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al dente 〔意大利語〕咬起來硬的;耐嚼的。

al fine

Side ingredients and sauces should be added only to enhance the vegetable s flavour , not dominate it . different cooking styles create different standards . stir - fried vegetables should be tasty and al dente 一道上乘的蔬菜菜式更須突顯主料的鮮美,整體上則講求清濃合度配料醬汁須選擇適當,并應以增添蔬菜食味為目的,而達致錦上添花的效果。

The former must be cooked al dente and be rich in egg fragrance , whereas the latter must be tangy and clear enough to highlight the taste and colour of the wonton and the noodles 面條要有蛋香,爽滑而彈牙,更要色澤鮮明。湯底亦非常重要,必須澄清透澈,鮮香撲鼻,才可突顯云吞和面條的色澤和口感。

In a large saucepan , bring 6 cups stock to a boil . add orzo ; cook until al dente , 10 minutes . add salt and pepper 將6杯高湯倒入一大鍋中煮沸。把大麥倒入沸水中煮約10分鐘,至口感較硬。放入鹽和胡椒。

Meanwhile , cook the tortellini in a large saucepan of boiling water following packet directions or until al dente 同時,根據包裝袋上面的說明把意大利餃子用開水放在燉鍋中煮,或者直到咬起來有嚼勁。

Cook spaghetti until al dente . reserve 1 / 3 cup of the pasta cooking water and combine it with lightly beaten eggs and cheese 把意粉煮至熟而有咬勁。留下約1 / 3杯煮意粉的水,與蛋汁及芝士拌勻。

Add salt and pappardelle , and cook until pasta is al dente , following label directions 加入鹽和面條,按照標簽上的方法煮面條,直到面條變硬。