
albite n.【礦物】鈉長石。


Feldspqr s degree of hardness motion between 6 - 6 . 5 , specific weight motion bet ween 2 - 2 . 5 . it s brittleness but have the higher anti - to press the strength , right sour have the stronger chemistry stability . the potassic feldspar s color many is red for meat , and also have the ash , white the brown . the albite is white , ash and buff the anorthite is white or shallow gray 長石的硬度波動于6 - 6 . 5 ,比重波動于2 - 2 . 5 ,性脆,有較高的抗壓強度,對酸有較強的化學穩定性。鉀長石顏色多為肉紅色,也有灰白褐色。鈉長石為白灰及淺黃色,鈣長石為白色或淺灰色。

The high - pressure metamorphic rocks in northeastern jiangxi province include such types of rocks as jadeite - bearing aegirine - augite albite amphibole schist , jadeite - bearing aegirine - augite quartz albitite , aegirine - augite - bearing amphibole quartz albitite , aegirine - augite - bearing albite amphibole schist , winchite quartz albitite , and magnesio - riebeckite quartz albitite 摘要贛東北高壓變質巖包括含硬玉霓輝石鈉長角閃片巖、含硬玉霓輝石石英納長石巖、含霓輝石角長閃石英鈉長石巖、含霓輝石鈉長角閃片巖、藍透閃石石英鈉長石巖、鎂鈉閃石石英鈉長石巖等巖石類型。

There are three genetic types of mineral deposits in the beiya ore district : cu - au polymetallic deposits related to alkaline porphyries , comprising porphyritic cu - au deposits and polymetallic skarn deposits related to quartz - albite porphyry and quartz - k - feldspar porphyry ; fe - au deposits related to gabbro or basalt magma , consisting of magmatic fe - au deposits and sedimentary polymetallic deposits formed in caves and lakes ; and palaeo - placers formed at the weathering surface , in lakes and in karsts 北衙金礦有3種成因不同的礦床:與堿性斑巖有關的銅金多金屬礦,包括與石英鈉長斑巖和石英正長斑巖有關的斑巖型銅金礦床和矽卡巖型多金屬礦床;與輝長玄武巖漿有關的鐵金礦床,包括熔漿型鐵金礦床和噴流沉積型多金屬礦床,后者又有洞穴和湖相沉積環境之分;及古砂礦,有古風化殼型砂礦、河湖相古砂礦和洞穴沉積古砂礦。

Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite , aegirine - augite , magnesio - riebeckite , winchite , magnesio - hornblende , actinolite , quartz , albite , rutile and sphene 主要組成礦物為硬玉、霓輝石、鎂納閃石、藍透閃石、鎂角閃石、陽起石、石英、鈉長石、金紅石和榍石。

2 . the albite : contains upper natrium element , mol - ecular formula : na2oal2o3 3 . the anorthite : contains the upper calcium elem - ent , molecular formula : caoal2o32sio2 鈣長石:含鈣量較高的長石,分子式: caoal2o32sio2

Its chemi - cal composition mainly contain potassium , natrium , calci - um . 1 . the potassic feldspar ; 2 . the albite ; 3 . the anorthite 長石是一類礦物的總稱,化學成分是鉀鈉鈣。

Albite - anorthite series 鈉長鈣長系

Epidote albite pegmatite 綠簾鈉長偉晶巖

Albite - epidote - amphibolite facies 鈉長簾閃巖相

Anorthite and albite are important calcium-containing feldspars . 鈣長石與鈉長石是重要的含鈣長石。