
alberta n.艾伯塔〔男子名〕。


The province was named after princess louis caroline alberta , a daughter of queen victoria of england 阿爾伯達省是以英國維多利亞女皇的一個女兒路易斯?卡洛琳?阿爾伯達公主的名字命名的。

Alberta ' s economy continued to [ color = red ] [ b ] flourish [ / b ] [ / color ] this year , aided by growing revenues from its energy resources 在能源業收入增長的帶動下,當年阿省經濟持續繁榮發展。

Besides its mining interests , teck is a partner in a big oilsands project in northern alberta 除了采礦業務外,特克-科明科公司還是加拿大阿爾伯特省北部一個大型油砂項目的合伙方之一。

He received an master of science from university of alberta and a bachelor of mathematics from the university of waterloo 他擁有阿爾伯塔大學科學碩士學位和滑鐵盧大學數學學士學位。

While alberta will be the first to test for cystic fibrosis , other provinces are already testing for the other diseases 阿省將會是第一個對新生兒進行囊性纖維性變病測試的省份。

The climate in alberta is pleasant , particularly in summer , when the average temperature is about 60 degrees fahrenheit 阿爾伯達氣候宜人,特別是夏天,平均氣溫為華氏60度左右。

The climate in alberta is pleasant , particularly in summer , when the average temperature is about 60 degrees fahrenheit 阿爾伯達氣候宜人,非凡是夏天,平均氣溫為華氏60度左右。

However new research at the university of alberta shows that sad workers are more productive 然而,最近alberta阿爾伯達大學的研究人員發現,悲觀憂愁的人高智能工作得更好。

Financial worksheet : beef feedlot breakeven analysis . ted darling , alberta agriculture , food and rural development ,加拿大阿爾伯塔省愛爾最市阿爾伯塔農業食品和農村發展局

Alberta is a most popular place for people to go to on their vacations because of its beautiful scenery 縱貫全境的加拿大落磯山脈為它贏得了“集50個瑞士于一省”的美名。

In the twenty - first international conference on machine learning , banff , alberta , canada . 2004 , p . 48 實驗結果表明,修正的概念索引在精度上要明顯優于普通的概念索引。

Alberta is located in the western part of canada and is the westernmost among the prairie provinces 阿爾伯達省位于加拿大的西部,也是草原諸省中最西部的一個省份。

Includes locations in british columbia and alberta , canada , menus , and franchising information 包括地點在不列顛哥倫比亞和阿伯塔,加拿大,菜單,和特許的信息。

The canadian executing agency for the project is agriteam canada consulting limited , from calgary , alberta 中國農業部是中國實施本項目的中方負責機構。

You ' re 3 miles into alberta , a sack of warm , spicy burritos your only companion 你深入亞伯達省三英哩,一大袋溫熱的、香辣的墨西哥卷餅是你唯一的良伴。

He is also completing his bsc degree in computing science at the university of alberta , canada 他目前正在申請加拿大亞伯達大學計算科學的理學士學位。

A meat inspection training course was held at olds college , alberta , canada from nov . 8 - dec ”組織的肉品檢驗培訓在加拿大阿爾伯塔省奧茲農學院舉行。

Discussion for model of engineering personnel training of alberta university in canada 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學工科人才培養模式解析

1 canada alberta 1加拿大馬尼托巴