
albedo n.1.【天文學】反照率。2.【物理學】反射率,反照率。

Roughly acquire optical depth of clear sky and clouds from radiation station data and routine meteorological data of land surface , and the study the relationship between clouds “ physical character and radiation . obtain the relationship between surface and near - ground atmosphere , and then according to this estimate surface albedo and surface net . by analyzing the relationship between satellite visible spectra , infrared spectra , and water vapor spectra values and radiation , by means of radiation transfer theory , analyze and deducethe relationship between clouds and radiation , and establish relationships between satellite value and global radiation and net 通過衛星云圖的計數值來判斷云對輻射的作用,以此建立起它們之間的關系;利用地面觀測資料和常規資料來粗略求取晴空大氣和云光學厚度,進而研究云的物理屬性與輻射關系;簡單的獲取地表與近地面大氣之間的輻射關系,以此估算地表的反照率,和地表的凈輻射;分析了衛星可見光、紅外及水汽云圖計數值和地面輻射之間關系,利用輻射傳輸公式來推倒和分析云對輻射的關系,試圖建立起衛星測值與地表總輻射和凈輻射之間的關系,并將晴空和有云的個例分開,分別建立并選出最佳模式,以此來估算地表的凈輻射和總輻射。

Basing the radiative transfer model of terrain area , a new model for calculating the albedo over terrain area was put forwarded by improve irons “ model of albedo calculation with 10 spectrurns 在以上提出的山地輻射傳輸模型基礎之上,對irons等提出的10波段反照率計算方法進行了發展,提出了高原山區的反照率計算模型。


At first , we design a nonlinear parameterized scheme of planetary albedo , and put forward a multiple - parameter zero - dimensional climatic model on the basis of zero - dimensional energy balance model . using it to qualitatively discuss the impact of earth effective radiance , planetary albedo and atmospheric transmittivity on the climatic system behaviour , and analyze the stochastic process of this system later 本文首先在零維能量平衡模式基礎上,設計了一種行星反照率的非線性參數化方案,提出了一個多參數非線性零維氣候模式,用于定性地討論說明地面有效輻射率、行星反照率和大氣透明狀況對氣候系統性態行為的影響,最后分析了系統的隨機過程。

A transfer model is established , which can be used to study the interaction between the land surface physical processes of inhomogeneous region and the structure of atmosphere boundary - layer over urban and rural terrains . the model has simulated surface heat flux , surface temperature , temperature profiles , height of mixture layer and so on . and the differences between urban area , suburban area and rural area have been compared . this model mainly depends on the parameters below : surface albedo , surface roughness coefficient , moisture available coefficient of soil , thermal capacity and thermal diffusion coefficient of errain , cloudage . the result shows that this model can simulate the structure and eigenvalues of atmosphere boundary layer and their changes in a day . parameters used in this model aim at beijing city , and the time is at the beginning of september . to other cities , or other time , the parameters should be adjusted accordingly . in addition , being adjusted , the model can also be used for other homogeneous and inhomogeneous terrains 模式主要依賴于以下參數和物理量:地面反照率下墊面粗糙度土壤的可含水量下墊面的熱容量和熱擴散系數云量等參數。結果表明,本模式能合理地模擬不同地表熱量平衡地表氣溫混合層高度湍流交換系數湍流動能位溫廓線等,以及它們的日變化。該模式所取參數主要針對北京市,時間為九月初,對于其他城市,參數應作相應的調整。

It is shown that the albedo of melting particles may be more than the raindrops and snow spheres at c , x and ku - band . these results are in agreement with the conclusion observed by radar and given in literature . it demonstrates that the water - coated snow sphere model of melting particles is appropriate and practicable 應用該模型和涂層球的bhcoat法,計算了融化粒子的散射和反照率w _ 0 ;結果表明,在c 、 x和ku波段,融化粒子的w _ 0要比雨滴和雪粒子的大,這與雷達觀測和文獻結果一致,表明了該模型是切實可用的。

