
alarmist n.危言聳聽者;慌報情況夸大事實者。


The new projections put paid to some of the more alarmist scenarios raised by previous modelling , which have suggested that sea levels could rise by almost 1m over the same period 這些新的預測數據,讓一些因為早前有關氣候變化模式的種種可能的預報,而感到更加憂心忡忡的人得到了釋懷,這些之前的預報數據曾表示,海平面可能會在同一個時期,上升差不多有一米。

In this connection , i must confess , speaking here as a depositor as well as a banking supervisor , to feeling a little uncomfortable about the alarmist comments deployed by some who are opposed to the proposal 就此而言,我必須承認,以存戶的身分或從銀行監管人的角度來看,聽到一些反對者提出危言聳聽的意見,實在令我有點兒不安。

To avoid unnecessary panic among patients , a calm - er and more considered approach to the safety of rosiglitazone is needed . alarmist headlines and confi - dent declarations help nobody 為避免患者中不必要的驚恐,一個更平靜的和更慎重考慮的方法來考慮羅格列酮的安全性是需要的。警告性的標題和有信心的聲明不能幫助任何人。

The new projections put paid to some of the more alarmist scenarios raised by previous modelling , which have suggested that sea levels could rise by almost 1m over the same period 新的預測證實了許多由從前氣候模型所提出令人擔憂的方案,這些方案提出海岸線于二一零零年將上升大概一米。

The agency is not known for alarmist warnings , and its world energy outlook is typically viewed by policy wonks as a solid indicator of global energy supplies 該機構不是以發布危言聳聽的警告而出名的,政策專家一致認為,它的“世界能源展望”是全球能源供應的可靠的風向標。

Some have seized on this sensationalism as evidence that the movie ' s portrayal of global warming - - and the threat of climate change - - is alarmist 有人抓住該片追求轟動效應作為證據,證明本片對全球變暖的描述,以及氣候變化的威脅都是杞人憂天。

Some have seized on this sensationalism as evidence that the movie ' s portrayal of global warming - and the threat of climate change - is alarmist 有人抓住該片追求轟動效應作為證據,證明本片對全球變暖的描述,以及氣候變化的威脅都是杞人憂天。

The fundamental problem , as i see it , is that environmental groups are too often alarmists 在我看來,基本的問題是,環保團體組織過于杞人憂天。

A few were even alarmist 有一些更是危言聳聽。

The trouble with this alarmist view is that it ' s nothing new 問題是,這部影片拉響警報之后卻沒有新鮮的內容。

Don ' t be such an alarmist mr . q 別老是大驚小怪的,庫先生。

At first the alarmists prophesied a renewal of the war . 起初,有一些危言聳聽的人預言戰爭會重新再起。