
alchemy n.1.煉金術;(中國古代的)煉丹術。2.魔力,秘法。短...

Alchemy , magic , readings , old secrets , new discoveries . a variety of topics , including alchemy , history -由靈異學大師“醉公子“主持的討論區,天南地北無所不談。


The connections between alchemy and the qabbalah are among the deepest mysteries , and are gone into a later stage in the course 煉金術和卡巴拉的連接是在深奧的神秘當中,進入了過程的隨后階段。

They are obtained mostly from jewelcrafting and alchemy , while the run speed one can be purchased from a vendor 他們能夠從珠寶加工或是煉金專業獲得,當然運氣好的話也可以從特殊商人處購買。

Thanks to financial alchemy , an mbs made up of low - quality loans can still enjoy a good credit rating 由于金融市場的魔力,一只由低質量債務組成的房貸擔保證券也能獲得一個良好的信貸評級。

I also expect that the bursting of the alchemy bubble in the credit markets won ' t seriously disrupt the global boom 我還認為,信貸市場煉金術泡沫的破裂不會嚴重破壞全球繁榮。

This is how his knowledge of alchemy is linked with his inhuman resistance and his witcher training 這正是他的煉金術與他非凡的抵抗力以及巫術磨練如何結合聯系在一起了。

Introduction : steel alchemy division and read the bar , the protagonist of this battle is not eduardo daisuke 鋼之煉金術師,看過了吧,今天戰斗的主角不是愛德華是大佐

Alchemy , magic , readings , old secrets , new discoveries . a variety of topics , including alchemy , history -由靈異學大師“醉公子“主持的討論區,天南地北無所不談。

Jacobson , matthew frye . whiteness of a different color : european immigrants and the alchemy of race . 1998 《不同膚色族群的白化:歐洲移民和族群的融合》 1998

I shall seek this man , as i have sought truth in books ; as i have sought gold in alchemy 我要象我在書本中探索真理用煉金術提煉黃金那樣去找出這個男人。

Steel alchemy division and read the bar , the protagonist of this battle is not eduardo daisuke 鋼之煉金術師,看過了吧,今天戰斗的主角不是愛德華是大佐

Thus , the elements would be interconvertible , so this idea was a precursor to alchemy 從而,元素是可以互相轉化的,這樣的思想是煉金術的先驅。

The black crow sometimes also the raven is the beginning of the great work of soul alchemy 黑烏鴉在靈魂煉金術偉大工作的開頭表現為大烏鴉。

Roy : this work needs someone who can use alchemy professionally . can you control elements 羅伊:這個工作必須熟練的?金術。您能操控元素嗎?

Emperor : never , his is the power of magic and alchemy . but ours is the power of heaven 皇帝:他那不過是魔法邪術,我們有上蒼賜予的力量。

I ' m convinced it was the product of a subtle magic , the alchemy of moonlight 我相信這一切都是不可思議的魔力- -月光煉金術的效果。

We are about to find out how much of it has been driven by financial alchemy 我們即將發現,它在多大程度上是由金融煉金術促成的。

Steel alchemy division 鋼之煉金術師

Mercury was essential in the alchemy process to refine gold and silver 在金銀的提煉和鍍金工藝中,汞的煉制是必不可少的。