
albeit 〔古語〕縱令,雖然。


Past web quality research , albeit useful , is fragmented and focuses only on subsets of web quality 過去的研究雖然有效,但其架構與焦點只限于網路品質的一部分。

Economists reckon that the single market has increased growth , albeit by less than promised 經濟學家們猜測,單一市場已經提高了經濟增長,盡管比承諾的幅度要小。

The passage of the ordinance is only a step forward , albeit an important step 2005年銀行業修訂條例獲得通過是重要的一步,但這只是起步,還有很多工作要處理。

America and the former soviet union tested anti - satellite weapons , albeit more than 20 years ago 美國和前蘇聯就曾試驗過反衛星武器,盡管這還是20多年前的事了。

Some eggs in mice without the protein survived , albeit damaged , allowing the females to become pregnant 小鼠中的卵細胞雖然已受損但仍然存活,且小鼠可以受孕。

America and the former soviet union tested anti - satellite weapons , albeit more than 20 years ago 美國曾與蘇聯展開過反衛星武器試驗,盡管這是二十多年前的事。

Energy is generated through more conventional , albeit , high - tech means , usually nuclear in nature 能量的產生更傳統一些,雖然高科技自然而然意味著使用核能。

For instance , at first , getting a tv set , albeit in black and white , was the big thing 舉例來說,從前弄到一臺電視機就是一件了不起的事情,哪怕還是黑白的。

Looking at the trend of output values since 1992 , there has been steady , albeit modest , growth 自1991年到2003年,醫藥產業的產值保持了有限度的持續增長。

We can assume that for the rest of the world it ' s only a matter of time , albeit critical time 可以假設剩下的只是時間的問題,雖然是十分關鍵的一段時間。

The evidence for a widespread rna - based regulatory system is strong , albeit still patchy 以rna為基礎的調節系統廣泛存在的證據雖然不完備,但卻相當有力。

Still , even a nonpsionic being can feel the pain of a psionic attack mode albeit blunted 然而,即便非靈能生物也會遲鈍地感受到心靈攻擊模式造成的痛苦。

That writes the xml to a file - - albeit in a most ugly fashion - as shown in listing 9 方法,然后將xml寫入文件雖然用的是最丑陋的形式,如清單9所示:

Since then , the level had stabilised and was now declining , albeit slowly , dr fraser said 直到2000年以后,氯氣含量才停止增加并呈現緩慢下降的趨勢。

Each of these is theory , albeit verbal theory , with almost no empirical content 其中的每一篇都是理論文章,盡管只是白話理論,幾乎沒有經驗的內容。

Mr maliki has been saying the right things and making progress , albeit stumbling 馬利基先生已經做出了正確的表態,并且取得了一些磕磕絆絆的進展。

You can represent each table directly , albeit far more verbosely than do actual rdbmss 您可以直接表示每個表,雖然比實際rdbms的表示要冗長得多。

Investors are also looking closely at china and india ? albeit ( 雖然 ) from a small base 投資者也在緊盯中國與印度,雖然這兩個市場的基數較小。

Eventually , though , system performance will degrade , albeit perhaps in a subtle way 但是,系統性能最終將下降,雖然這種下降的方式不易被察覺。