
albino n.(pl. albinos)1.患白化病的人[動植物]...

albino rat

There was no significant difference between the fusion rates of reconstructed embryos . the cleavage rate of embryos reconstructed with c57bl / 6j oocytes was significant high than that of kunming albino , but the former only developed to 4 - cell stage ; the later could develop to blastocyts . it is implied that the oocytes of inbred mouse cannot support the long - term development of kunming es cell 兩種重構胚的融合率之間沒有顯著差異( p 0 . 05 ) , c57bl 6j重構胚的卵裂率( 60 . 5 )明顯高于昆明白小鼠( 33 . 7 ) ,但是前者只發育到4細胞期,而后者可以發育到桑椹期和囊胚期( 2 . 3 ) 。

The previous studies suggested that the auditory threshold of fmmu albino guinea pigs was lower significantly than that of pigment ones , the anoxia tolerance of fmmu albino guinea pigs was better than that of pigment ones , their immunological function was weaker than that of pigment ones 目的: fmmu白化豚鼠是從普通花色豚鼠突變種中選育而成的新品系封閉群實驗動物。前人研究結果表明fmmu白化豚鼠的聽覺閾值明顯低于花色豚鼠,缺氧耐受性優于花色豚鼠,免疫功能低于花色豚鼠。

These observations show that reprogramming is easier in interspecific embryos reconstructed with es cells than that reconstructed with somatic cells , and that es cells have the higher ability to direct the reconstructed embryo development normally than fibroblast cells . oocytes were reconstructed with outbreeding kunming albino mouse es cells and enucleated rabbit oocytes , and the effects of the passages of es cells and 6 - dmap on the development of interspecific reconstructed oocytes were analyzed . the interspecific reconstructed es - rabbit oocytes were activated either by combined two set electric pulses and 6 - dmap or by two set electric pulses 以上結果顯示, 6 dmap能增加胚胎干細胞異種重構卵的卵裂率,對重構卵囊胚的發育率影響不大;高培養代數和低培養代數的胚胎干細胞用于異種核移植不影響異種重構卵的卵裂率和囊胚發育率;用胚胎干細胞作為供核細胞;比體細胞作為供核細胞所構建的異種重構胚更容易進行重編程,并且胚胎于細胞指導異種克隆胚胎正常發育的能力強于體細胞。

Two types of fibroblast cells were used as donor control , one derived from ear skin of an adult kunming albino mouse , and the other derived from a mouse fetus . three types of cells were transferred into perivitelline space under zona pellucida of rabbit oocytes respectively . the reconstructed oocytes were fused and activated by electric pulses , and cultured in vitro 用二次電脈沖加6 - dmap聯合激活或單獨用二次電脈沖激活小鼠胚胎干細胞-兔卵母細胞異種重構卵時,聯合激活組的卵裂率是86 . 2 ,明顯高于單用二次電脈沖組( 64 . 2 , p 0 . 05 ) ,囊胚形成率分別為17 . 0和13 . 4 ,兩組間沒有顯著差異( p 0 . 05 ) 。

One chimaeric mouse was produced by injection of es cells into blastocyst of c57bl / 6j . the chimaeric rate of fur colour was about 15 % . fl generations of germ - transmission derived from es cell were not obtained when chimaeric mouse mated with kunming albino mice and c57bl / 6j mice 將胚胎干細胞注射到c57bl 6j小鼠的囊胚腔內,移植后產生了一只wk2 -胚胎干細胞的雄性嵌合體鼠,毛色嵌合率為15左右,成熟后分別與c56bl 6j和昆明白雌鼠交配,均未得到來自es細胞的后代。

Methods wt5bztwenty healthy male albino were intraperitoneally injected with urethane for basic anesthesia and injected with alphachloralose via ear marginal venous to maintain anesthesia , spontaneously ventilated via tracheotomy tube , with the instep record of breath and blood pressure 方法取健康雄性大耳白家兔20只,以烏拉坦腹腔注射行基礎麻醉,氯醛酮耳緣靜脈注射維持麻醉,氣管插管置家兔于自發呼吸狀態,同步記錄呼吸血壓。

