
albania n.阿爾巴尼亞〔歐洲〕。

The albania international said : “ i ' ve turned down bigger offers from real betis and sevilla . they would have given me a bigger contract and also a starting spot 這名阿爾巴尼亞國家隊球員說: “我已經拒絕了來自皇家貝蒂斯和塞維利亞的邀請。他們甚至可以給我一份更好的合同以及更穩定的上場時間。 ”


President bush receives a hero ' s welcome today in albania . enthusiastic crowds greeted the president during his brief visit . it ' s the first time a us president has visited the balkan country 布什總統在阿爾巴尼亞受到了熱烈歡迎。熱情的人群在其簡短的訪問中向總統致意。布什是訪問巴爾干國家的第一位美國總統。

The albania international said : “ i ' ve turned down bigger offers from real betis and sevilla . they would have given me a bigger contract and also a starting spot 這名阿爾巴尼亞國家隊球員說: “我已經拒絕了來自皇家貝蒂斯和塞維利亞的邀請。他們甚至可以給我一份更好的合同以及更穩定的上場時間。 ”

But the unchosen husband still smarts . yet they lived together to see albania proclaim its independence in 1912 , and they became subjects of king zog . they both survived two world wars 盡管如此,他們生活一起,親歷了阿爾巴尼亞1912年的獨立,后來又成為佐格一世的臣民,還經歷了兩次世界大戰。

Already this year , we have completed bilateral negotiations with taiwan and made significant progress on the accessions of albania , armenia , croatia , jordan , lithuania , moldova and oman 我覺得最重要的是,年輕一代應受到良好的教育。我知道,總統先生,您很愛令千金,她現在在史坦福大學讀書。

The european commission this week reported on two official candidates , croatia and macedonia , and assessed progress in albania , bosnia , montenegro and serbia 歐盟委員會本周公布了兩個正式的候選人,克羅地亞和馬其頓,對阿爾巴尼亞,波斯尼亞,塞爾維亞以及黑山共和國的評估也在進行中。

In accordance with master s instructions , the supreme master ching hai international association offered us 50 , 000 to albania through the red cross in order to comfort the refugees 注:事后,清海無上師世界會遵照師父指示,透過紅十字會捐款美金五萬元給阿爾巴尼亞,安慰那些難民。

This amount has been transferred on may 19 , 1999 , to the international red cross in geneva , with instructions to use it to comfort the kosovo refugees in albania 此款已于1999年5月19日電匯至日內瓦國際紅十字會,并特別注明供安慰阿爾巴尼亞的科索沃難民之用。

This second prophecy came true that evening when peter pettigrew , who had been masquerading as a rat , escaped and went to albania to find the vanquished voldemort 這第二次預言在當天晚上實現了,化裝成老鼠的小矮星彼得逃走去阿爾巴尼亞尋找被擊敗的伏地魔。

El - masri says he was shackled , beaten , kept in solitary confinement and injected with drugs there , before his release in albania five months later 馬斯里說,他在拘留中心被戴上鐐銬,遭到毆打,還被單獨監禁并被注射藥物, 5個月后在阿爾巴尼亞獲釋。

Born in 1880 , the oldest woman in albania has lived all her life in shushice , a picturesque village 60 km south of tirana 哈瓦雷克薩生于1880年,這位阿爾巴尼亞最老的婦人一輩子都生活在地拉那南部60公里處的一個名叫shushice的風景如畫的小村莊里。

Mr berisha hopes to attract more foreign investment with his “ albania one - euro ” policy of offering sites to foreign companies at minimal rents 貝里沙試圖用“阿爾巴尼亞一歐元”政策? ?以最小的價格向外國公司出租場地? ?來吸引更多的外國投資。

It will be a struggle , though , because turkey , greece and denmark are tough opponents , and you can ' t write off albania or georgia 但是過程肯定會很艱難,因為土耳其,希臘,丹麥都是非常強硬的對手,當然你也不能忽略阿爾巴尼亞和格魯吉亞。

We have the pleasure to tell you that master ching hai gave instructions to donate the amount of 50 , 000 - to the kosovo refugees living in albania 在此向您報告,我們已遵照清海無上師的指示,捐款美金五萬元給住在阿爾巴尼亞的科索沃難民。

Owen ' s performance in england ' s world cup 2002 qualifiers against finland and albania proved he always thrives on the big stage 2002年英格蘭世界杯的預選賽上,與芬蘭隊和阿爾巴尼亞隊比賽中的表現說明,歐文常常在大型比賽中有上佳表現。

Union of independent trade unions of albania ( bashkimi i sindikatave te pavarura te shqiperise - bspsh ) : tirana ; f . 1991 ; chair . - valer xheka 阿爾巴尼亞獨立工會聯合會: 1991年成立;主席瓦萊爾?杰卡。

If the future of kosovo is settled satisfactorily later this year , the prospects for albania should brighten 如果科索沃問題能夠在今年晚些時候圓滿解決,阿爾巴尼亞的發展前途仍然是光明的。

She is unable to say who rules albania these days and has a hard job remembering the names of all her grandchildren 哈瓦已經搞不清楚現在誰在阿爾巴尼亞執政,也叫不出她所有后代的名字。

Albania was still occupied by the turks at the time . now , 108 years later , the arranged marriage still rankles 然而時至今日,盡管已經過去108年了,那段包辦婚姻仍然讓哈瓦感到不滿。