
aisle n.1.(教堂的)走廊;耳堂。2.〔美國〕(戲院、客車等...


We had people standing in the aisle 有愛好藝術的確是的人要站在過道上。

Would you prefer a window , aisle or center seat 您比較喜歡靠窗、靠走道還是中間的座位?

She ' s coming down the aisle , beanie . let it go 她要過來了,賓尼別說了

2 trudy and bobby are walking down the supermarket aisle 楚迪和巴比走在超市的通道上。

Then the flower girl and ring bearer came down the aisle 捧花的女孩是從威斯康星來的。

Would you prefer a window or an aisle seat 您喜歡靠窗還是靠走廊的座位?

Do you want a window seat or an aisle 你想要靠窗的座位還是挨著過道的呢?

You need to know that before walking down the aisle 你需要在走向神壇之前知道這一點。

It ' s not moon , but a top light in aisle 唔好以為系月球,呢個只系走廊盞燈

The girl ushered me along the aisle to my seat 引座小姐帶領我沿著通道到我的座位上去

Oh ! clean - up on aisle 1 2 ! anybody 噢,來個人幫忙把這里清理干凈有人干嗎

The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles 那滑稽演員很快就逗得他們捧腹大笑

Clear the aisle . - we ' re on a collision course 請讓開過道看來要發生碰撞了

4 do you want an aisle seat or a window seat 您想要靠過道還是靠窗的座位?

- clear the aisle . - we ' re on a collision course 請讓開過道看來要發生碰撞了

Joyce ? i would like the aisle seat , please 喬伊斯?我要靠走道的,拜托您了。

They are expected to middle - aisle it in september 他們預定在九月間結婚。

This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles 這出喜劇讓他們樂得前仰后合。

Could i get a window seat ? / an aisle seat 可否給我靠窗的座位? /靠走道的座位