Some variables regional distribution over south ningxia is given out in the course of evapotranspiration estimation : the regional distribution of surface characteristic parameters ( normalzed difference vegetation index , surface albedo , surface temperature ) , radiation balance components ( surface absorbed shortwave radiation , surface longwave radiation , atmospheric counter radiation , net radiation ) , surface heat and balance components ( soil heat flux , sensible heat flux , latent heat flux ) 估算區域蒸發(散)量的過程中,得到許多有意義的量:地表特征參數(植被指數ndvi 、地表反射率、地表溫度) ;地表輻射平衡各量(地表短波吸收輻射、地表長波輻射、大氣逆輻射、地表凈輻射) ;地表熱量平衡各量(土壤熱通量、顯熱通量、潛熱通量) 。

The characteristic of surface radiation , energy balance , albedo , bulk momentum transfer coefficient cd and bulk sensible heat transfer coefficient ch between surface and atmosphere over rainfed field are analyzed based on the data of land - surface process field experiment in the dingxi arid meteorology and ecological environment experimental station 利用中國氣象局蘭州干旱氣象研究所定西干旱氣象與生態環境試驗基地取得的地氣相互作用觀測試驗資料,分析了地表輻射、地表能量平衡、地表反射率、總體輸送系數等特征。

In short , through retrieving the parameter such as surface albedo , surface temperature and surface emissivity , all the energy flux such as net radiance flux , soil heat flux and latent heat flux can be computed in sequence further , then latent heat flux which provide energy for et can be computed based on energy balance equation , finally instantaneous et and daily et can be obtained 總之,根據地表能量平衡方程,通過計算對地表反照率、地表溫度、地表比輻射系數、歸一化植被指數等參數進行反演,進一步計算出了地表凈輻射通量,土壤熱通量和潛熱通量,最后獲得了遙感影像成像時的瞬時蒸散及當天的總蒸散量。

My factory craft equipment advanced , technical force abundant , examines well appointed , has the computer laser granularity cryoscope , the luminosity meter , the electric conductance meter , the albedo meter and so on , the product quality is stable , obtains the customer the consistent high praise and the approval , this factory satisfies the customer by the remarkable product and the high quality service the request 我廠工藝裝備先進,技術力量雄厚,檢測設備齊全,擁有電腦激光粒度測定儀、光度儀、電導儀、白度儀等,產品質量穩定,得到客戶的一致好評和認可,本廠以卓越的產品和優質的服務來滿足客戶的要求。

First , under the given boundary condition and reasonable simplified condition , this paper develops radiation transmitting equations in atmosphere applied in infrared waveband and visual light waveband from common equation of radiation transmitting . then , the formula between observation of satellite and net surface radiation is established according to the developed equations , from which it is found that net surface radiation is relative to sun zenith , land surface and cloud albedo , etc . at last , by using data of satellite visual light ( vis ) , infrared 1 ( ir1 ) , infrared 2 ( ir2 ) and water vapor ( ir3 ) channel , sun zenith and net surface radiation , a regression formula is built 本文從大氣中太陽輻射傳輸的一般性方程入手,引入邊界條件及簡化條件,推導出紅外波段和可見光波段的大氣輻射傳輸方程,由此建立起衛星觀測輻射與地面凈輻射的關系,文章還就衛星觀測到的輻射與云量、云高、云的光學厚度、云及地面反照率等之間的關系進行了理論分析,可以幫助更好地理解云對地面凈輻射的影響。

To improve understanding of the processes of heterogeneous land surface - atmosphere interaction , the utilization of satelli te remote sensing is indispensadle . in this paper , with the aid of satellite remote sensing and fiend observational data which observed during intensive observation of huaihe river bain energy and water cycle experiment hubex in 1998 , the surface albedo , ndvi normalized difference vegetaton index and surface temperature in regional scale of hubex could be derived . then , the distribution of regional energy balance components could be estimated . this wor provided the physical foundation for the numerical simulation of the huaihe river basin energy and water pro cesses , and is important for us to further analyze the regional distribution of surface characteristic parameters ad energy balance components with the change of the weather situation in hubex in 1998 . our work is still in a developing stage , some methods of retrieval in the paper should be improved further 利用1998年淮河流域加密觀測試驗hubex iop期間的資料,進行淮河流域能量平衡的參數化方案的研究,用noaa衛星的avhrr資料建立了試驗區地表特征參數及能量平衡各分量的參數化方程,并對衛星遙感反演結果和試驗觀測值進行了對比,為淮河流域能量和水循環的數值模擬提供了物理依據。

