
alabama n.阿拉巴馬〔美國州名〕。-baman1.adj. 阿拉...

“ alabama , good - bye 再見,阿拉巴馬!

“ born into one of the wealthiest families of greenville , alabama , “生于阿拉巴馬greenville其中一個最富有的家庭,

“ sweet home alabama “ plays - am i missin ' somethin ' -我錯過什么了?


I used to date a guy named hoppy down in alabama . he was quite a jumper , too 我在阿拉巴馬得時候也認識一個叫荷比的家伙他跳遠也很棒

1 usa alabama 1美國密西西比

A driver heading a wrong way crashes into a greyhound bus in alabama 在阿拉巴馬州,一輛轎車司機駛入逆行車道與一輛長途汽車相撞。

Located in alabama 位于石獅市。

I ' m in alabama 我現在在阿拉巴馬

The northern part of alabama is described as the driest in about one hundred years 亞拉巴馬州北部據說是一百年來最熱的時候。

Held in birmingham , alabama on the first full week of june each year 控制了伯明翰,在6月的第一個完整的星期的亞拉巴馬每年。

“ alabama , good - bye 再見,阿拉巴馬!

He ' d passed up more $ 1 00 lures than any fish in alabama 他比其它亞拉巴馬州的魚都更狡猾,曾拒絕過超過100美圓的魚餌

University of alabama 阿拉巴馬州立大學

He ' d passed up more 1 00 lures than any fish in alabama 他比其它亞拉巴馬州的魚都更狡猾,曾拒絕過超過100美圓的魚餌

After the war , the sons of alabama returned home , looking for work 戰后,阿拉巴馬州的小伙子們回到了家,開始找工作。

The northern part of alabama is described as the driest in about 100 years 阿拉巴馬北部正處于近百年來最干旱的時期。

Te , when , dear alabama 接著又上來一位姑娘。

A driver heading a wrong way crashes into a greyhound bus in alabama 在阿拉巴馬州,一司機開錯車道,與灰狗巴士相撞。

University of west alabama 西阿拉巴馬州立大學