
alb n.(牧師、神父穿的)白麻布長袍。


The research also indicates that at the level of juvenile volleyball matches , the two indices of alb and b2 - mg do n ' t change remarkably before and after the match , which can demonstrate that matches at nuvenile level should be in medium or normal intensity scope . through the research , the author points out that the two indices of alb and b2 - mg are effective in evaluating and monitoring the training and match of juvenile volleyball players 研究還發現:青少年層次的排球比賽,運動前后尿中兩項指標未見顯著性變化,由此可證實該種訓練水平的排球比賽屬于中小運動強度,就此,作者得出以下結論:尿alb , _ 2 - mg是評價和監督青少年排球運動員訓練和比賽的直觀而有效的生理學指標。

Angll raised striking after the quality exercise . the raise degree of angll after the quality exercise was highest , the middle intensity of technical exercise lowest analyzing correlation between ang ii and urine tp , alb , p 2 - mg , we found that the change of ang ii was in accord with the change of urine alb , and that ang ii performed in glomerulus ( 4 ) ang在不同形式運動訓練課后的變化程度不同。 ang在專項素質課后升高最大,大強度技術課次之,中等強度技術課最小。三種形式訓練課后ang的變化情況與alb變化情況相一致,說明ang對腎小球的影響較大。

The author organized four volleyball match experiments , in which 12 ( 6 males and 6 females ) are wuhu juvenile volleyball players , and 12 ( 6 males and 6 females ) are students majoring in volleyball from college of re , and tracked these participants in soft - volleyball matches to measure the amount of alb and b2 - mg in their last urine before and after each match by means of radioimmunoassay 作者對蕪湖市青少年排球運動員(男、女各6人)及體育學院排球專選班學生(男、女各6人)分別進行了四局正式比賽的運動實驗,并跟蹤了實驗對象參加的軟式排球賽,以放射免疫法檢測了實驗對象在各次運動前、后終尿中alb , _ 2 - mg的含量。

In order to put toward a load balancing algorithm which is adapted to heterogeneous web server cluster , we analyzed the flux characteristic of web and used a parameter to evaluate the performance of web server cluster ? ystem efficiency . a heterogeneous web server cluster load model is proposed , and a heterogeneous web server cluster load balancing algorithm alb ( adaptive load balancing ) 為了給出一種適合于異構webserver集群負載平衡算法,我們分析了web訪問流量特性,引入了一個評價webserver集群性能的參數? ?系統效率,并提出了一種適用于異構webserver集群負載模型,并在此模型的基礎上給出了一種異構webserver集群的局部最優負載平衡算法alb ( adaptiveloadbalancing ) 。

Finally , that effect of different culture mediums and matrix on the proliferation and differentiation of hpfl has investigated by mtt assay . 2 ) adopted micromanipulation cell cloning and immunohistochemistry staining , alb ck - 19 clones of hpfl were choosed and seeded in inducing medium to show whether the alb + ck - 19 + cells appear 2 )將初步純化的ed13 . 5d的大鼠hpfl采用顯微法進行克隆培養,免疫組化法第四軍醫大學碩士學位論文篩選alb ” ck 19一的克隆進行誘導培養,觀察alb ” ck 19一的細胞分化趨勢。

The primary cell propagated 8 times and were small fusiform or triangle and smaller than hepatocytes with larger nucleus and less plasma ; it was 88 . 2 % in the growing period of 4 ( superscript th ) generation cells and the stains of alb and ck19 were positive in immunocytochemical 所獲得的原代細胞共傳8代,細胞呈小梭形或三角形,體積較小,胞核較大,而胞漿較少;第4代細胞中進入生長期的細胞約占88 . 2 % ;免疫細胞化學染色顯示細胞胞質中alb 、 ck19染色陽性。

The kidney function of wushu routine male athletes had all changed after three different kinds of exercise . urine tp , alb , p j - mg increased . the different exercises changed kidney function in different degree and different parts 實驗結果表明: ( 1 )三種不同形式訓練課都能引起男子武術套路運動員腎功能的改變, tp 、 alb 、 _ 2 - mg有不同程度的變化,不同形式訓練課造成運動員不同部位和不同程度的損傷。

If alb + ck - 19 - cells would be induced into alb + ck - 19 + cells , we can prove that hpfl contain bipotential stem cells . 3 ) primary hpfl seeded on pref feeder layer were collected and engrafted into the spleen of sced mice to explore the propagation of hpfl in vivo 3 )收集在原代大鼠成纖維細胞( pref )飼養層上培養的原代hpfl ,注人scto鼠脾臟,觀察hpfl植人體內的增殖發育情況)將分離的大鼠ed13

The statistics and analysis indicates that the amount of alb and b2 - mg is closely related to the player ' s training level and their in tensity of exercise , and that it is the law that the amount in creases with the increase of intensity of exercise 統計分析發現:尿alb , _ 2 - mg的含量與運動員的訓練水平及運動中所承受的運動強度關系密切,一般表現為含量隨強度的增加而升高的變化規律。

The impairing part was glomerulus . these told us that different exercise resulted in different degree and different part harm to kidney function . 3 . the increasing of urine tp , 3 2 - mg after the maximal intensity of technical exercise was biggest ( 2 )專項素質課后tp雖上升幅度低于大強度技術課,但專項素質課后alb升高幅度最大,說明專項素質課對alb的影響最大,表現為腎小球型蛋白尿。

4 ) cryopreservation had a little influence on hpfl ' function , and the influence aggravated as cryopreservation time went on . when hpfl were recovered , their activity and attachment efficiency declined , and the excretion peak value of alb descended 4 )凍存復蘇對hpfl的生物學功能有一定影響,隨著凍存時間的延長,復蘇后的細胞活性和貼壁率有一定下降,白蛋白分泌峰值亦有所降低。

A choir gives back menace and echo , assisting about the altar s horns , the snorted latin of jackpriests moving burly in their albs , tonsured and oiled and gelded , fat with the fat of kidneys of wheat 這些削了發除了圣油被閹割靠上好的麥子52吃胖了的靠神糊口的神父們,笨重地挪動著那穿白麻布長袍的魁梧身軀,從鼻息里噴出拉丁文。

The result indicates that alb algorithm can get the shorter mean response time in the same condition , so it is better than the other ones in the paper 結果表明,在同等條件下,此算法能夠達到較小的平均應答延遲,從而優于文中提到的其他算法。

After 3 years of preparation , jerry yan is going to release his first mandarin album ! jerry is involved in every part of the productions of the alb . . 言承旭的第一次,經過了3年的籌備期,言承旭即將要推出他的首張國語大碟!

Results : the serum tbil level was decreased while serum alb increased apparently compared with control group 結果:治療組臨床癥狀和體征改善較快;治療組血清膽紅素下降幅度和白蛋白上升幅度均優于對照組。

Adminiculum line alb 白線支座

Study on vesicant characteristics of uylabris and seeds of brassica alb 白芥子發泡規律的研究