
alabaster n.雪花石膏。adj.雪花石膏制的;雪花石膏一樣的,雪白...

It was there she kept her girlish treasures trove , the tortoiseshell combs , her child of mary badge , the whiterose scent , the eyebrowleine , her alabaster pouncetbox and the ribbons to change when her things came home from the wash and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it in violet ink that she bought in hely s of dame street for she felt that she too could write poetry if she could only express herself like that poem that appealed to her so deeply that she had copied out of the newspaper she found one evening round the potherbs 這是姑娘的寶庫,收藏著玳瑁梳子“瑪利亞的孩子“ 63徽章白玫瑰香水描眉膏雪花石膏香盒替換著釘在洗衣房剛送回來的衣服上用的絲帶等。懺悔薄上記載著她用紫羅蘭色墨水是從戴姆街希利64的店里買來的寫下的一些雋永的思想。因為她感到,只要她能夠像如此深深地感染了她的這首詩那樣表達自己,她就也能夠寫詩。

“ found in the tomb of tutankhamun , an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh ' s internal organs , preserved with natron , into the afterlife . 這些在圖坦卡門的陵墓中找到的容器由雪花石制成,它們上面的塞子雕工精美,把這位法老的器官保存在泡堿液體中,延續著他死后的生命。


Dundrum , south , or sutton , north , both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects , the premises to be held under feefarmgrant , lease 999 years , the message to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow 2 lancets , thermometer affixed , 1 sittingroom , 4 bedrooms , 2 servants rooms , tiled kitchen with close range and scullery , lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses , fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the encyclopaedia britannica and new century dictionary , transverse obsolete medieval and oriental weapons , dinner gong , alabaster lamp , bowl pendant , vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory , handtufted axminster carpet with cream ground and trellis border , loo table with pillar and claw legs , hearth with massive firebrasses and ormolu mantel chronometer clock , guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chime , barometer with hygrographic chart , comfortable lounge settees and corner fitments , upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre , three banner japanese screen and cuspidors club style , rich wine - coloured leather , gloss renewable with a minimum of labour by use of linseed oil and vinegar and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre , bentwood perch with a fingertame parrot expurgated language , embossed mural paper at 10 - per dozen with transverse swags of carmine floral design and top crown frieze , staircase , three continuous flights at successive right angles , of varnished cleargrained oak , treads and risers , newel , balusters and handrail , with stepped - up panel dado , dressed with camphorated wax , bathroom , hot and cold supply , reclining and shower : water closet on mezzanine provided with opaque singlepane oblong window , tipup seat , bracket lamp , brass tierod brace , armrests , footstool and artistic oleograph on inner face of door : ditto , plain : servant s apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook , general and betweenmaid salary , rising by biennial unearned increments of 2 , with comprehensive fidelity insurance annual bonus , and retiring allowance based on the 65 system after 30 years service , pantry , buttery , larder , refrigerator , outoffices , coal and wood cellarage with winebin still and sparkling vintages for distinguished guests , if entertained to dinner evening dress , carbon monoxide gas supply throughout 一截彎木上棲著一只馴順得能停在手指上的鸚鵡它吐字文雅,墻上糊著每打價為十先令的壓花壁紙,印著胭脂紅色垂花橫紋圖案,頂端是帶狀裝飾一連三段櫟木樓梯,接連兩次拐成直角,都用清漆涂出清晰的木紋,梯級登板起柱欄桿和扶手,一律用護板來加固并涂上含樟腦的蠟浴室里有冷熱水管,盆湯淋浴,設備俱全。位于平臺246上的廁所里,長方形窗子上嵌著一塊毛玻璃,帶蓋的坐式抽水馬桶,壁燈,黃銅拉鏈和把手,兩側各放著憑肘幾和腳凳,門內側還掛有藝術氣息濃厚的油畫式石版畫。另外還有一間普通的廁所廚師打雜的女仆和兼做些細活的女傭的下房里也分別裝有保健衛生設備仆役的工錢每兩年遞增兩英鎊,并根據一般忠誠勤勞保險,每年年底發獎金一英鎊,對工滿三十年者,按照六十五歲退職的規定,發退職金餐具室配膳室食品庫冷藏庫主樓外的廚房及貯藏室等堆煤柴用的地窨子里還有個葡萄酒窖不起泡亮光閃閃的葡萄酒,這是為宴請貴賓吃正餐身穿夜禮服時預備的。

It was there she kept her girlish treasures trove , the tortoiseshell combs , her child of mary badge , the whiterose scent , the eyebrowleine , her alabaster pouncetbox and the ribbons to change when her things came home from the wash and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it in violet ink that she bought in hely s of dame street for she felt that she too could write poetry if she could only express herself like that poem that appealed to her so deeply that she had copied out of the newspaper she found one evening round the potherbs 這是姑娘的寶庫,收藏著玳瑁梳子“瑪利亞的孩子“ 63徽章白玫瑰香水描眉膏雪花石膏香盒替換著釘在洗衣房剛送回來的衣服上用的絲帶等。懺悔薄上記載著她用紫羅蘭色墨水是從戴姆街希利64的店里買來的寫下的一些雋永的思想。因為她感到,只要她能夠像如此深深地感染了她的這首詩那樣表達自己,她就也能夠寫詩。

The nervous excitement of which we speak pursued valentine even in her sleep , or rather in that state of somnolence which succeeded her waking hours ; it was then , in the silence of night , in the dim light shed from the alabaster lamp on the chimney - piece , that she saw the shadows pass and repass which hover over the bed of sickness , and fan the fever with their trembling wings 瓦朗蒂娜睡著的時候更準確地說是在她醒來后的那種半醒半睡狀態中她仍然處于亢奮狀態那時,夜深人靜,壁爐架上那盞乳白色燈罩射出了昏暗的光線,在這寂靜和昏暗中,她看見那些影子在病床上空一一走過,用它們顫抖的翅膀煽動寒熱。

