
alcohol n.1.【化學】醇;乙醇,酒精。2.含酒精飲料。短語和例...


Urban families in the soviet union devote nearly the same proportion of their weekly budgets to alcohol as u.s. families do to food . 在蘇聯城市生活的家庭,每周用于喝酒的錢,同美國家庭每周用于吃飯的錢一樣多。

An early type consisted merely of a bottle containing water(or alcohol or mercury)with a long nail dipping into the liquid . 早期的(萊頓瓶)只是由一個盛水(或酒精、或水銀)的瓶子和一個浸入液體的長釘子組成。

Reaction is carried out under a fractionating column that allows aldehyde to pass but returns alcohol to the reaction vessel . 反應是在裝有分餾柱的反應器中進行的,分餾柱能讓醛通過但使醇回流到反應器中。

An alternative approach to alcohols having two identical r groups(q)is to disconnect both at once . 另一可供選用的,通向具有兩個等同R基的醇(q)的辦法是,將這兩個R基一舉全都切開。

An alcoholic is one who becomes physically dependent on alcohol and over-whelmingly involved in getting and using it . 酒精中毒者是一個身體里離不開酒,并完全沉溺于尋酒和飲酒的人。

The researchers related these changes to the heart muscle's greater need for oxygen when alcohol is in the body . 研究人員認為,這些改變是與在體內有酒時,心肌對氧的需要增大有關。

Indeed, always to focus on alcohol in the content of alcoholism is, i think, to miss the point . 事實上,我認為始終圍繞著酗酒問題盯住不放,是沒有抓住問題的要害。

To rid the culture room of mites, bench tops and shelves should be washed with 70% alcohol . 為了清除培養室里的螨,工作臺以及培養架應該用70酒精擦洗。

The working solution is made by mixing 1 part of the stock solution with 6 to 8 parts of methyl alcohol . 工作用液是1份儲備液和6-8份甲醇配成的。

The drunkard stinks and vomits in his own bed and dissolves his organs in alcohol . 酒鬼臭氣沖天,在自己床上嘔吐,讓酒精把他的五臟六腑都爛掉。

If you are discomfited by this preoccupation, then you have an alcohol problem . 如果你被這種酒癖弄得狼狽不堪,那末酒對你才真正成了問題。

In him the alcohol merely roused the spirit of evil, vengeful recklessness . 酒下了他的肚子,只激起了一股狠勁,叫他一心想報仇,不顧死活。

He ducked with his head and shoulders, scraped with more advanced hoof, bolted the alcohol . 他腦袋和肩膀一縮,前腳一伸,把酒囫圇吞下肚。

After drinking has been ended, the short-term effects of alcohol withdrawal must be managed . 在停止飲酒以后,必須控制斷酒后的短期影響。

The amount of alcohol supplied each time is established experimentally for a given centrifuge . 對于給定的離心機,每次用醇量由經驗確定。

In any other case alcohol formed as the reaction proceeds cannot be oxidized . 在其它任何情況下,反應進行時所生成的醇,不能被氧化。

The flux is generally an organic salt dissolved in water and alcohol mixture . 助熔劑通常是一種溶于水和酒精中的有機鹽混合物。

Alcohol puts the liver through some of its toughest, most elaborate paces . 酒精使肝臟處于最為艱難,疲于奔命的狀態之下。

Ice bags and alcohol sponges help to reduce fever, especially in children . 用冰袋和灑精擦浴有助于降體溫,尤其是對兒童。