
airworthy adj.耐飛的,適宜飛行的。


The safety index system was given out based on the understanding of the current military specifications and airworthy requirements of aircraft structures , the theoretical fundamental and practice experience of these indexes were illuminated also 摘要在理解現行國軍標和適航條例的基礎上,給出保證結構完整性的安全性指標體系,并且說明指標的理論和實踐依據。

Russians likewise reinforced air units at the front . on 13 sep , ebashi gave go - ahead . 225 planes airworthy ; fighters and some light bombers deployed to forward bases . weather improved on 14 sep 俄國人同樣向前線增援航空單位.在9月13日,江橋到達前線. (鳥注:此譯不確,請高手指正) .可用飛機總數為225架;戰斗機和輕轟炸機布署在前進機場.自9月14日起,天氣轉好

The airplane is airworthy 這架飛機是適于飛行的。