
ala n.【生物學】翼,翅;翼狀部。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the groud 茉莉花“唉”地嘆息一聲,便飄落在地。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground “唉! ”茉莉嘆息一聲,落在地上。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dro ed to the ground 茉莉花嘆息了一聲,落在地上了。

“ alas , what a ruin has befallen thee ! “天啊!你已經給毀成什么樣子啦! ”

“ alas , sir , in the most unexpected manner “唉,先生!完全是始料不到的事。


Will alas come true skies will clear , leaving me bright and blue 我才發現你我已活在不同的世界

Alas , to many the path is traced by tears . 有很多人,在那條路上留下的痕跡是眼淚滴成的呵。 ”

Alas , europe seldom works like this 哎,歐洲是很少像這樣行事的!

Alas , resistance was far from my thoughts 抵抗我是想都沒想到的。

Alas , these timid changes bear no comparison 唉,這些細微的改變調整無法與過去形成鮮明對比。

It is , alas , possible that a second round may not take place 唉,也許下一輪壓根都不會開始。

If the stone fall upon the egg , alas for the egg 假如巨石砸到雞蛋上,為可憐的雞蛋祈禱吧!

But israel , alas , had not the power to obey (出十九: 5 )但是可惜以色列人沒有順服的能力。

Dreams are dreams , will alas come true 別再掛念那一些謊言或者是諾言

But alas , who knows where princess cleopatra is 但是,唉,誰知道克利奧帕特拉公主在哪里呢

Alas , the mobile phone turns out to be rather unusual 很可惜,事實證明移動電話是個特例。

The jasmine sighed , “ alas , “ and dropped to the groud 茉莉花“唉”地嘆息一聲,便飄落在地。