
alchemist n.煉金術士。


Although at first glance all this complex mass of symbolism seems tortured and confused there is an inner coherence to these symbols , which the ancient alchemists used in specific ways reflecting their esoteric content 盡管最初掃視這些一大堆復雜的符號是令人困惑和折磨人,但這些符號里面有著內在的一致性,古代煉金術士用特別的方法去反映它們的深奧概念。

In the age - old image of the uroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process , for it was clear to the more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself 在古老的大毒蛇肖像上,有著自我吞吃的謊言,把自己轉變成一個循環的進程,對于機敏的煉金術士來說,原初母親的藝術正是人類自己。

The alchemists , who in their own way knew more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do , expressed this paradox through the symbol of the uroboros , the snake that eats its own tail 煉金術,在它們自己的道路上,比我們現在所做的知道更多個體進化的本性,是通過大毒蛇這個象征來表達似是而非的觀點,蛇用自己的頭咬自己的尾巴。

Then again , 65 million readers can ' t be wrong ; the spare , propulsive style that drove the alchemist , eleven minutes and coelho ' s other books will easily carry fans through myriad iterations of the ways and means of amor 再說, 65萬讀者不能錯;備用,推進風格驅使方士, 11分鐘和科埃略的其他書籍,容易攜帶球迷通過無數次迭代的方法和途徑阿莫爾。

This indicates the initial stages of the alchemist s encounter with his inner space , through withdrawing from the outer world of the senses in meditation , and entering what is initially the dark inner world of the soul 這種指示代表煉金術士遇到的內在空間的階段,通過外在本質上的官能冥想而抽出來,進入什么是靈魂世界里面最初的內在黑暗。

Leaders are classified into one of seven distinctive action logic categories ? the opportunists , diplomats and experts , and progressing gradually to the achievers , individualists , strategists and alchemists 領導人具有7種不同的行為邏輯類型機會主義者型、外交官型和專家型,然后進一步成就償型、個人主義者型、戰略家型和煉金術士型。

The alchemists , who in their own way knew more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do , expressed this paradox through the symbol of the uroboros , the snake that eats its own tail 煉金術士,以自己的方式得知的自然個性化進展比我們今天懂得的還多,通過這種標記解釋了這種似非而是的論點,蛇咬著自己的尾巴。

According to the best - selling brazilian novelist paulo coelho , these few are alchemists : people who have the courage to follow their dreams and change their ordinary livess into ssomething extraordinary 在巴西暢銷小說家保羅-科爾賀的筆下,這些少數人是煉金士,他們滿懷勇氣去追尋自己的夢想,把自己平凡的生活變得有聲有色。

Though formally trained as an alchemist , torosar has always had an interest in battlefield and siege tactics , often studying texts on the subject of war more frequently than on the subject of alchemy 雖然特洛薩所受的正規訓練是煉金術,但他對戰地戰術和攻城戰術有強烈的興趣,看的有關戰爭方面的書要比煉金術方面的書多得多。

The researchers used their technique to create an image of the sun inspired by the drawings of robert fludd , a 17th - century alchemist ( the sun is the alchemists ' symbol for gold ) 研究人員要使用他們的這種科技來制作出一張太陽的圖像,圖像的靈感來自于一位17世紀煉金術士的繪畫作品(太陽是煉金術士表示黃金的標志) 。

Ideally , this digital development method would replace the tedious trial - and - error process that dates back to before medieval alchemists first tried to turn base metals into gold 自從中世紀開始,煉金術士便試圖把賤金屬轉化為純金,而在理想上,上述的數位化合金設計方法,將能取代煉金術士那冗長、繁瑣的試誤過程。

Magic card : alchemists game , you as a alchemy disabilities , the need to license the hands of the elements out of the market , we will call for elements add furnace smelting . you w 在“魔幻牌:煉金術士”游戲中,你作為一名煉金術士,需要將手中的元素牌出到場上,我們稱之為將元素放入熔爐進行冶煉。

Level 3 - the alchemist causes his ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown to 1 . 25 , increasing hitpoints by 600 and improved regeneration 三級-增加600點的生命,基礎攻擊間隔降低至1 . 25秒,基礎生命回復速度上升至60點/秒,基礎魔法回復速度上升至12點/秒。

Level 1 - the alchemist causes his ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown to 1 . 45 , increasing hitpoints by 200 and improved regeneration 一級-增加200點的生命,基礎攻擊間隔降低至1 . 45秒,基礎生命回復速度上升至15點/秒,基礎魔法回復速度上升至3點/秒。

Level 2 - the alchemist causes his ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown to 1 . 35 , increasing hitpoints by 400 and improved regeneration 二級-增加400點的生命,基礎攻擊間隔降低至1 . 35秒,基礎生命回復速度上升至30點/秒,基礎魔法回復速度上升至6點/秒。

Though it is not stated explicitly in the book , santiago is himself an alchemist ? someone like coelho , who has the power to take something common and render it remarkable 圣地亞哥自己就是煉金士,雖然書中并沒有明確指出這一點,但他卻和科爾賀一樣,擁有化平凡為神奇的力量。

In 1926 , jung had a remarkable dream . he felt himself transported back into the 17th century , and saw himself as an alchemist , engaged in the great work 1926年,容格擁有一個不尋找的夢。他覺得自己被傳送回到了十七世紀,看到自己是一位煉金術士,正在從事偉大的工作。

Up until this point the alchemist has experienced aspects of his being which he was formerly unconscious of - the etheric forces and the astral body 直到這個點上,煉金術士已經經歷了他存在的面貌,他從前是不省人事? ?不醒人事于醚的力量和星形身體。

The dark elves were always short of mercury , until one clever alchemist figured out how to extract it from subterranean lichen 原:黑暗精靈的水銀原來一直短缺,直到有一天一位聰明的煉金術士發明了從地下苔蘚萃取水銀的方法,這種窘境才得到改觀。