
ajar adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.(門)微開,半開。 The...

The door to the transcontinental office was ajar , and martin , in the act of opening it , was brought to a sudden pause by a loud voice from within , which exclaimed : - “ but that is not the question , mr . ford . 跨越大陸辦公室的門虛掩著,馬丁正打算開門,屋里突然高叫了起來,他急忙住了手。那聲音在說: “可是問題不在這兒,福特先生! ”


But a minute or two later the company noticed in their midst a tall gentleman with a fine face and a beautiful white beard . the most astonishing thing about it was that nobody had seen him come in ; indeed , he must have slipped into the little drawing room through the bedroom door , which had remained ajar 過了幾分鐘,客人們在他們中間,瞥見一位身材高大的先生,他面容莊重,蓄著漂亮的銀須,最令人蹊蹺的是誰也沒有看見他進來,他大概是從臥室的一扇門溜進小客廳的,那扇門一直是半掩著的。

I reached this book , and a pot of ink from a shelf , and pushed the house door ajar to give me light , and i have got the time on with writing for twenty minutes ; but my companion is impatient , and proposes that we should appropriate the dairywoman s cloak , and have a scamper on the moors , under its shelter 我從書架上伸手摸到了這本書和一瓶墨水,便把門推開一點,漏進點亮光,我就寫字消遣了二十分鐘。可是我的同伴不耐煩了,他建議我們可以披上擠牛奶女人的外套,到曠野上跑一跑。

This done , instead of leaving the door fastened , he drew back the bolts and even placed the door ajar , as though he had left the room , forgetting to close it , and slipping into the chimney like a man accustomed to that kind of gymnastic exercise , having effaced the marks of his feet upon the floor , he commenced climbing the only opening which afforded him the means of escape 等這一切辦完以后,他不讓房門繼續緊閉,走過去拔開門閂,甚至把門拉成半開半掩的樣子,象是他已離開房間,忘記關門似的他抹掉地板上的足跡,熟練地溜進壁爐煙囪,開始順著空煙囪往上爬煙囪是他逃走的唯一機會了。

Leaving joseph to explain matters , i ran to the children s room : their door was ajar , i saw they had never laid down , though it was past midnight ; but they were calmer , and did not need me to console them 約瑟夫留在那里向醫生解說一切,而我便跑到孩子們的房間里去。門半開著,雖然已經過半夜了,他們根本就沒躺下來。只是已安靜些了,不需要我來安慰了。

The door to the transcontinental office was ajar , and martin , in the act of opening it , was brought to a sudden pause by a loud voice from within , which exclaimed : - “ but that is not the question , mr . ford . 跨越大陸辦公室的門虛掩著,馬丁正打算開門,屋里突然高叫了起來,他急忙住了手。那聲音在說: “可是問題不在這兒,福特先生! ”

Braintipped , cheek touched with flame , they listened feeling that flow endearing flow over skin limbs human heart soul spine . bloom signed to pat , bald pat is a waiter hard of hearing , to set ajar the door of the bar 他們腦子里充滿了興奮欣喜,漲紅了雙頰,邊聽邊感受到一股戀慕之情流過肌膚四肢心臟靈魂和脊背。

Bake in a preheated 180c / 350f oven for about 70 - 80 minutes . turn off oven . let cake cool in oven with door ajar for 1 hour . remove from oven . refrigerate cake overnight 入預熱180c / 350f烤箱里烘烤70 - 80分鐘。烤好后,把烤箱的門稍微打開,讓蛋糕自然冷卻,稍涼后才取出在外面繼續晾涼。隔夜冰鎮后食用。

The house door was ajar , too ; light entered from its unclosed windows ; hindley had come out , and stood on the kitchen hearth , haggard and drowsy 大廳的門也還是半開,從那沒有關上的窗戶那兒進來了光亮。辛德雷已經出來了,站在廚房爐邊,憔悴而懶塌塌的。

The control center for tallying all the votes was a small computer room ; the door to that room was ajar and no log was kept of personnel entering and leaving 計算所有選票的控制中心是間小電腦室,通往電腦室的門微開著,人員進出完全沒有任何記錄。

That timescale leaves the door ajar for united ' s current crop of promising youngsters to make the leap from the periphery of the first team squad to the epicentre 曼聯最近一茬年輕人從預備隊晉升到一線而站到世界舞臺的中心的大門已經打開。

Other hoofs and creaking wheels started behind . the blinds of the avenue passed and number nine with its craped knocker , door ajar . at walking pace 馬路旁的百葉窗向后移動;門環上蒙著黑紗的九號4那半掩著的大門,也以步行的速度過去了。

The count had briskly disappeared into the private room , leaving the door ajar behind him . but daguenet winked behind his round shoulders and added in chaffing tones 當他的圓圓的背部進去時,達蓋內眨眨眼睛,用開玩笑的口吻說道:

America ' s pledge to negotiate further on this issue may have seemed more credible because the door is now ajar for virgin america 由于大門現在已經向維珍美國敞開,美國在就此問題進一步磋商中的擔保似乎更加可靠了。

On the table stood a dark - lantern with the shutter half open , throwing a brilliant beam of light upon the iron safe , the door of which was ajar 桌子上放著一盞熄滅了的提燈,窗板半開,亮光照在半開的保險柜上。

Police officers sped to the scene found that the door of the flat was left ajar and a woman aged about 40 was found lying unconscious on the bed 趕赴現場的警員發現單位大門虛掩,一名年約四十歲女子倒臥床上。

Turn off oven . let cake cool in oven with door ajar for 1 hour . remove from oven . refrigerate cake overnight 烤好后,把烤箱的門稍微打開,讓蛋糕自然冷卻,稍涼后才取出在外面繼續晾涼。隔夜冰鎮后食用。

The key scraped round harshly twice and , when the heavy door had been set ajar , welcome light and bright air entered 鑰匙刺耳地轉了兩下,而當沉重的大門半開半掩時,怡人的陽光和清新的空氣就進來了。

He was in no uneasiness concerning his getting into the house again , for it was full of lodgers , and the door stood ajar all night 他并不擔心回家時進不了大院,因為房客眾多,門是通夜半開著的。