
alaskan adj.阿拉斯加州的。n.阿拉斯加州人。

As well as uncovering many notorious archeological sites - including the atlantean pyramid and the last resting place of the dagger of xian , lara has found fame in other areas she has driven the dangerous alaskan highway from tierra del fuego in south america in record time although this was later denounced by the guinness book of records due to her “ reckless driving “ and she hit the headlines again when she hunted out and killed bigfoot in north america . 眾所周知,勞拉發現了許多有名的遺跡,包括亞特蘭蒂斯金字塔以及西安匕首的最后藏匿之地,除此之外,讓勞拉成名的事還有:她以破紀錄的時間駕車從美國南部的tierra del fuego開始跑完危險的阿拉斯加公路盡管后來還因為莽撞駕駛遭到吉尼斯世界紀錄大全的譴責。另外,在北美洲找到并殺死大腳怪之后她又成了頭條新聞。

Consumers are advised to consume green “ recommended “ species as they come from well managed fisheries such as the marine stewardship council certified western australian rock lobster and alaskan salmon fisheries , or well practised aquaculture operations 由于綠色的建議品種來自妥善管理的漁業,例如經海洋管理委員會marine stewardship council msc認證的西澳洲蝦及阿拉斯加三文魚,或經妥善管理的海鮮養殖場,本會建議消費者食用這個類別的海鮮。

“ over the horizon “ technologies - these facilitate ground - based methods of harassment ( eg the alaskan haarp project which bounces signals off the ionosphere ) “視距外”技術-這些促進了以地面為基礎的折磨方法(例如阿拉斯加高頻活躍極光研究計劃,它反射信號到電離層) 。


Anchorage zookeepers are installing a 16 , 000 - pound 7 . 3 - ton treadmill to keep an isolated elephant from getting fat during the long , cold alaskan winters . anchorage zookeepers are installing a 16 , 000 - pound 7 . 3 - ton treadmill to keep an isolated elephant from getting fat during the long , cold alaskan winters 美國阿拉斯加州南部港口城市安克雷奇動物園的工作人員們正在安裝一臺重1 . 6萬磅7 . 3噸的巨型跑步機,用來幫助一頭孤獨的大象在阿拉斯加漫長而寒冷的冬季保持“身材” 。

As well as uncovering many notorious archeological sites - including the atlantean pyramid and the last resting place of the dagger of xian , lara has found fame in other areas she has driven the dangerous alaskan highway from tierra del fuego in south america in record time although this was later denounced by the guinness book of records due to her “ reckless driving “ and she hit the headlines again when she hunted out and killed bigfoot in north america . 眾所周知,勞拉發現了許多有名的遺跡,包括亞特蘭蒂斯金字塔以及西安匕首的最后藏匿之地,除此之外,讓勞拉成名的事還有:她以破紀錄的時間駕車從美國南部的tierra del fuego開始跑完危險的阿拉斯加公路盡管后來還因為莽撞駕駛遭到吉尼斯世界紀錄大全的譴責。另外,在北美洲找到并殺死大腳怪之后她又成了頭條新聞。

Consumers are advised to consume green “ recommended “ species as they come from well managed fisheries such as the marine stewardship council certified western australian rock lobster and alaskan salmon fisheries , or well practised aquaculture operations 由于綠色的建議品種來自妥善管理的漁業,例如經海洋管理委員會marine stewardship council msc認證的西澳洲蝦及阿拉斯加三文魚,或經妥善管理的海鮮養殖場,本會建議消費者食用這個類別的海鮮。

In the opening segments of sean penn ' s version of into the wild , a mother ' s nightmare of her missing son segues to a freight train curving through crisp alaskan scenery , its long , metal body weaving around snow - capped mountainsides 在西恩?潘版的《荒野伴我心》的開頭片段,在一位失蹤兒子的母親的夢魘里的、寒冷而干燥的阿拉斯加風景里,有一列蜿蜒的運貨火車,它那長長的金屬車身繞著積雪蓋頂的山脈迂回行進著。

Earning the organic label requires controlled conditions . the question is whether fish that swim wild and free like alaskan salmon could meet the propose requirement 要獲得有機標識,就得對產品狀況進行控制。問題是,象阿拉斯加大麻哈魚這樣的野生魚能否達到征求有機標識的要求呢?

“ over the horizon “ technologies - these facilitate ground - based methods of harassment ( eg the alaskan haarp project which bounces signals off the ionosphere ) “視距外”技術-這些促進了以地面為基礎的折磨方法(例如阿拉斯加高頻活躍極光研究計劃,它反射信號到電離層) 。

Food is the number one priority for the alaskan malamute , and he will do almost anything to get that piece of liver for himself and keep it away from all competitors 食物是阿拉斯加的第一愛好,它可能會為了這一小片肝臟做出任何事情,想方設法據為己有。

Anchorage zookeepers are installing a 16 , 000 - pound 7 . 3 - ton treadmill to keep an isolated elephant from getting fat during the long , cold alaskan winters 這臺長20英尺6米的跑步機是專門為動物園中一頭名叫麥吉的23歲雌性非洲象設計的。

The magnitude 9 . 0 earthquake was the largest ever recorded in the region and the world ' s biggest since a 1964 alaskan quake 這個芮氏規模達9 . 0的地震,是該區域有史以來最大的地震,也是自1964年阿拉斯加大地震后,世界上最大的地震。

Bering died on the voyage home , but his crewmen told the czar how many sweet little fuzzy seals they had seen on alaskan shores 白令在返航途中去世,而他的船員們則告知沙皇,他們在阿拉斯加海邊看到許多可愛的毛茸茸的小海豹。

Native alaskans are divided : the inupiat eskimos want the jobs and the money , but the gwitchin indians fear it will destroy their reindeer 原居住的阿拉斯加人也分成兩派,有人要工作和金錢,有人則懼怕家園就此不保。

The bering sea is the large marine region enclosed by the russian and alaskan coastlines , the aleutian islands , and the bering strait 無邊無際的白令海,四周與俄羅斯阿拉斯加阿留申群島及白令海峽相連。

The last big alaskan earthquake created a tsunanmi , a seimic sea wave , that was felt 1 , 500 miles away 最近一次的阿拉斯加大地震引起了海嘯,這次由地震引起的海浪,遠在1500英里的地方也能感覺到。

A siberian and alaskan husky farm with 400 dogs is housed on the grounds of the resort 度假中心的空地有一座西伯利亞和阿拉斯加哈士奇犬飼養場,里頭養了四百只狗。

Siberian and alaskan husky farm with 400 dogs is housed on the grounds of the resort 度假中心的空地有一座西伯利亞和阿拉斯加哈士奇犬飼養場,里頭養了四百只狗。

They are moderate shedders , not enthusiastic ones such as alaskan malamutes or german shepherd dogs 拉拉脫毛量適中,不象阿拉斯加雪撬或德牧那么厲害。