
albuminuria n.【醫學】蛋白尿(病)。


Among antihypertensive measures , blockade of the raas by means of ace inhibitors or angiotensin ii receptor antagonists recently emerged as a potentially polyvalent approach , not only for treating hypertension and reducing cardiovascular events , but also to prevent or reduce albuminuria , counteract diabetic nephropathy and lower the occurrence of new type 2 diabetes in individuals at risk 在抗高血壓藥物治療中,通過用ace抑制劑或血管緊張素受體拮抗劑可阻滯腎素-血管緊張素-醛固酮系統激活,最近其可作為一種潛在多能的治療方法,不僅可治療高血壓和減少心血管事件,也能夠預防或減少蛋白尿,阻止糖尿病性腎病變,并使新糖尿病患者發生風險性降得更低。

According to your study , in csii ( continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion ) group , the lower glucose variability is , the higher aer ( albuminuria excretion rate ) decreased , does it mean that in our daily clinical setting , it is necessary to control hyperglycemia step by step to normal level 您推測csii組尿蛋白減少較多是由于該組血糖變異較小,那么在臨床工作中,對于血糖控制較差的糖尿病患者,是否應該逐漸將血糖降至正常?

We prospectively investigated whether measurements of carotid intima - media thickness in the presence or absence of albuminuria in patients with stable chest pain syndromes can be used as a noninvasive test algorithm for prediction of significant coronary artery disease 前瞻性研究穩定性胸痛綜合征患者在有/無蛋白尿時的頸動脈內膜中層厚度測量能否作為預測重要冠狀動脈疾病的一種無創性檢查方法。

The point of this brief historic reiew , if there is one , is that the meaning of a word can change , and that the meaning of albuminuria has changed as the methods to detect and characterize proteins hae eoled 如果說這篇簡短的有歷史意義的綜述有要點的話,那就是它指出了一個單詞的含義是可以變化的,而且隨著檢測和鑒定蛋白質方法的變化,白蛋白尿的含意也發生了改變。

Interestingly , the word proteinuria was introduced later , but the words albuminuria and proteinuria hae often been used interchangeably ? which clearly they are not 有趣的是,隨后蛋白尿這一術語又被派生出來,雖然白蛋白尿和蛋白尿這兩個術語常常被交替使用,但很明顯兩者并不等同。

The origin of albuminuria remains controersial owing to difficulties in quantifying the actual amount of albumin filtered by the kidney 由于定量檢測腎臟濾過的白蛋白有一定難度,所以關于白蛋白尿的來源一直存在爭議。

In conclusion , changes in albuminuria are not concordant in a substantial proportion of patients when titrated for bp 總之,當根據血壓調整藥物劑量時,相當多的患者白蛋白尿的變化與血壓變化并不一致。

In conclusion , removal of hs from the gbm does not result in acute albuminuria , whereas removal of neuraminic acid does 結論,從腎小球中除掉hs不會導致蛋白尿,但除掉神經氨酸則可以引起蛋白尿。

To determine whether symptomatic or asymptomatic uti causes proteinuria or albuminuria 目的:確定癥狀性或無癥狀性uti是否會導致蛋白尿或微量白蛋白尿。

Do the characteristics and outcome differ for subjects with and without albuminuria 該特點及結論是與有蛋白尿和無蛋白尿的受試者不同嗎

Albuminuria and edema disappear quickly . 2 improve the restoration of renal function 尤其表現在,蛋白尿消失快,水腫消失快。