
alamo n.(pl. alamos) 楊樹,三角葉楊〔美國西南部...

The american gets up there and yells “ remember the alamo ! “ and pushes the mexican out 接著美國人站了起來并大聲喊: “讓所有人都記得墨西哥的白楊吧! ”然后他把墨西哥人給推出了飛機。

I “ m sure the alamo defenders didn “ t invite santa anna in to look around befor the attack 我確信白楊防御者在進攻前不會邀請圣誕老人安娜到處看看。

“ david zime . “ i replied as i turned the corner of the street and laid eyes upon the alamo “大衛,吉梅。 ”車子轉了個彎,阿拉莫就在前面了。


But when you consider that utah hasn ' t won in the alamo city since 1999 and also factor in san antonio ' s experience in close - out games , utah ' s chances to get the series back to salt lake city for a game 6 appear bleak 但你要知道,爵士在馬刺主場從1999年后就沒贏過,而且馬刺這么老道的球隊,在賽點戰的經驗是爵士遠不能比的,所以,理論上,只是理論上,爵士還沒掛而已,但實際上,他們打第6場的機會,非常非常渺茫。

On the morning of march 6 , 1836 , general santa anna recaptured the alamo , ending the 13 - day siege . an estimated 1 , 000 to 1 , 600 mexican soldiers died in the battle . only one of the 184 americans survived 在1836年月6日的早晨,圣塔安那將軍收復了白楊鎮教堂,退出了13天的包圍行動。估計約有1000到1600名墨西哥士兵在這場戰爭中死亡。而184名美國人之中,只有一人生還。

On the morning of march 6 , 1836 , general santa anna recaptured the alamo , ending the 13 - day siege . an estimated 1 , 000 to 1 , 600 mexican soldiers died in the battle . only one of the 184 americans survived 在1836年月6日的早晨,圣塔?安那將軍收復了白楊鎮教堂,結束了13天的包圍行動。估計約有1000到1600名墨西哥士兵在這場戰爭中死亡。而184名美國人之中,只有一人生還。

Los alamos national laboratory scientists have developed a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces by using mini - x - ray fluorescence to detect chemical elements in fingerprints without altering them 美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的科學家們發明了一種新型的指紋檢測技術,利用微x射線束熒光技術可以在不破壞指紋的情況下探測到物體表面指紋所攜帶的化學成分

Alamo chinese language school is a non - profit organization , our school is dedicated to the teaching and promotion of the chinese language and culture in the great san antonio community 圣城中文學校是一個非盈利的組織,其宗旨為弘揚中華文化,服務社區。學校教授漢語拼音和中文及其他文體課,歡迎所有愿意學習中文和中國文化的的人士前來就讀。

Not every flower symbolize for love , but rose can do it ; not every tree can stand thirst , but alamo can do it , not every pig can read short message , but you can do it 不是每一朵花都能代表愛情,但是玫瑰做到了;不是每一種樹都能耐住干渴,但是白楊做到了;不是每一頭豬都能看短消息,但是你做到了。

Not every flower symbolige for love , but rose can do it , not every tree can stand thirst , but alamo can do it , not every pig can read short message , but you can do it 不是每一朵鮮花都能代表愛情,但是玫瑰做到了;不是每一種樹都能耐住干渴,而白楊做到了;不是每一頭豬都能看短消息,但是你做到了。

James burns , 34 , ( a mechanic ) of alamo , mi , was killed in march , 2004 as he was trying to repair what police describe as a farm - type truck 2004年3月,在密歇根州阿拉莫市, 34歲的詹姆斯?伯恩斯(機修工)遇害身亡,當時他正試著修理一輛卡車,警方稱是一臺農用卡車。

G . swift , thermoacoustics : a unifying perspective for some engines and refrigerators , los alamos national laboratory , http : / / www . lanl . gov . 2001 羅二倉譯) , 《熱聲學:一種適用于某些發動機和制冷機分析的統一方法》 ,中科院理化技術研究所,北京, 2001 。

Los alamos national laboratory scientists are using a new technique to see fingerprints on surfaces that typically make them invisible 美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的科學家們采用了一種新技術,可以觀察到原本很難在物體表面上看見的指紋。

The mexican army , led by general antonio l pez de santa anna had been ordered to recapture the alamo and take no prisoners 由安東尼奧?羅培茲?圣塔?安那將軍率領的墨西哥軍隊接到要收復白楊鎮的命令。

In the alamo battle , less than two hundred defenders repulsed the attacks by thousands of mexicans in twelve days 在阿拉摩戰役中,不滿二百人的守軍在十二天內擊退了幾千墨西哥人一次又一次的進攻。

In the alamo battle , less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of mexican in twelve days 在阿拉摩戰役中,不滿二百人的守軍在十二天內擊退了幾千墨西哥人一次又一次的進攻。

The american gets up there and yells “ remember the alamo ! “ and pushes the mexican out 接著美國人站了起來并大聲喊: “讓所有人都記得墨西哥的白楊吧! ”然后他把墨西哥人給推出了飛機。

I presented my first paper on nuclear terrorism at a conference in los alamos , n . m . , in 1975 我發表了第一篇關于核恐怖主義的一次會議上,在洛斯阿拉莫斯, n . m .于1975年

I “ m sure the alamo defenders didn “ t invite santa anna in to look around befor the attack 我確信白楊防御者在進攻前不會邀請圣誕老人安娜到處看看。