
akin adj.〔常用作表語〕1.血族的,同族的。2.同種的,同...

And “ serious unlawful means “ will be restricted to criminal conduct that is akin to a terrorist act 至于“嚴重的非法手段“ ,則只限于類同“恐怖主義行為“的刑事行為。


Among left - wing cartoonists contempt for bush is common , but what grips rall is more akin to hatred 在左翼漫畫家中,對布什不敬是很普遍的,但比敵意更甚的意識強烈影響著拉爾。

I forgive those ancestors who treated other humans in horrific circumstances akin to how animals are raised 我寬恕那些將他人就像動物被飼養一般的同等恐怖環境中對待的祖先。

In some ways it is akin to holding fixed deposits , although the tenure of the efn is longer 在某程度上,持有外匯基金債券與持有定期存款相若,只是外匯基金債券的年期較長。

Tess had never before visited this part of the country , and yet she felt akin to the landscape 苔絲以前從來沒有到過鄉間這塊地方,不過她卻感到同這兒的風景有著血親關系。

I forgive those ancestors who treated other humans in horrific circumstances akin to how animals are raised 我寬恕那些將他人就像動物被飼養一般在恐怖環境中對待的祖先。

Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 這樣,向慈善機構捐款就更類似于一種揮霍而不是炫耀自己的善行。

And “ serious unlawful means “ will be restricted to criminal conduct that is akin to a terrorist act 至于“嚴重的非法手段“ ,則只限于類同“恐怖主義行為“的刑事行為。

The stabilizers are akin to spidery legs with padded feet that grip the heart with vacuum suction 這個穩定器就像是穿著防震腳墊的蜘蛛腳,透過真空吸力將心臟吸住。

If anything will pull in the holdouts , it ' s going to be applications that make the internet more akin to 只有讓互聯網的作用更接近付費電視,才能贏得這些用戶。 ”

At such moments the feeling that prevailed in princess maryas soul was akin to the pride of sacrifice 在這種時刻,公爵小姐瑪麗亞的心中充滿一種犧牲者的自豪感。

Changing an existing team project is akin to changing a process template , but the scope is much narrower 更改現有團隊項目與更改過程模板相似,但范圍要小的多。

The effect of cloud on ground temperature is akin to wrapping with a blanket to keep our body warm 云層對地面溫度的影響跟我們蓋被子相似,減低熱能向外散發。

And closely akin to the visions of the hairy man was the call still sounding in the depths of the forest 跟毛人幻像緊密相隨的是依然回響在森林深處的呼喚。

Giving money to charity is thus more akin to conspicuous consumption than it is to blatant benevolence 因此拿金錢做慈善更象炫耀性消費而非顯耀的善舉。

Has not incited his audience to start a war , has not used force or actions akin to terrorism 沒有鼓動受眾發動戰爭,沒有使用武力或類似恐怖主義行為

Masons felt also akin to the revered building guilds of ancient egypt , greece , and rome 石匠也認同令人起敬的古埃及、希臘和羅馬的建筑行業公會。

There is a cooked rice akin to xxxxxxx in china , though the taste is totally different 中國也有類似“牛? ”的飯,但是味道和日本的完全不一樣。

Males , as nontransmitters , are akin to evolutionary prison cells for the bacterium 雄性宿主不能傳播細菌, ?們的身體無異是沃巴赫菌的演化牢房。