv與愛滋病。

Stress can cause car accidents , heart attacks , and alcoholism , and may even drive people to suicide 壓力能導致車禍、心臟病和酗酒癥,甚至最終迫人自殺。

Risk factors for esophageal squamous carcinoma include mainly smoking and alcoholism in the u . s 食管鱗狀細胞癌的危險因素在美國包括大量吸煙和酒精中毒。

Q : what causes the problem of alcoholism ? what causes it to arise in the alcoholic s spirit :請問是什么因素導致酗酒的問題酗酒者內在真正的原因是什么

Results are published in the april issue of alcoholism : clinical & experimental research 該結果發表在《酒精中毒:臨床及實驗研究雜志》四月刊上。

The remaining liver is a pale yellow brown because of fatty change from chronic alcoholism 由于慢性酒精中毒引起脂肪變,其余的肝臟呈淡黃褐色。

The definition of alcoholism : every day drink alcohol 20g or more and continued three months 酗酒定義為,每日飲乙醇209以上連續三個月者。

Experimental study on liver protective effects of yuegan capsule in treating alcoholism mice 悅肝膠囊對酒精中毒小鼠肝臟保護作用的實驗研究

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 標簽上會出現很多細節的內容,如:在何處進行酒精中毒的救治。

They saw the effects of alcoholism , obesity and poverty - related illness 他們看到了酒精中毒,過度肥胖和與貧困相關的疾病所帶來的后果。

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 這些標簽同樣可能包括酗酒者在那里能得到幫助的詳細信息。

He had a history of alcoholism , with several hospital admissions for gastrointestinal bleeding 他有酗酒史,并因胃出血而住過幾次院。

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 標注上也許會包含在酒精中毒后在哪里尋求幫助的細節。

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 各種商標可能還包括在哪里尋求酒精中毒幫助的細節。

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 新標簽很能包括酒精中毒者在哪能夠得到幫助等信息。

Labels are also likely to include details of where to get help for alcoholism 標志也可能包括酒精中毒后可以從何獲得幫助等細節。

Alcoholism and health 飲酒與健康

At least a third of adults suffer from diabetes and alcoholism is common 至少有三分之一的成年上患上了糖尿病并且酗酒司空見慣。

Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism 存在豐富的證據證明遺傳因素是酗酒的部分原因。