
alar adj.1.(有)翼的,(有)翅的。2.【植物;植物學】...


The patient appears first normally calorific ( alar temperature often is in 38 above ) , can accompany have shiver or other symptom , include to have a headache , systemic ache and unwell , lack of power , partial patient is in inchoate also can have symptom of longitudinal respiratory tract , if cough , pharynx is painful , wait 病人通常先出現發熱(腋下體溫常在38以上) ,可伴有寒戰或其他癥狀,包括頭痛、全身酸痛和不適,乏力,部分病人在早期也會有輕度的呼吸道癥狀,如咳嗽、咽痛等。

Wider access to the joint may be attained in the following ways : ( 1 ) by extending the incision proximally , ( 2 ) by extending the proximal part of the incision obliquely medially and separating the fibers of the vastus medialis , ( 3 ) by dividing the medial alar fold and adjacent fat pad longitudinally , and ( 4 ) by mobilizing the medial part of the insertion of the patellar tendon subperiosteally 還可以通過下述方法擴大手術顯露:將切口向近端延長;將切口近端部分斜向內側延長并分開股內側肌纖維;縱向劈開內側翼狀襞及鄰近的脂肪墊;骨膜下松解髕韌帶止點的內側部分。

The patient appears first normally calorific ( alar temperature often is in ) of 38 above , can accompany have shiver or other symptom , include to have a headache , systemic ache and unwell , lack of power , partial patient is in inchoate also can have symptom of longitudinal respiratory tract , if cough , pharynx is painful , wait 病人通常先出現發熱(腋下體溫常在38以上) ,可伴有寒戰或其他癥狀,包括頭痛、全身酸痛和不適,乏力,部分病人在早期也會有輕度的呼吸道癥狀,如咳嗽、咽痛等。

In the early 1970s , astronomers alar and jun toomre predicted that the odd shape of two relatively nearby galaxies , dubbed the mice after their rodent - like tails , could be explained by a fantastic collision between them 在二十世紀七十年代早期,天文學家艾拉和裘利?圖木爾就曾預言那兩個因為有像嚙齒動物一樣的尾巴而被別稱為“老鼠”的相對較近的星系的奇怪形狀可以用發生在兩者之間的奇怪的撞擊來解釋。

We adopt compositive recondition techniques , including anatomical repositioning of the musculus orbicularis oris , the alar and nasal septum cartilages , and correction of nasal deformity with transplant of cartilage 根據不同的鼻畸形程度進行鼻唇肌肉的解剖復位,鼻翼及鼻中隔軟骨懸吊復位固定,以及肋軟骨塑形后移植,糾正鼻翼和鼻小柱的畸形。

While wandering on streets of shihezi city , kuytun city , wujiaqu city , alar city , tumushuke city , it is very hard to believe these cities of the corps are so young 漫步在石河子市、奎屯市、五家渠市、阿拉爾市、圖木舒克市的街頭,很難相信這些兵團城市是如此年輕。

Leonardo ' s nose is flattened in as if it were previously broken and there are two distinct lines of hair curls which outline his left nostril and alar nasal base 萊昂那多的鼻子呈扁平狀,如同在此之前被打碎過,兩條明顯的發卷線將他的左鼻孔和鼻翼勾勒出來。

At the same time companion has a breast to bilge painful or ache , individual patient is returned to alar reach upper limbs to radiate 同時伴有乳房脹痛或酸痛,個別病人還向腋下及上肢放射。

The application of measuring soil to balance fertilizer method in alar area 測土配方平衡施肥技術在阿拉爾墾區的應用

Study on electronic monitor system with three - stage alar m for large - size loaders 大型裝載機三級報警電子監控系統

Accuracy : 2bpm pulse alar : 499time 脈率報警: 30230bpm

The high yield cultural pattern of ccri35 in alar reclamation area 阿拉爾墾區中棉35高產栽培模式

Report on fresh water protozoa in alar 阿拉爾地區淡水原生動物調查初報