
alacrity n.1.樂意。2.敏捷。短語和例子with alacri...

This paper traces the origin of the concept “ higher order thinking “ , explores another two similar concepts “ creative thinking “ and “ critical thinking “ . we hereby propose a new concept “ mathematical higher order thinking “ on the basis that chinese scholars have achieved in the field of mathematics thinking character . the author define it representatively from five aspects : profundity , flexibility , originality , criticainess , alacrity 本文追溯了高層次思維的概念來源,考察了與之相近的創造性思維、批判性思維概念,并結合我國對于數學思維品質的研究優勢,從五個方面? ?深刻性、靈活性、獨創性、批判性、敏捷性? ?對“數學高層次思維”進行了描述性的界定。

I see genuine contentment in your gait and mien , your eye and face , when you are helping me and pleasing me - working for me , and with me , in , as you characteristically say , “ all that is right “ : for if i bid you do what you thought wrong , there would be no light - footed running , no neat - handed alacrity , no lively glance and animated complexion 你幫助我,使我愉快為我忙碌,也與我一起忙碌,干你慣于說的只要是對的事情時,我從你的步履和神采,你的目光和表情上,看到了一種真誠的滿足。因為要是我吩咐你去干你心目中的錯事,那就不會有步態輕盈的奔忙,干脆利落的敏捷,沒有活潑的眼神,興奮的臉色了。

They failed to return , but because a team - member had seen them moving “ with alacrity “ towards the summit , speculation continues to this day that they may have been first to the highest point on the planet 他們沒能回來,但根據一個隊員的說法“看到他們輕快的登向頂端” ,所以至今人們一直推測他們曾經登上過這個星球的最高端。

“ may i ask , “ said butler , his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer , “ who this man is ? 對這干脆利落的回答,巴特勒的懷疑加深了,他說: “我可以問一聲這個人是誰嗎? ”

“may i ask,“ said butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer, “who this man is? “ 對這干脆利落的回答,巴特勒的懷疑加深了,他說:“我可以問一聲這個人是誰嗎?”


This paper traces the origin of the concept “ higher order thinking “ , explores another two similar concepts “ creative thinking “ and “ critical thinking “ . we hereby propose a new concept “ mathematical higher order thinking “ on the basis that chinese scholars have achieved in the field of mathematics thinking character . the author define it representatively from five aspects : profundity , flexibility , originality , criticainess , alacrity 本文追溯了高層次思維的概念來源,考察了與之相近的創造性思維、批判性思維概念,并結合我國對于數學思維品質的研究優勢,從五個方面? ?深刻性、靈活性、獨創性、批判性、敏捷性? ?對“數學高層次思維”進行了描述性的界定。

I see genuine contentment in your gait and mien , your eye and face , when you are helping me and pleasing me - working for me , and with me , in , as you characteristically say , “ all that is right “ : for if i bid you do what you thought wrong , there would be no light - footed running , no neat - handed alacrity , no lively glance and animated complexion 你幫助我,使我愉快為我忙碌,也與我一起忙碌,干你慣于說的只要是對的事情時,我從你的步履和神采,你的目光和表情上,看到了一種真誠的滿足。因為要是我吩咐你去干你心目中的錯事,那就不會有步態輕盈的奔忙,干脆利落的敏捷,沒有活潑的眼神,興奮的臉色了。

Catch vogue with the image , be absorbed in a fine design , we pursue the lighting art and the design feeling of the height , simple and direct medium the experience depth , careful in deeply alacrity , show unintentionally in the detail perfect , follow like sheep main current in no case , strive relentlessly of walk on the popular vogue point 用影像捕捉時尚,專注于精致設計,我們追求光影藝術和高度的設計感,簡潔中體驗深度,嚴謹里透出活潑,細節中流露完美,絕不盲從主流,努力不懈的走在流行時尚尖端。

Play is brought into instruction ' s category in kindergarten . the principal characters of play instruction are the automatic learning and the subjective or automatic development . the features of times of instruction framework embody vividness , alacrity , enthusiasm and the same importance of interest and ability 幼兒園游戲被納入教學活動的范疇,以幼兒的主動學習和主體性發展為主要特征,體現生動活潑、積極主動、興趣與能力并重的具有時代特色的教學活動范式。

