
alameda n.〔美國〕林蔭走道。

Mr . ford started anew to tell how he had first read “ the ring of bells , “ and mr . ends at the same time was striving to repeat his niece s appreciation of “ the ring of bells , “ said niece being a school - teacher in alameda 福特先生重新談起他第一次讀到鐘聲激越的情況恩孜先生也同時努力重復他的侄女對鐘聲激越的欣賞,并說他侄女在阿拉美達做教師。

Lucky jack : “ so it was that alameda slim “這就是阿爾梅達斯林姆

Lucky jack : “ so it was that alameda slim . . “這就是阿爾梅達?斯林姆


Nor could he have guessed that the particular five dollars that belonged to him had been appropriated by the business manager for the painting of his house in alameda , which painting he performed himself , on week - day afternoons , because he could not afford to pay union wages and because the first scab he had employed had had a ladder jerked out from under him and been sent to the hospital with a broken collar - bone 他也不知道他那五塊錢早給經理挪用去油漆他在阿拉密達的房子了那是利用上班日的下午自己油漆的,因為他付不起工會所規定的工資,也因為他雇傭的第一個不按規定要價的工人從梯子上掉下來,摔斷了肩胛骨,送進了醫院。

With better detection and , ultimately , improved treatment in mind , we have begun to collaborate with scientists at celera diagnostics in alameda , calif . , to search for genetic markers called snps ? single nucleotide polymorphisms ? that correlate with aortic disease 為了尋求更有效的偵測之道和更進步的治療方法,我們與位于加州阿拉米達市的賽勒拉檢驗公司合作,尋找與主動脈疾病相關的基因標志。

Mr . ford started anew to tell how he had first read “ the ring of bells , “ and mr . ends at the same time was striving to repeat his niece s appreciation of “ the ring of bells , “ said niece being a school - teacher in alameda 福特先生重新談起他第一次讀到鐘聲激越的情況恩孜先生也同時努力重復他的侄女對鐘聲激越的欣賞,并說他侄女在阿拉美達做教師。

The gardens of alameda knew her step : the garths of olives knew and bowed 阿拉梅達諸園308熟悉她的腳步聲。橄欖園認識她并向她彎腰鞠躬。

Valta is located in container i . d . charlie - 0717 in alameda yards 沃爾特位于阿拉米達圍場里集裝箱編號為查理- 0717

It ' s located at alameda yards 它在阿拉米達圍場

Why don ' t we go nab that alameda slim 我們去抓住那個大盜

Alameda slim , you ' re under arrest 阿爾梅達?斯林姆你被捕了

Why don ' t we go nab that alameda slim . . 我們去抓住那個大盜… …

We ' re looking for a cattle rustler named alameda slim 我們在找一個叫做阿爾梅達?斯林姆的偷牛賊

Lucky jack : “ so it was that alameda slim “這就是阿爾梅達斯林姆

Lucky jack : “ so it was that alameda slim . . “這就是阿爾梅達?斯林姆

Alameda slim and the willie brothers gang 斯林姆和威利兄弟盜賊團所賜

Alameda slim has already flown the coop 可是斯林姆已經跑的無影無蹤了

Is that low - down , good - for - nothin ' alameda slim 就是那個最壞的家伙阿爾梅達?斯林姆

Okay , langley ' s ordered a raid on the alameda yard 好的,蘭利下令突襲阿拉米達圍場