Working on a tip - off , the inspectors seized the package from the czech republic and opened the cases to find live albino monocle cobras , arabian saw - scaled vipers , namibian spitting cobras and australian taipans , reputed to be the most poisonous snake on earth 由于接到線報,檢察員截住了來自捷克的包裹并在其中發現了活的白化眼鏡蛇,阿拉伯鋸攀蛇,納米比亞眼鏡蛇,和被稱為地球上最毒的澳洲大班。

The results showed that es cells derived from kunming albino mouse remained undifferentiated state when they were cultured in vitro for a long time , and karyotypies were stable , but the ability of germ - transmission have not been verified 結果顯示,用昆明白小鼠囊胚所建立的胚胎干細胞在體外長期培養時仍能保持未分化的狀態,核型穩定,但還未證明其具有生殖系嵌合的能力。

In order to know if the genetic constitution of recipient oocytes influenced the development of embryos reconstructed from es cell , oocytes of c57bl / 6j and kunming albino were used as recipient , respectively 為了了解受體卵的遺傳內涵是否對胚胎干細胞重構胚發育也會產生影響,分別以c57bl 6j和昆明白小鼠的m期去核卵為受體,構建胚胎干細胞重構胚。

The purpose of this experiment is studying rflp of mitochondrial dna ( mtdna ) from fmmu albino guinea pigs and comparing it with that in pigment ones to find whether it ' s biological characters are correlative to mtdna 本實驗的目的是研究fmmu白化豚鼠的mtdna ,并與花色豚鼠mtdna進行多態性分析比較,以確定其獨特的生物學特性是否與mtdna相關。

A handout photo made available by froso zoo aug . 24 , 2006 , the survivor of a pair of albino pygmy marmoset monkeys born at froso zoo in ostersund , sweden , clings to a zoo keeper ' s thumb in this photo taken aug . 22 , 2006 這組照片由瑞典厄斯特松德城的弗羅索公園提供。照片上是一對患白化病的侏儒狨猴,它們趴在動物管理員的手指上。

Elric . michael moorcock . an albino warrior / sorcerer from a dying race seeks out a soul - sucking sword and gets caught up in the ultimate batter between order and chaos 《艾爾瑞克》 (奇幻) ? ?邁克爾?摩考克一名白子戰士/巫師在一次死亡競賽中找到一柄吸魂劍而且在“秩序”和“混亂”之間的終極打擊下拾起了它。

Elric . michael moorcock . an albino warrior / sorcerer from a dying race seeks out a soul - sucking sword and gets caught up in the ultimate batter between order and chaos 一名白子戰士/巫師在一次死亡競賽中找到一柄吸魂劍而且在“秩序”和“混亂”之間的終極打擊下拾起了它。

Elric . michael moorcock . an albino warrior / sorcerer from a dying race seeks out a soul - sucking sword and gets caught up in the ultimate batter between order and chaos 來自逐漸消亡的一族的白化戰士/巫師獲得了一柄吸魂劍并在秩序和混亂之間的戰爭中拾起了它。

Vitaly alexeev of jefferson medical college in philadelphia created molecules of dna that , when introduced to the mutant dna within the albino mouse ' s 把這種分子引入白化病老鼠的毛囊里發生突變的dna中可以糾正突變分子,恢復毛發顏色。

Objective : to investigate the effect of the compound chitosan pellicle ( ccp ) enhancing healing of skin ulcers in rabbits . method : 19 albino rabbits were used in this study 摘要目的:觀察復方殼聚糖膜劑促進家兔皮膚潰瘍愈合的作用。

In april 2005 , a female albino cobra laid 20 eggs . 13 snakes emerged from the eggs on june 16 , 2005 , zoo officials said 這幾條眼鏡蛇的“母親”也是一條白化眼鏡蛇,它在今年4月產下了20枚蛋, 6月16日, 13條小眼鏡蛇破殼而出。

With transparent complexion and large , deep eyes , the android , cyborg - like , or even albino young girl stares at us 透明的膚色和大大的凹陷的眼睛,仿佛是人形的機器人、或是合成電子人,甚或是白化病的年輕女孩直視著我們。

If the could make the white hair of an albino mouse turn black , it should also help banish gray hair - without dyes 如果基因療法能使患白化病的老鼠毛發變黑,那不用染發劑而使用基因療法也應該有助于消除灰白頭發。