He said and then lifted he in his rude great brawny strengthy hands the medher of dark strong foamy ale and , uttering his tribal slogan lamh dearg abu , he drank to the undoing of his foes , a race of mighty valorous heroes , rulers of the waves , who sit on thrones of alabaster silent as the deathless gods 說罷,他就用那雙粗壯結實強有力的大手,舉起一大木杯359正在冒泡的烈性黑色濃啤酒,吆喝著本族口號“紅手迎勝利360 ” ,祈求敵族那宛若永生的眾神一般默然坐在雪花石膏寶座上的剛毅勇猛的英雄們,海洋上的霸主361徹底毀滅。

Barren attribute as it was , disastrous as its discovery had been in many ways to her , perhaps mr clare , as a gentleman and a student of history , would respect her sufficiently to forget her childish conduct with the lords and ladies if he knew that those purbeck - marble and alabaster people in kingsbere church really represented her own lineal forefathers ; that she was no spurious d urberville , compounded of money and ambition like those at trantridge , but true d urberville to the bone 它們之間缺乏相同的表征,它的發現在許多方面已經給她帶來了災難,也許,克萊爾作為一個紳士和學習歷史的人,如果他知道在金斯伯爾教堂里那些珀貝克大理石和雪花石雕像是真正代表她的嫡親祖先的,知道她是地地道道的德貝維爾家族的人,知道她不是那個由金錢和野心構成的假德貝維爾,他就會充分尊重她,從而忘了她剝“老爺和夫人”花蕾的幼稚行為。

It was a fairy , and come from elf - land , it said ; and its errand was to make me happy : i must go with it out of the common world to a lonely place - such as the moon , for instance - and it nodded its head towards her horn , rising over hayhill : it told me of the alabaster cave and silver vale where we might live 它是個小精靈,從精靈仙境來的,它說。它的差使是使我幸福,我必須同它一起離開凡間,到一個人跡罕至的地方譬如月亮上它朝干草山上升起的月牙兒點了點頭。它告訴我,我們可以住在石膏山洞和銀色的溪谷里。

Her hands were of finely veined alabaster with tapering fingers and as white as lemon juice and queen of ointments could make them though it was not true that she used to wear kid gloves in bed or take a milk footbath either 她那雙有著細微血管的手像是雪花膏做成的,纖纖手指如燭心,只有檸檬汁和高級軟膏才能使它們這般白嫩。然而關于她睡覺時戴羔羊皮手套和用牛奶泡腳之說,則純屬捏造。

Mk . 14 : 3 and while he was in bethany in the house of simon the leper , as he reclined at table , a woman came , having an alabaster flask of ointment , of very costly pure nard , and she broke the alabaster flask and poured it over his head 可十四3耶穌在伯大尼患麻瘋的西門家里坐席的時候,有一個女人,拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來,打破玉瓶,把膏澆在他的頭上。

Nasb : while he was in bethany at the home of simon the leper , and reclining at the table , there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard ; and she broke the vial and poured it over his head 和合本:耶穌在伯大尼長大?瘋的西門家里坐席的時候、有一個女人、拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來、打破玉瓶、把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

3 and while he was in bethany in the house of simon the leper , as he reclined at table , a woman came , having an alabaster flask of ointment , of very costly pure nard , and she broke the alabaster flask and poured it over his head 3耶穌在伯大尼患?瘋的西門家里坐席的時候,有一個女人,拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來,打破玉瓶,把膏澆在?的頭上。

An interesting mix of materials was used combining off white marble flooring with alabaster timber veneer paneling , cleft faced golden travertino , cream fabric paneling and deep brown macassar - wood 采用了各種有趣的的材料,白色大理石地板和乳白色的薄木護壁板、帶有花紋的金色黃窿石、淡黃色的布藝護壁板以及深棕色的馬卡薩木板巧妙地結合在一起。

And while he was in bethany in the house of simon the leper , as he reclined at table , a woman came , having an alabaster flask of ointment , of very costly pure nard , and she broke the alabaster flask and poured it over his head 3耶穌在伯大尼患麻風的西門家里坐席的時候,有一個女人,拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來,打破玉瓶,把膏澆在?的頭上。

While he was in bethany at the home of simon the leper , and reclining at the table , there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard ; and she broke the vial and poured it over his head 可14 : 3耶穌在伯大尼長大?瘋的西門家里坐席的時候、有一個女人、拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來、打破玉瓶、把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

[ kjv ] and being in bethany in the house of simon the leper , as he sat at meat , there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious ; and she brake the box , and poured it on his head 耶穌在伯大尼長大?瘋的西門家里坐席的時候、有一個女人、拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來、打破玉瓶、把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

And being in bethany in the house of simon the leper , as he sat at meat , there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious ; and she brake the box , and poured it on his head 耶穌在伯大尼長大?瘋的西門家里坐席的時候、有一個女人、拿著一玉瓶至貴的真哪噠香膏來、打破玉瓶、把膏澆在耶穌的頭上。

“ found in the tomb of tutankhamun , an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh ' s internal organs , preserved with natron , into the afterlife . 這些在圖坦卡門的陵墓中找到的容器由雪花石制成,它們上面的塞子雕工精美,把這位法老的器官保存在泡堿液體中,延續著他死后的生命。

Matt rhodium - plated frontal necklace with white alabaster and clear crystals as well as clear crystal pav ; double dark grey cotton cord 暗淡銠被鍍的前面項鏈與白色雪花石膏和清楚水晶并且清楚水晶鋪;雙重黑暗的灰色棉花繩子。