Mr . darcy took her advice , and did finish his letter . when that business was over , he applied to miss bingley and elizabeth for the indulgence of some music . miss bingley moved with alacrity to the piano - forte , and after a polite request that elizabeth would lead the way , which the other as politely and more earnestly negatived , she seated herself 這件事過去以后,達西要求彬格萊小姐和伊麗莎白小姐賞賜他一點音樂聽聽,彬格萊小姐便敏捷地走鋼琴跟前,先客氣了一番,請伊麗莎白帶頭,伊麗莎白卻更加客氣更加誠懇地推辭了,然后彬格萊小姐才在琴旁坐下來。

Capricorn : your character is cool - headed , but is always been fond of by alacrity optimism , joky sagittarius of dog dinner , but also because you take care of not to live sagittarius , usually can looking at sagittarius to play everywhere , a person alone bitter guard cold kiln 魔羯座:你的個性沉穩,卻老是被活潑樂觀、愛開玩笑的射手座迷的亂七八糟,但也因為你管不住射手座,通常只能看著射手座到處玩,獨自一人苦守寒窯。

Said the count , in the same tone in which he would have given an order to his servant . the messenger obeyed without the least hesitation , but rather with alacrity , and , mounting the steps at a bound , entered the hotel ; five seconds afterwards he was at the door of the room 伯爵說道,他的語氣就象吩咐他的仆人一樣,那信差竟毫不猶豫地服從了這個命令,而且還顯得很高興的樣子,他蹦蹦跳跳地奔上臺階,竄進了旅館。

He carved , and ate , and praised with delighted alacrity ; and every dish was commended , first by him , and then by sir william , who was now enough recovered to echo whatever his son in law said , in a manner which elizabeth wondered lady catherine could bear 他邊切邊吃,又興致淋漓地贊不絕口每一道菜都由他先來夸獎,然后由威廉爵士加以吹噓,原來威廉爵士現在已經完全消除了驚恐,可以做他女婿的應聲蟲了。

Her mother stepped forwards , embraced her , and welcomed her with rapture ; gave her hand , with an affectionate smile , to wickham , who followed his lady ; and wished them both joy with an alacrity which shewed no doubt of their happiness 母親高興得要命,連忙走上前來歡迎她,擁抱她,一面又帶著親切的笑容把手伸給韋翰他走在新婦后面,祝他們夫婦倆快活。

They failed to return , but because a team - member had seen them moving “ with alacrity “ towards the summit , speculation continues to this day that they may have been first to the highest point on the planet 他們沒能回來,但根據一個隊員的說法“看到他們輕快的登向頂端” ,所以至今人們一直推測他們曾經登上過這個星球的最高端。

You are a sincerity in my whole life , difficult forget , lovely , alacrity , the friend of the docile , i will not forget you , arriving the small lotus in my first time , is you give me confidence , thank you 譯文:茜,你是我一生中一個真誠,難忘,可愛,活潑,善良的朋友,我不會忘記你,在我初次到小荷,是你給了我信心,謝謝你!

During the visiting to the earth building , both foreigners and domestic travelers can feel straightforwardness , alacrity and hospitality of the hakkas who are as simple and unsophisticated as laterite 去“土樓”旅游,無論是外國人,還是國內的人都能感受到土樓客家人的粗獷豪爽,熱情好客,他們就像紅土地一般厚實、淳樸。

I grow at a cultivated family , the character alacrity , lovely , bright . want very much seek a personality gentleness a considerate colleague . if there is common principle person , can know each other further 我生長在一個有教養的家庭,個性活潑,可愛,開朗.很想找一位性格溫柔體貼的伙伴.如果有共同的理念人,能進一步認識彼此

But as america ' s mortgage malaise has spread with shocking alacrity from one corner of the credit markets to another , even these staid creatures have been sent into spasms 但是由于美國房貸病以驚人的速度飛速從信貸市場的一個角落蔓延到另一個角落,使得貨幣市場基金這些應該很穩固的產品居然都產生了痙攣。