
albatross n.(pl. albatrosses)1.【動物;動物學...

However , our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate , “ said professor john croxall , of the british antarctic survey . “ the trouble stems from long - line fishing in which boats tow huge , heavily baited lines 英國南極勘查局教授約翰克羅克索爾說: “然而,我們的研究人員發現,信天翁正以驚人的速度被殺死,而兇手正是延繩釣捕魚作業。

The problem is that albatrosses - no matter the species - breed relatively infrequently and only by the time they are 12 to 15 years old , “ said croxall 克羅克索爾說: “問題在于不論何種信天翁,都只有滿12至15歲后才會繁殖,次數也不多。

However , these vast distances increase the albatrosses “ chance of encountering a fishing fleet 也正是這樣的長途跋涉增加了信天翁碰上捕魚船的幾率。

He carved three ms before the albatross got him 他刻了3個m直到他被“信天翁“擊中


A new viewpoint to the albatross ' s high performance of flight near wave surface is presented in this paper . how the albatross can realize it high performance flight above waves by taking advantage of wavy effect and boundary effect is illustrated in details 研究了信天翁在波浪上飛行時的氣動力和運動,對信天翁在風浪中高效飛行的機理提出了新的見解,詳細論證了信天翁利用波動效應和壁面效應在風浪場中實現低能耗飛行的原因。

However , our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate , “ said professor john croxall , of the british antarctic survey . “ the trouble stems from long - line fishing in which boats tow huge , heavily baited lines 英國南極勘查局教授約翰克羅克索爾說: “然而,我們的研究人員發現,信天翁正以驚人的速度被殺死,而兇手正是延繩釣捕魚作業。

The work commissioned by al fayed shows the couple , who were on vacation together when they died , holding hands and gazing into each other ' s eyes beneath a soaring albatross - a symbol of eternity and good fortune 這尊由艾爾?法耶德委?制作的塑像顯示,這對過世時正一同在巴黎度假的戀人手牽著手并且相互凝視對方的眼睛,在一只振翅高飛的信天翁下方?信天翁象徵永恒與好運。

Only in slow - moving , lightweight flying machines , including model planes and pedal - powered aircraft ( such as the english channel - crossing gossamer albatross of 1979 ) , has the use of wing warping continued 只有在速度慢、重量輕的飛行器上還看得到其蹤跡,如模型飛機和人力飛機(如1979年橫越英吉利海峽的薄紗信天翁號) 。

An estimated 100 , 000 albatrosses die annually in the longline fishing industry , but recent research has highlighted that large numbers of albatrosses are also dying in trawl fisheries 每年估計有10萬信天翁死于長線捕魚工業,但是最近的研究強調,很大數量信天翁同樣死于拖網捕魚。

The plight of albatrosses and the work of the albatross task force are featured tonight in the bbc ' s groundbreaking saving planet earth series , airing in the uk on bbc1 at 7pm 關于信天翁的困境和信天翁風險項目的介紹在今晚bbc拯救地球系列節目中播出,晚上7點, bbc1臺,英國。

Albatross task force members crucially advise fishing crews on the simple and cost - effective ways to avoid catching albatrosses that steal bait from the longline hooks 信天翁風險項目成員極力建議使用簡單和高收益方法的捕魚船員門避免誤捕那些偷食長線魚餌的信天翁。

The instruments have shown that albatrosses are capable of astonishing feats of endurance and navigation , and can fly round the world several times without stopping on land 這一跟蹤儀器還表明,信天翁有極強的耐力和航海能力,能夠繞地球飛行幾圈而不著陸。

The mystery of where albatrosses go during their epic migrations has been solved by a study that will help the world ' s most threatened family of birds 最近,一份研究報告解開了有關信天翁飛行路徑的秘密,這將對保護這類世界瀕危鳥類起到至關重要的作用。

The expansion of the task force should benefit a number of albatross hotspots , especially those along the pacific and atlantic coasts of south america 風險項目的擴大應該會對一批信天翁聚居地有益,特別是南美那些太平洋和大西洋沿岸地區。

The problem is that albatrosses - no matter the species - breed relatively infrequently and only by the time they are 12 to 15 years old , “ said croxall 克羅克索爾說: “問題在于不論何種信天翁,都只有滿12至15歲后才會繁殖,次數也不多。

Albatrosses use their formidable wingspans to ride the ocean winds and sometimes to glide for hours without rest or even a flap of their wings 信天翁用它們強大的冀追逐海浪,有時能滑翔數小時不休息甚至不會拍打一下翅膀。

Albatrosses breed once every one or two years . while rearing youngsters , parents undergo journeys of thousands of miles to find food 信天翁每一或二年繁殖一次,為了喂養孩子,他們跋涉數千英里去覓食。

The albatross drinks sea water . it has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt 信天翁喝海水。它體內有一個特殊的淡化器官可將過多的鹽分過濾排泄出來。

In one recent study , 12 , 000 albatrosses are estimated to have died in the south african trawl fishery in one year 在一個最近的研究種,一年中估計有1 . 2萬信天翁死于南部非洲的拖網捕魚業。