
alcoholic adj.1.酒精的,含酒精的。2.酒精中毒的。短語和例子...

“ he was a convivial fellow . “ meaning he was an alcoholic “他是個歡宴的人”是指他酗酒

A : both are alcoholic cocktails , aren “ t they 兩杯含酒精的雞尾酒,對嗎?

alcoholic poisoning

General standard for the labeling of prepackaged alcoholic beverage 預包裝飲料酒標簽通則

Dad , why does paul visit his alcoholic dad every month 爸,為何保羅每個月固定去看他爸

Development of sweet alcoholic beverage of buckwheat 蕎麥甜酒飲品的研制

Rum is an alcoholic drink distilled from sugar - cane juice 郎姆酒是用甘蔗汁蒸餾制成的。

You were an alcoholic and wildly promiscuous woman 在我形成性格的年齡

You know , i ' d love to , but i ' m a recovering alcoholic 我很想,但我是一個改過自新的酒鬼

105 while on the path from alcoholic to spiritual practitioner 105靈修路上酒漢修行記

“ he was a convivial fellow . “ meaning he was an alcoholic “他是個歡宴的人”是指他酗酒

A : both are alcoholic cocktails , aren “ t they 兩杯含酒精的雞尾酒,對嗎?

But my name is gayle , and i ' m an alcoholic 可是,我是gayle ,而且我酗酒

Public consultation on alcoholic beverages duty 含酒精飲品應課稅品稅諮詢

Alcoholic drinks is not allowed into certain countries 有些國家禁止帶入含酒精的飲料。

These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages 這些商店不準出售含酒精飲料。

Alcoholic beverages : 1 litre of alcoholic or liquor : 1公升酒精飲品或烈酒

Alcoholic beverages are drinks containing ethanol 酒精飲料就是指那些含有乙醇的飲料。

- great . an alcoholic . - he ' s not an alcoholic 太好了,一個酒鬼他不是酒鬼

Great . an alcoholic . - he ' s not an alcoholic 太好了,一個酒鬼他不是酒鬼