
albany n.阿爾巴尼〔1.美國紐約州首府。2.加拿大中南部河名。...

“ they missed the it [ information technology ] revolution and they missed out on [ micro ] chips “ says fred simon , a technology expert at the state university of new york in albany . “ if there is a biotech or nanotech revolution coming , they won ' t want to be left behind “中國沒能在信息技術革命中取得領先,也錯過了微處理芯片產業發展的高峰” ,紐約州立大學科技專家弗雷德?西蒙如是說道, “如果未來還會出現生物技術革命或者納米技術革命,中國不希望再次位居人后,他們必須找到快速介入創新產業,啟動相關研究的方法。 ”

In 1807 , robert fulton ' s “ north river steam boat “ began heading up new york ' s hudson river on its successful round - trip to albany 1807年,美國人富爾頓?羅伯特“克萊蒙特”號蒸汽輪船完成了從紐約到奧爾巴尼航行!

In 1807 , robert fulton s “ north river steam boat “ began heading up new york s hudson river on its successful round - trip to albany 1807年,美國人富爾頓?羅伯特“克萊蒙特”號蒸汽輪船完成了從紐約到奧爾巴尼航行!

He wondered whether he were harboring “love“ 'for this spontaneous young woman from albany . 他懷疑自己是不是“愛上了”這位來自奧爾巴尼的純潔的少女。


At that time , areas on the eastern side of albany road were used by the british for military purpose ; while the hills on the western side were reserved as government land ; local residence mainly gathered at central , sheung wan and the harbour side of sai ying pun ; warehouses , barracks and customs were established on the harbour side of central 當時,英人把雅賓利道以東一帶作軍事用途;西面山坡則作為政府用地;民房多集中在中、上環及西營盤海旁一帶;倉庫、兵房及海關則設在中環的海旁。

The whole project comprised the building of the dam , a 2 , 428 - yard tunnel driven through the wong nai chung gap valley and a 5 , 500 - yard brick and stone aqueduct to connect the reservoir with the storage tank and filter beds at albany road . each day the volume of water being conveyed reached 7 million gallons . the 6 filter beds of the project were situated on the eastern side of the albany nullah ; measuring 3 , 245 sq 除水壩外,其他配套的工程包括: (一)一條長達2 , 428碼、貫穿黃泥涌峽谷的隧道; (二)一條長5 , 500碼的引水道,可連接水塘隧道的亞賓尼濾水池及配水庫,該引水道用石及磚砌成,每天可輸水700萬加侖; (三)位于亞賓尼水渠東部的六個過濾池,該濾水系統面積廣達3 , 245平方碼,深30尺,每天可過濾570萬加侖水,原水過濾后,經一條直徑18寸鐵水管,流入花園道與寶云道交界的配水庫。

On our way to albany , we suddenly noticed two beams of light in the colors of the spectrum shining from the city into the gloomy sky . it looked as though god had cast his light of blessing on the people there . the emissions of such brilliant light beams from the city of our destination strengthened our belief that the light would lead the simple - hearted people to god s home 在到albany的路上,灰幽的天空中,突然兩道彩虹從該城直射上空,像是上帝大放光彩加持這城市的子民,看著即將到達的城市有如此的光芒,相信這道光引領此單純的人民進入上帝的故鄉。

“ they missed the it [ information technology ] revolution and they missed out on [ micro ] chips “ says fred simon , a technology expert at the state university of new york in albany . “ if there is a biotech or nanotech revolution coming , they won ' t want to be left behind “中國沒能在信息技術革命中取得領先,也錯過了微處理芯片產業發展的高峰” ,紐約州立大學科技專家弗雷德?西蒙如是說道, “如果未來還會出現生物技術革命或者納米技術革命,中國不希望再次位居人后,他們必須找到快速介入創新產業,啟動相關研究的方法。 ”

In albany , we visited a bustling market where a female assistant in a florist shop showed immense interest in master . on her own initiative , she asked us for many issues of the supreme master ching hai news magazine so she could introduce master to her friends 這次我們到了人潮擁擠的市集,其中一家花店的女店員對師父非常感興趣,主動向我們要更多其它期的清海無上師雜志,表示要介紹師父給她的朋友。

Because all 50 states and the district of columbia have their own regulators , insurers , whether domestic or foreign , that want to operate nationally must traipse from albany to sacramento seeking permission 因為50個州和哥倫比亞地區擁有他們自己國內或是國外的管理者、保險公司,他們要想在全國的市場分得一杯羹就必須長途跋涉從奧爾巴尼到薩克拉曼多獲得許可。

Seditions ? heidegger and the limit of modernity , translated , edited , and with an introduction by marcus brainard , state university of new york press , albany 1997 《動蕩? ?海德格爾和現代性的限制》 ,紐約州立大學出版社,紐約1997 。 [譯者增補,英譯者m ?布瑞納特在導言里尤為清楚地從思想內部說明了理性關系建筑學的特性。

Over the next few years , albany international will be investing approximately usd100 million in china , building a brand new pmc manufacturing facility in hangzhou that will be completed by 2008 在未來的幾年內,奧伯尼國際有限公司將在中國投資超過1億美金,用于2008年在杭州市蕭山區正式投產的全新工廠。

However , researchers at the university of albany in new york said their experiments on 44 students showed that drawing in air helps cool the brain and helps it work more effectively 然而,據紐約奧爾巴尼大學的研究人員介紹,他們對44名學生的實驗表明,吸入空氣有助于醒腦,從而使它更為有效的工作。

Robert fulton ' s first american steamboat leaves new york city for albany , new york on the hudson river , inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world 1807年的今天,羅伯特?富爾頓制造的首艘美國的蒸汽輪船離開紐約城,經哈得遜河駛往奧爾巴尼,開辟了世界上的首個商用蒸汽船的服務。

Bennett liebman , who heads a racing think - tank at albany law school , thinks closing the betting shopsis a mistake but also that government shouldn ' t be in the gambling business inthe first place 在奧爾巴尼法學院管理一個智庫的班奈特?李布曼認為關閉投注站是一個錯誤,但首先政府不應插足賭博業。

The watchword is lower sppending . proposed budget cuts will be announced shortly . until then , everybody in albany should swear off buckpassing and bite the budget bullet 現在的口號是節流。削減預算的提案不久就會宣布。在此以前奧爾巴尼[市府與議會]的每個人都應揚棄互相推卸責任,而應咬緊牙關。

So too might a more constructive relationship with the state , if the new governor , eliot spitzer , can bring albany to heel as effectively as he did wall street 如果新上任的州長艾略特斯皮策,能像在華爾街叱咤風云那般,令州政府言聽計從,那么和紐約州建立的更有建設性的關系也會起到作用。

In our family of emerging businesses , albany applies the technologies of paper machine clothing to the development of unique materials and structures for a variety of other industries 奧伯尼國際有限公司利用生產紙機織物備件的技術所研發的一系列特殊材料和結構在其他多項產業均有應用。

Albany international corp . , headquartered in albany , new york , is the one of the largest supplier of paper machine clothing ( pmc ) in the world 奧伯尼國際有限公司,總部設于美國紐約州州府奧伯尼市,是全球最大的一家紙機織物備件( pmc )產銷公司之一。