
alas int.哎呀!哎喲!〔表示悲痛、遺憾等〕。 Alas t...

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the groud 茉莉花“唉”地嘆息一聲,便飄落在地。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground “唉! ”茉莉嘆息一聲,落在地上。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dro ed to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

“ alas , what a ruin has befallen thee ! “天啊!你已經給毀成什么樣子啦! ”

“ alas , sir , in the most unexpected manner “唉,先生!完全是始料不到的事。


The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the groud 茉莉花“唉”地嘆息一聲,便飄落在地。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground “唉! ”茉莉嘆息一聲,落在地上。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dro ed to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

“ alas , what a ruin has befallen thee ! “天啊!你已經給毀成什么樣子啦! ”

“ alas , sir , in the most unexpected manner “唉,先生!完全是始料不到的事。