
albumen n.1.蛋白。2.【生物化學】清蛋白,白蛋白(= alb...

It presentes the modal of “ bimorph degradation “ . unwoven meshes were formed by pdlla / ha composite fibers with diameter of 10 ~ 15 m and embedded by i collagen albumen , polylysine and collagen albumen of the rats “ tails 前期降解較為緩慢, ph值基本穩定地保持在7 . 0左右, ha真正起到了代償pdlla降解引起的ph下降的作用,有助于防上無菌性炎癥的發生,也有利于細胞生長和組織形成。


The product distillated from the cream of mount fuji mud , it contains more than thirty mineral element and several kinds of rare mud element which has living activity effect , it can interact with high polymer albumen nucleic acid which is inner body of human , produces activity enzyme , strong adsorption ability , it can accelerate metabolism of skin , whiten and energy the skin , firming skin , strengthen skin elasticity , improve skin elasticity , arouse human body enginery 本品提取日本富士山火山泥的精華物,內含三十多種豐富的礦物元素和多種生物活性效應的稀土元素,能與人體內許多的高分子蛋白核酸等相互作用,產生活性酶,超強的吸附能力,加快肌膚新陳代謝,自然美白,收緊肌膚,增強皮膚彈性、提升肌膚活力、激發人體機能。

Product this adopt newest hair care fill a prescription , include ppt high energy water raise factor , silk albumen factor , hair softener , etc . various kinds of hair necessary high energy fertilizer , choosing the most popular color , the overall reorganization is repaired to breaking out beautifully while having hair dyed , let the beautiful hair keep permanent and long healthy and beautiful color 本品采用最新護發配方,內含ppt高能水養因子、絲蛋白素、頭發柔軟劑等各種毛發所需高能肥料,選擇最流行的色彩,在染發的同時對秀發作全面的重組修復,讓秀發保持恒久的健康及亮麗的色彩。

In addition , there are many qinghai ' s unique dishes of plateau style , such as fengwo liji ( tenderloin ) , danbai chongcao ji ( albumen caterpillar fungus chicken ) , yuanyang furong facai ( mandarin lotus long thread moss ) , shu helong , qingtang yangdu , rensen yangjing , songshu liyu ( carp ) , jinyu facai ( long thread moss ) , juhua liyu ( carp ) , facai zhengdan ( egg potage ) , yangrou shao qietiao ( mutton stewed with aubergine ) , kao yangrou ( toasted mutton ) , fazi routuan , huangmeng yanggaorou ( stewed lamb ) and so on 此外,還有蜂窩里脊、蛋白蟲草雞、鴛鴦芙蓉發菜、酥合龍、清湯羊肚、人參羊筋、松鼠鯉魚、金魚發菜、菊花鯉魚、發菜蒸蛋、羊肉蘑菇片、羊肉燒茄條、烤羊肉、筏子肉團、黃燜羊羔肉等青海特有的高原風味佳肴。

Contents hydrolysis albumen , wheat bud iso - nourishment essence , can permeate quickly to the hair lay inside the , change thin microstructural in hair , special abstraction bone collagen albumen and the gum of s refine the article , enhancing the cellulose and albumen construction synthetase , it can be quick to combine in the hair surface layeformulating weak ackd protection membrane , prevent the hairthrow to lose nourishment and of aqua 含豐富水份的滋潤配方和先進的修護燙發成份,在燙發過程中補充頭發的各種必須營養素,令頭發角質張開時得到深層修護,并補充流失的氨基酸,保護頭發,令燙后秀發的卷度更有彈性、光澤柔亮。

This product adopts the newest hair care to fill a prescription , include ppt high energy water raise factor , silk albumen factor , hair softener , etc . perm newest raw materials balanced the sour alkali the auxiliary physiotherapy to various kinds of hair quality , balance hair organize , remove daily damaged hair , make frank hair for arrange to slip like the gentle silk , and too lasting to rebound , the sensation of movement of model is elegant 本品采用最新護發配方,內含ppt高能水養因子、絲蛋白素、頭發柔軟劑等燙發最新原料針對各種發質進行酸堿平衡輔助理療,平衡發鍵組織,解除日常頭發損傷,使直發后為柔絲般順滑,且持久不反彈,造型動感飄逸。

Shrub drought resistance mechanism , including of the relationships and changes of drought shrub growth character , anatomical structure , membrane penetration , photosynthetic characteristics and osmoregulation substance ( soluble sugar , praline , betaine and abio - hydroninm ) , aba and lea albumen , were summarized 摘要從灌木生長性狀、形態結構、細胞質膜透性、光合、滲透調節(可溶性糖、脯氨酸、甜菜堿和無機離子) 、 aba和lea蛋白變化及其與灌木抗旱性的關系方面,綜述了灌木抗旱機理研究。

This article of aqua with abundant natural essence of vc , the hydrolysis albumen , beautiful white compound etc . , quick complement skin of energy lose and nutrient , make the skin keep the wetness balance , the elimination cause tired because of the anhydro - , the slow skin cause dry because of the dtying , burst etc . phenomenon , at the same time quick beautiful and white skin of energy , improve the skin quality , make skin been gone to the exoenzyme by the mile send forth the youth brilliance 成份:本品含豐富的天然維c精華,水解蛋白,美白復合等,能迅速補充肌膚失去的水份及養份,使肌膚保持濕潤平衡,消除因脫水引起的疲勞,舒緩肌膚因干燥而引起的干旱、爆裂等現象,同時能迅速美白肌膚,改善膚質,令肌膚由里至外散發青春光彩。

