
alba n.(法國普羅旺斯人的)晨歌;朝曲。

Angelina jolie , “ jon stewart said , opening a fake envelope as photos of blanchett , alba and kidman flashed on the screen . “ angelina couldn ' t be with us tonight 不過茱麗今晚未能到場,因為在奧斯卡之夜找到17個保姆實在是太困難了。

“ that would be a surprise to me , “ alba joked to mark and dayna on the oscars red carpet 阿爾芭在紅毯秀上與馬克和黛娜開玩笑說: “如果能生對雙胞胎,那可是個意外的驚喜。 ”


Angelina jolie , “ jon stewart said , opening a fake envelope as photos of blanchett , alba and kidman flashed on the screen . “ angelina couldn ' t be with us tonight 不過茱麗今晚未能到場,因為在奧斯卡之夜找到17個保姆實在是太困難了。

Conclusion this study provides a scientific basis for optimizing the extraction technology of drug pair of rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae and radix paeoniae alba 結論該研究為優選“白術白芍”的提取工藝提供了科學依據。

Alba , knowles and 25 - year - old jessica biel - who came joint ninth - were the only women in their 20s to make the top 40 艾爾芭、諾里斯和與其他人并列第九、 25歲的杰西卡?貝爾是前四十名中僅有的幾位只有20多歲的女星。

Alba , with fiancee cash warren at her side , was serene in a deep purple strapless gown with purple feathers decorating her bodice 在未婚夫凱西?華倫陪伴下的杰西卡?阿爾巴身著深紫色羽毛飾抹胸長禮服,顯得寧靜端莊。

The house of bernarda alba , the last play by the renowned spanish poet and playwright , federico garcia lorca , was written in 1936 《貝納達之家》完成于1936年,為西班牙著名詩人兼劇作家加西亞羅卡最后一部劇作。

Jessica alba and fianc cash warren are pregnant with their first child ; the baby is due sometime between may and june 杰西卡阿爾巴和未婚夫現金華倫正在懷孕,他們的第一個孩子;女嬰的某個時候發布5月至6月。

Why it might do well : judging from the trailer , ms . alba spends at least part of the film in her underwear . not a bad thing 上座原因:從預告片判斷,奧爾巴女士在片中不少段落以內衣秀出鏡,應該不錯

Study on effect of steaming methed and routine processing medicinal herb method on the content paeoniflorin in radix paeoniae alba by hplc 法考察蒸法和常規炮制法對白芍中芍藥苷含量的影響

Determine the content of paeoniflorin which in the different parts and in the different growth apprenticeships in radix paeoniae alba 不同部位和不同生長年限白芍中的芍藥苷含量測定

“ that would be a surprise to me , “ alba joked to mark and dayna on the oscars red carpet 阿爾芭在紅毯秀上與馬克和黛娜開玩笑說: “如果能生對雙胞胎,那可是個意外的驚喜。 ”

Influence of compatibility ratio of radix paeoniae alba and radix bupleuri on the dissolution of paeoniflorin in water extract 白芍與柴胡不同比例配伍芍藥苷水煎出量的比較

40 , were placed joint fifth . alba , knowles and 25 - year - old were the only women in their 20s to make the top 40 貝爾與42歲的伊拉莎白赫利66歲的拉奎爾韋爾奇并列第九。

Jessica alba had to settle with the no . 2 on the list , which is in the magazine hitting stands saturday 這個無處不在的派對女孩上周末去了巴哈馬群島享受了一下日光浴。

Observation on curative effect of uigurian medicine in treating 610 cases suffered from pityriasis versicolor alba 土家民族藥止瀉沖劑治療嬰幼兒急性腹瀉100例臨床觀察

Isolation and characterization of a dre - binding transcription factor from yinxin poplar populus alba p . alba var . pyramidalis 元件結合的轉錄因子的克隆及鑒定分析

Genetic relationship between parents and hybrid progenies of populus alba l . 215 ; ulmus pumila l . using aflp marker 標記研究銀白楊215 ;白榆的親子關系

Characteristics of water consumption and utilization of populus alba 215 ; berolinensis under water stress 水分脅迫對銀中楊耗水特征與水分利用的影響