
alarm n.1.驚慌,恐慌。2.警報,急報。3.警報器,警鈴。短...

alarm bell

The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off . 防盜警報器一響,警衛就放出了警犬。

I have been quite alarmed . 我嚇了一大跳。

The very hubris of french claims alarmed the other powers . 法國貪婪的胃口使其他大國驚恐不安。

He was also too well schooled to betray alarm . 他也是個受過相當鍛煉的,并沒有露出驚訝的神色。

The silence irritated and at the same time alarmed him . 沉默把他惹惱了,同時也使他警覺起來。

The two ladies looked up at the doctor with some alarm . 兩位太太頗為驚慌地抬起頭來看著醫生。

She was sad, but no longer showing alarm in her countenance . 她很傷心,但不再有驚慌的神色。

The numbers from the u.s. office of education are alarming . 美國教育部發表的數字非常驚人。

Later i heard that rundstedt laughed off the alarm . 后來,我聽說倫斯德對這種驚慌一笑置之。

A note of alarm entered priscilla quinn's voice . 普麗西拉奎因的話音里顯出了驚慌的調子。

I was puzzled and alarmed . 我感到困惑和恐懼。

The fire caused much alarm . 火災引起很大恐慌。

Next morning, she checked him and cried in alarm . 第二天早上她去看他時,不由得大驚失色。

It was an alarming picture . 這是一張驚人的圖表。

The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off . 防盜警報器一響,盜賊立刻逃走了。

That alarm was premature . 那次警報,是一場虛驚。

He felt a vague alarm . 他隱隱感到了一種不祥的預兆。

Its mass is a little alarming . 它的數量確有點驚人。

She was too late, thenbut the fact did not alarm her . 她趕不上了,但她并不在意。