Adpt company grow albumen yellow powder insect with meticulous care , become with meticulous care by the all technique expert , the egg white quality content is up to 60 % , implying abundant amino acids and to the human body bendficial other nourishment compositions , this product is in keeping with to increase various rice noodles , dumpling farcing , moon cake , condiment , nodles , pot ba , bread , candy , pastry and various biscuit in 采用我公司精心培育高蛋白黃粉蟲,經我公司高技術專家精心研制加工而成,蛋白質量含量高達60 % ,含有豐富的氨基酸和對人體有益的其他營養成分,本產品適合添加各種米面,水餃餡、月餅、調味品、面條、鍋巴、面包、糖果、糕點和各種餅干中。

Meanwhile the company aims constantly at the market in the development of the functional fabrics , and develops the advanced products , such as the new - type fiber , bamboo fiber , modal fiber , albumen fiber of soybean , a serial knitted underwear of corn fiber , etc . some of the products , which defend the fungus and resist the stink as well as the far infrared , thermal insulation and anion products , etc . have been approved by the market 與此同時還不斷瞄準市場,開發出具有前瞻性的產品,如新型纖維竹子纖維莫代爾纖維大豆蛋白纖維玉米纖維等系列針織內衣,均為國內先進水平。防菌抗臭,遠紅外保暖,負離子等產品也得到市場的認可。

The experiment considers to make clear recently , the root of red - rooted salvia can stimulate level of albumen of coupling of fiber of plasma of become known rat to lift , raise meshy endodermis system to gobble up function and opsonic active thereby , avoid hepatic immune loss , obtain protection liver cell and stimulative liver the action of rejuvenesce 最近實驗研究表明,丹參可刺激大白鼠血漿纖維聯結蛋白水平升高,從而提高網狀內皮系統吞噬功能及調理素活性,防止肝臟的免疫損傷,達到保護肝細胞和促進肝細胞再生的作用。

Integrating with the hi - tech elements of - carrot albumen and chlorophyll time - inverse non - trace repair factor etc . , it can activate cell power , effectively prevent skin from aging , nourishing skin , and make it water tender , smooth , and healthy with vigor for long time 結合-胡蘿卜蛋白、葉綠素逆時無痕修復因子等高科技成份,激活細胞活力,有效防止肌膚老化,滋潤營養,令肌膚長時間水嫩白滑、健康活力。

We will display the vacuum filler , bowl cutter , clipper , slicing machine , smoke house , emulsifier , injector , thermoforming machine , flake ice machine , deringding machine , slaughter equipment , albumen , vegetable processing machine and casing 我司將展出灌腸機和扭結灌腸機,斬拌機,打卡機,切片機,煙熏爐,乳化機,鹽水注射機,連續式真空包裝機,制冰機,去皮機,屠宰設備,肉蛋白,蔬果加工及腸衣。

It presentes the modal of “ bimorph degradation “ . unwoven meshes were formed by pdlla / ha composite fibers with diameter of 10 ~ 15 m and embedded by i collagen albumen , polylysine and collagen albumen of the rats “ tails 前期降解較為緩慢, ph值基本穩定地保持在7 . 0左右, ha真正起到了代償pdlla降解引起的ph下降的作用,有助于防上無菌性炎癥的發生,也有利于細胞生長和組織形成。

The hair of single gene disease is the commonnest in disease of single gene of ill mechanism include : metabolization is enzymatic kind of blemish disease , haemoglobin structure is unusual with quantitative blemish disease , blemish of other albumen factor 單基因病的發病機制單基因疾病中最常見的包括:代謝酶類缺陷疾病,血紅蛋白結構異常和數量缺陷疾病,其他蛋白因子缺陷。

C4s made the elongated ( 101 ) crystal face longer and the crystals become thinner while cattle serum albumen only made com become thinner . l - glutamic acid , one of amino residues , increased the edges and corners of com crystals ) 01 )晶面變成拉長的六邊形,而且晶體的厚度變薄; l - glu使草酸鈣晶體棱角明顯增多,形成多棱“不規則”晶體; csa也使草酸鈣晶體變薄。

In the day grain of single stomach animal , the fish meal is especially suitable for cooperating with other fodder to remedy deficiency of the essential amino acid ( eaa ) in others raw materials , especially in the low quality plant albumen 在單胃動物日糧中,魚粉特別適于同其它飼料配合,以彌補其它許多原料尤其是低質植物蛋白中必需氨基酸( eaa )的不足。

Efficacy : the unique roman sweet chrysanthemum botanic cells repair hormone injects sustaining energy for the mature cells , restores the damaged cells and stimulates the generation of collagen albumen to prevent skin aging process 功效:獨有的羅馬甘菊植物細胞修護激素,為成熟細胞注入源源不斷的活力,還原修護受損細胞,刺激膠原蛋白增生,阻止老化。

Importing the latest spa care therapeutics , cooperated with milk albumen and pearl moisturizing composition , it cleans the body gently and strengthens the moisture ability of the skin , caring , whitening and nourishing the skin 吸取最新spa護理療法;配合牛奶蛋白和珍珠潤膚成分柔和清潔全身,同時增強肌膚保濕能力,呵護肌膚、美白滋養。