Roughly acquire optical depth of clear sky and clouds from radiation station data and routine meteorological data of land surface , and the study the relationship between clouds “ physical character and radiation . obtain the relationship between surface and near - ground atmosphere , and then according to this estimate surface albedo and surface net . by analyzing the relationship between satellite visible spectra , infrared spectra , and water vapor spectra values and radiation , by means of radiation transfer theory , analyze and deducethe relationship between clouds and radiation , and establish relationships between satellite value and global radiation and net 通過衛星云圖的計數值來判斷云對輻射的作用,以此建立起它們之間的關系;利用地面觀測資料和常規資料來粗略求取晴空大氣和云光學厚度,進而研究云的物理屬性與輻射關系;簡單的獲取地表與近地面大氣之間的輻射關系,以此估算地表的反照率,和地表的凈輻射;分析了衛星可見光、紅外及水汽云圖計數值和地面輻射之間關系,利用輻射傳輸公式來推倒和分析云對輻射的關系,試圖建立起衛星測值與地表總輻射和凈輻射之間的關系,并將晴空和有云的個例分開,分別建立并選出最佳模式,以此來估算地表的凈輻射和總輻射。

Then basing the empirical formal proposed by weng burning , a method for reckon the average flux of energy transfer from ground surface to the air of a day according albedo and terrain parameters was put forwarded . it is considered that the flux is a proper index to decide if the area is a hot source or a cold source 然后,在翁篤鳴等提出的有關半經驗公式的基礎上,提出了根據反照率和地形參數計算高原地面向大氣輸送能量的日平均通量的算法,并以此作為判定冷熱源的標準。

One avhrr image of the yangtze delta at 13 : 00 on 15th apr . , 2003 is used to retrieve the regional parameter such as surface albedo , ndv1 , surface emissivity and surface temperature , which is based on regional trait of the yangtze delta to choose different model . all above will give a methodological support to gain the regional surface parameters , what ' s more , it will afford the parameter support to calculate the regional et too 選取了2003年4月15日13時的avhrr影像,根據長江三角洲區域特點,選擇不同的反演模型,分別對長江三角洲區域地表反照率、歸一化植被指數、地表比輻射系數、地表溫度進行了反演,為區域地表參數的獲取提供了方法支持,也為長江三角洲的區域蒸散量求取提供了參數支持。

The surface solar total radiation is first calculated when albedo is fixed under clear - sky varying atmospheric conditions by using the radiation transfer model and the model atmosphere profile of the middle latitude summer , and a parameterization scheme is then proposed based on the result 首先利用輻射傳輸模式和中緯度夏季標準大氣廓線,分譜帶計算晴天各種大氣條件下地表反射率取定值時的地表太陽總輻射,并把所得的結果作為標準資料,提出參數化方案。

The biggest diurnal albedo is 0 . 24 and the smallest 0 . 11 . moreover , the peak occurs on the day that radiation is very strong and the soil surface is dry and the valley appears on the day that rainfall is much more before this day and the soil water content of upper layer is high 就反射率的日際變化而言,最大反射率為0 . 24 ,最小為0 . 11 ,相差一倍以上,其峰值均出現在輻射比較強,地表比較干燥的日期,而谷底一般是在前期降雨較大,表層土壤濕潤時出現。

Basing the radiative transfer model of terrain area , a new model for calculating the albedo over terrain area was put forwarded by improve irons “ model of albedo calculation with 10 spectrurns 在以上提出的山地輻射傳輸模型基礎之上,對irons等提出的10波段反照率計算方法進行了發展,提出了高原山區的反照率計算模型。

The fine soil characters have little variation of albedo and absorbed solar radiation . the simulated sensible heat is lower than the result of the control run in clay case 粘土反照率變化不大,因此吸收太陽輻射變化不明顯,用于蒸發的潛熱變化不明顯,地溫略降低,感熱變小。

The parameterization of clear - sky surface solar net radiation under the conditions of various albedos is obtained through the error correction due to albedo variation 然后將地表反射率的影響作為誤差項進行訂正,從而得到各種地表反射率條件下的晴天地表太陽凈輻射的計算方法。