
albumin n.【生物化學】清蛋白,白蛋白。


Effects of yi tang ning granules on glycometabolism and trace albumin in urine in the type ii diabetics 益糖寧顆粒對2型糖尿病糖代謝及尿微量白蛋白的影響

Comparision of clinical value between serum - ascites albumin gradient and the concept of exudate - transudate 血清腹水白蛋白梯度對腹水鑒別診斷的臨床價值

Application in the urine albumin quantitative analysis with reflectivity by us2100r urine analyzer 尿干化學分析儀反射率在尿液白蛋白定量分析中的應用

Changes and effects of plasma ischemia modified albumin on percutaneous coronary intervention 缺血修飾白蛋白在經皮冠狀動脈介入治療術中的變化及意義

Value of serum - peritoneal fluid albumin gradient in differential diagnosis of cause of peritoneal fluid 腹水白蛋白梯度在鑒別腹水病因的診斷價值

Increased glandular permeability to albumin has been reported preiously in ss [ 40 ] 腺體對白蛋白滲透率的增加在以往的干燥綜合癥曾報道過40 。

High level expression of human recombinant albumin gene in the yeast pichia pastoris 人血管內皮生長因子受體2胞外段在畢赤氏巴斯德酵母中的表達

Study on the thermodynamics of the binding reaction of griseofulrin to bovine serum albumin 灰黃霉素與牛血清白蛋白結合反應的熒光光譜研究

Diagnostic value of the serum - ascites albumin gradient in differentiation of ascites 腹水白蛋白梯度與滲漏出液在腹水鑒別診斷中的價值比較

Clinical value of the serum - ascites albumin gradient in the differential diagnosis of ascites 血清腹水白蛋白梯度在腹水臨床診斷中的價值

Preparaion of albumin - fixed membrane and study on its characteristics of facilitated transport 固定白蛋白促進傳遞膜的制備及性能研究

Role of urine albumin - alpha 1 - microglobulin ratio in the diagnosis of clinical renal diseases 1微球蛋白比值在臨床腎臟病診斷中的意義

Tentative method for quantitative analysis by immunoturbidimetry of human serum albumin 人體血清清蛋白免疫比濁法定量分析的暫行方法

Blood albumin glue 血白蛋白膠

Spectroscopy study on the interaction between colchicine and bovine serum albumin 秋水仙堿與牛血清白蛋白相互作用的光譜性質研究

The correlation between serum - ascites albumin gradient and portal - hypertension syndrome 腹水白蛋白梯度與門脈高壓癥關系的探討

Human serum albumin 與人血清白蛋白

Bovine serum albumin 或牛血清白蛋白

Study on the interaction between tetrabromofluorescein and bovine serum albumins 曙紅與牛血清白蛋白相互作用的熒光光譜研究