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alarm signal 警報信號。

3 . the fusion networks is capable of estimating some alarm signal and get to a complex result with human experiences . so the network can use “ software “ intelligent to alarm , and economize cost of “ hardware “ 3 、融合網絡能用經驗知識對多個報警信號進行綜合評價,能用“軟件”方式預報復雜警險,可節省報警系統的硬件開支。

alarm whistle

It is tested and proved that the detector can emit sound and light alarm signals if the sf6 gas concentration is beyond 1000ppm , and if not , it can display the concentration according to three formats of 400 ppm , 600 ppm , and 800 ppm 經實際測試該報警器能在sf _ 6氣體濃度超過1000ppm時發出聲、光報警信號,在未達到1000ppm時能按400ppm 、 600ppm 、 800ppm給出sf _ 6氣體濃度。

A great many alarm signals are produced when a fault happens in the power system . the increasingly perfect expert system ( es ) can help dispatchers identify the conditions of the system quickly and exactly and give their timely treatments 當電網發生故障時,會產生大量的報警信號,日益發展的故障診斷專家系統能幫助調度員快速、準確地判斷系統狀態,并及時給予處理意見。

The method can tell indispensable fault signals from dispensable ones and discover the inherent redundancy of alarm signal set . in a word , the method can realize effective fault diagnosis when the alarm signals are imperfect 這種方法揭示了故障信息集合內在的冗余性,能夠區分關鍵信號和非關鍵信號,可以在不精確、不完備的警報信息模式下達到正確診斷的目的。

Tpms , namely tire pressure monitoring system , is mainly used to monitor the tire pressure and temperature in real time . when the system is abnormal , it will send the alarm signal to make sure the safety of drivers and passengers Tpms ,即輪胎壓力監測系統,主要用于對汽車胎壓與溫度的實時監測,當出現異常狀態時進行報警,從而保障駕乘者的行車安全。

Both mechanical damage and insect herbivory make plants emit damage - induced volatiles which not only have the functions of indirect and direct defenses but also can server as interplant . alarming signal 摘要植物在遭受到機械損傷或昆蟲取食后釋放出的傷誘導揮發物,除了具有間接防御和直接防御功能外,還具有作為報警信號在植株間傳遞傷害信息的作用。

3 . the fusion networks is capable of estimating some alarm signal and get to a complex result with human experiences . so the network can use “ software “ intelligent to alarm , and economize cost of “ hardware “ 3 、融合網絡能用經驗知識對多個報警信號進行綜合評價,能用“軟件”方式預報復雜警險,可節省報警系統的硬件開支。

Beijing ' s beijing ' s dog killing campaign has sent alarming signals to relevant organizations . the atmosphere is indeed getting tensed . stray dogs caught in this movement have been cruelly bludgeoned 北京’ s北京的狗殺害競選寄發了報警信號到相關的組織。大氣的確得到拉緊。離群狗捉住了在這運動殘暴地被威脅了。

Beijing ' s beijing ' s dog killing campaign has sent alarming signals to relevant organizations . the atmosphere is indeed getting tensed . stray dogs caught in this movement have been cruelly bludgeoned 北京的狗殺害競選寄發了報警信號到相關的組織。大氣的確得到拉緊。離群狗捉住了在這運動殘暴地被威脅了。

Annotation : external alarm mode : always open means in normal state , external alarm signal is open , if closed , the controller will give an alarm ; always closed is on the contrary 注: “外部告警模式” : “常開”表示在正常狀態下外部警信號為開路狀態,閉合產生告警“常閉”則反之。

Checking all series simulation signal and interlock alarming signal between dcs and auxiliary instrument panel . it and first ? level test is the heart of plant testing 這一層次調試檢查dcs與輔助儀表盤間的所有串行信號模擬及聯鎖報警信號等,它與第一層次一起,構成了裝置調試的核心。

14 the boiler control board should have necessary sound and light alarming signals , such as flame display , water line , pressure , temperature and other protection device etc 14鍋爐操作盤上應設有必要的聲、光報警信號,如火焰顯示、水位、壓力、溫度高低以及各種保護裝置動作等。

2 external alarm mode : always open means in normal state , external alarm signal is open , if closed , the controller will give an alarm ; always closed is on the contrary “外部告警模式” : “常開”表示在正常狀態下外部警信號為開路狀態,閉合則產生告警“常閉”則反之。

External alarm mode : always open means in normal state , external alarm signal is open , if closed , the controller will give an alarm ; always closed is on the contrary “外部告警模式” : “常開”表示在正常狀態下外部警信號為開路狀態,閉合則產生告警“常閉”則反之。

Annotation : always open means in normal state , external alarm signal is open , if closed , the controller will give an alarm ; always closed is on the contrary 注: “外部告警模式” : “常開”表示在正常狀態下外部警信號為開路狀態,閉合產生告警“常閉”則反之。

The present paper reviewed evidence for the transfer of alarming signals between plants , criteria for successful signals and signal perception by plants 本文就傷誘導揮發物在植株間傳遞報警信息的證據、報警信號分子的標準以及植物對報警信號的感知進行了綜述。

Based on rough set theory , the paper proposes a new distribution network fault diagnosis approach to deal with the imperfect alarm signals 針對配電網故障模式存在不完備信息的情況,本文運用粗糙集理論探索了一種配電網故障診斷的新方法。

Locked means that when external alarm signal becomes normal , the controller is still in the alarm state , and it needs to press the resume key to resume “鎖定”是指當外部告警信號恢復正常后,控制器仍保持在告警狀態,需要人工按鍵恢復。

It will also pinpoint the correct position and the level of the alarm signal in order to give them direct information for further efficient performance 該系統的投入使用,降低了管理成本,提高了水貝國際珠寶交易中心的安全管理等級。