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alcoholics anonymous 嗜酒者互誡協會〔美國的戒酒團體,略作 AA, A.A.〕...

My spiritual roots were first formed in alcoholics anonymous . i was taught “ don t drink and keep coming back . 我的靈修始于戒酒,有人教我:不要飲酒并常來小中心。


And its based on the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous . the 12 steps that have been used in recovery groups regardless of what the addiction is for decades . ive been talking about it now and somebody wrote in and asked me why dont you give credit to the author of the 12 steps 過去幾星期,我們都在講,要邁向更好的你,我們基于aa治療中心的十二步驟數十年來,十二步驟在不同的復康小組中被采用,不管要對付哪方面的沉迷,我就是在講這十二步驟。

Also , many problem drinkers , instead of going to alcoholics anonymous or similar programmes , go there to promise her that they will never drink again , or abstain for a certain period ; it is reported that the majority of these find the strength to fulfill their promise 同時,很多酗酒者,到那里去向她保證不會再喝了,或者是會禁止喝一段時期,而不是去酒館或任何類似的地方;據報道說大多數的這些人都找到了力量去履行他們的諾言。

And the two of them were the spiritual participants that helped brother bill put together the twelve step programs for alcoholic anonymous . aa didn t come out of secular hearts and secular minds . it came out of the hearts and minds of norman vincent peale and dr . samuel shoemaker 他們兩人在精神上幫助比爾弟兄,設計出十二步的酗酒治療計劃,這計劃其實不是個非宗教的計劃,它來自諾曼和森姆博士的心靈。

His name is dick b . and if you want to study the history of alcoholics anonymous you can go to dickb . com and it can give you some more information but this is the best summary of who wrote the 12 steps that im familiar with 我發現有一位男士,他被公認為研究aa治療中心歷史的主要人物,他的名字是dick b . 。若你想研究aa治療中心的歷史,瀏覽dickb . com ,就可以獲得更多資料。

But today we also know that if you re convicted of a dui , driving under the influence , one of the things the judge may do , among other things , is require you to go to an aa meeting , alcoholics anonymous 但今天我們也知道,你若承認醉酒駕駛,法官會做的其中一件事就是。當然還有其它的事,就是要求你參加嗜酒無名氏聚會。

I don t usually make predictions , but i do suggest you get tuned into the ultimate reality that stimulates creativity , known as the higher power in alcoholics anonymous 我不懂作預測,但我建議你調較自己,細聽主耶穌具創造性的話。圣經中的神,是世上最高的權能。

Nestler of the university of texas southwestern medical center . “ an argument can be made that alcoholics anonymous provides that type of alternative focus 匿名戒酒會是個好例子,我們可以用它作為另類療法的典型。

They came to the door and knocked on the door and said , we are here to take you to an alcoholics anonymous meeting 那次事情鬧得很大,她說:每一次我們在一起,就會吵架,會向對方尖叫。

My spiritual roots were first formed in alcoholics anonymous . i was taught “ don t drink and keep coming back . 我的靈修始于戒酒,有人教我:不要飲酒并常來小中心。

The twelve steps were presented to us by alcoholics anonymous and is used by recovery groups around the world 不管人在哪方面沉迷,都可以依照十二步驟

They were started by alcoholics anonymous and people throughout the decades have continued to use them 后來數十年,不斷被人采用。

Some time after that shannons mother went to alcoholics anonymous 我們要認出他們里面的美麗,看見那美麗,并去分享。