
airy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.空氣(一樣)的,無...

And that night they worked till half - past ten , dipping “ fancy starch “ - all the frilled and airy , delicate wear of ladies 那大晚11他們又一直干到十點半。為太太小姐們那些帶褶皺的擺闊氣的精美的衣物作“花式漿洗”

Women “ s hair has airy layers that can be worn loose and free , or sleek and smooth 女士發型則在蓬松大方或光良平滑的發型上做出輕快的層次。

It was a bit of society verse , airy and delicate , which he had named “ the palmist . 那是些社交詩,巧妙精美,他把它叫做手相家。


Boys don ' t grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures ? airy goddesses , more like book - illustrations to a fairy - tale , than human beings 男生在成長過程中視女性為凡人,而不是神秘的人物、天上的仙女或童話插圖中的女神。

Inside , the design emphasises the airy openness of top - down motoring , embracing the elements and creating a stunning , social environment 內部設計著重強調了駕乘中全身心接觸自然的暢快享受,包容了各種元素,營造出極好的社交氛圍。

The workspace is light and airy and built around the concept of working in teams , people sharing offices and cubicles connected in groups 工作區是明亮而通風的,建造在團隊合作理念的氛圍下。人們共享相連在一起的辦公室和小臥室。

And that night they worked till half - past ten , dipping “ fancy starch “ - all the frilled and airy , delicate wear of ladies 那大晚11他們又一直干到十點半。為太太小姐們那些帶褶皺的擺闊氣的精美的衣物作“花式漿洗”

She left an airy apartment she furnished herself for a small beige hospital - like room with a stranger for a roommate 老人家離開親自裝修的、可以輕快生活的公寓到這個米黃色的、像醫院病房一樣房間來和一個陌生人做室友。

She noticed his pleasant and contented manner , his airy grace and smiling humour , and it merely aggravated her the more 她注意到他那快樂滿足的神氣,輕松瀟灑的舉止,和樂不可支的心情,這使得她更加怒氣沖沖。

She was looking for something which would calm her conscience , and here it was , a light , airy disregard of her claims upon his justice 瞧他那副輕漂漂的不負責任的態度,對于她要求結婚的正當要求不加理會。

It was a light , airy day at the lakers ' training facility wednesday , with barely a hint that the san antonio spurs had blown into town 星期三,湖人的訓練場上隊員們顯得很輕松,仿佛沒有感覺到馬刺的到來。

The resulting image at the eyepiece diaphragm level is actually a mosaic of airy disks which you perceive as light and dark 最終在目鏡光欄面上獲得的成像實際是一個鑲了邊的艾利斑。

It was a large , airy place , with a little spring and a pool of clear water , overhung with ferns 這地方既寬敞又通風。有一小股清泉流入圍著蕨草的池子,地是沙地。

True love no need jollification , no need luxary , no need glory , and also no need airy fairy 真正的愛情是不講究熱鬧不講究排場不講究繁華更不講究噱頭的。

Hook the duck by the neck , spread diluted maltose over it . hang the duck in an airy place to dry 然后用鉤子勾住脖子,再在鴨皮上涂上一層淡的麥芽糖。

Song and singing soon are over as the airy shades that hover in among the purple clover 歌聲與歌唱轉瞬即逝,如籠在紫苜蓿上的輕靈而縹緲的影子。

Women “ s hair has airy layers that can be worn loose and free , or sleek and smooth 女士發型則在蓬松大方或光良平滑的發型上做出輕快的層次。

He was supposed to give us advice , but all he came up with were airy - fairy ideas 他應該給我們提些勸告,但他所想出來的一切是不切實際的。

It was a bit of society verse , airy and delicate , which he had named “ the palmist . 那是些社交詩,巧妙精美,他把它叫做手相家。