
airworthiness 航空適宜性,耐飛性。

“ an accident investigation team was set up for investigation in accordance with the hong kong civil aviation ( investigation of accident ) regulation . the team consists of five civil aviation department ( cad ) trained staff including two helicopter pilots , one engineering expert , one airworthiness officer and one air traffic control officer 羅崇文說:民航處根據《香港民航(意外調查)規例》成立調查小組,成員包括本處的兩名直升機機師、兩名適航主任和一名航空交通管制員,以及一名飛行服務隊代表。

“ airworthiness officers from the civil aviation department conduct regular inspections on haeco s maintenance work at the airport 他說:民航處已安排適航部人員審查港機工程的維修工作。


Taking into account of the structure distortion , the theory and method of load calculation is researched from the perspective of engineering and airworthiness in this paper . the presented theory and method of load calculation is suitable for all kinds of civil aircraft . the load conditions and the initial parameters appropriated to the load calculation are determined according to the requirement of airworthiness 本文從工程應用和適航性角度出發,對民用飛機結構載荷計算的理論與方法做了詳細的研究,研究了考慮結構變形的載荷計算方法,按照適航要求確定了飛機各部件載荷計算的設計情況和原始參數。

The audit team will assess the effectiveness of hong kong s civil aviation safety oversight system in ensuring the implementation of the icao provisions in personnel licensing , operations of aircraft and airworthiness of aircraft through local legislation , operational regulations and safety inspectionaudit programmes 審計小組將評估香港的航空安全監察系統有效程度,確保香港透過本地法例、運作規例和安全檢查審計計劃,施行國際民航組織在人員執照的頒發、飛機營運和飛機適航方面的條文。

In the present paper , the safety problems in the current aviation industry and the management performance of the domestic aviation companies were addressed from an angle of technical economy . the three major problems associated with the persistent airworthiness management , which is in terms of the maintenance of the persistent airworthiness management , the network operation of the persistent airworthiness management , and the bilateral collaboration in the airworthiness management , were analyzed in details 本文從技術經濟學角度出發,在分析國內航空業存在的安全問題及影響民用航空持續適航的因素基礎上,深入研究了持續適航管理方面存在的四個主要問題,即維修管理、機組管理、持續適航管理的網絡化、以及國際雙邊間的持續適航工作。

“ an accident investigation team was set up for investigation in accordance with the hong kong civil aviation ( investigation of accident ) regulation . the team consists of five civil aviation department ( cad ) trained staff including two helicopter pilots , one engineering expert , one airworthiness officer and one air traffic control officer 羅崇文說:民航處根據《香港民航(意外調查)規例》成立調查小組,成員包括本處的兩名直升機機師、兩名適航主任和一名航空交通管制員,以及一名飛行服務隊代表。

Meanwhile , an aircraft load calculation software - alcp is accomplished in accordance with the method of load calculating and the requirement of airworthiness . the correctness of the developed software is checked with the load calculations of y7l and ma60 aircraft . the results given in this paper show that the software is suitable for all - purpose of the load calculation and all kinds of civil aircraft 同時根據載荷計算理論和適航要求進行了載荷計算的軟件研制,編制出了具有工程實用價值的通用載荷計算軟件? alcp軟件,并以西飛公司研制的y7l飛機和ma60飛機的機型數據進行了載荷計算,并與原設計載荷進行了對比分析,結果證明該軟件能夠適用于各類民用飛機的載荷計算。

As a regulatory authority , cad had been monitoring the progress with a view to ensuring that high standards of workmanship , airworthiness and safety were achieved . during the conduct of the intensive certification flight tests in hong kong airspace , the hong kong air traffic control centre worked closely with the boeing flight test team to ensure the smooth completion of the rigorous flight tests within the busy hong kong airspace 民航處作為監管機構,一直監察著整個改裝過程,確保工序、適航性及安全俱達高標準。該架飛機在香港空域進行飛行試驗期間,香港航空交通控制中心與波音的飛行測試隊緊密合作,確保各項嚴謹的飛行測試得以于本港繁忙的空域中順利完成。

It is only through this process of methodical active involvement that our mutual goal of sustainable progress in safety management can be assured in air traffic control , aerodrome operations , commercial air transport operations and compliance with airworthiness standards 唯有透過主動參與和有系統地優化這個過程,才可在空中交通管理、機場運作、商業航空運輸運作和適航等各個范疇,達致持續加強安全管理的共同目標。

Recently , the persistent airworthiness management has been successively carried out in various aviation companies . this plays a significant role in implementing regulations of persistent airworthiness , ensuring flight safety , and yielding good economic returns 近年來,我國航空公司的持續適航管理,作為有效實施《持續適航條例》的重要手段,已開始在各航空公司陸續開展,為保證飛行安全、爭取良好效益發揮了積極作用。

The maintenance program must be prepared before operating for the new type aircraft . it is the base and frame for airlines to determine preparatory maintenance policy and maintenance document , and is one of the based document insuring aircraft airworthiness 每一種新型飛機投入使用前必須制訂一份維修大綱,它是航空公司控制其初始維修方針,制訂維修方案的基礎和框架,是保證飛機持續適航的基本文件之一。

In meeting the requirements laid down in the an ( hk ) o 1995 , the flight standards and airworthiness division ( fsad ) consolidated the necessary data from other divisions of hkcad and compiled an acceptable aom for each of the runway at hkia 為符合《 1995年飛航香港令》的規定,飛行標準及適航部集合了從香港民航處其他各部得來的所需資料,就香港國際機場內每條跑道編訂了可予接納的機場最低飛行條件。

December 19 , 2005 the civil aviation department ( cad ) today ( december 19 ) issued a certificate of airworthiness to a boeing 747 - 400 special freighter , which is the first cathay pacific airways b747 - 400 freighter converted from a passenger aircraft 民航處今日(十二月十九日)簽發適航證明書予一架特別改裝的波音747 - 400型貨機,該架貨機是國泰航空公司首架由客機改裝而成的波音747 - 400型貨機。

Article 38 the owner and lessee of a civil aircraft shall use the aircraft in accordance with the scope of use prescribed in airworthiness certificate , conscientiously carry out the maintenance of the aircraft and ensure its airworthiness 第三十八條民用航空器的所有人或者承租人應當按照適航證書規定的使用范圍使用民用航空器,做好民用航空器的維修保養工作,保證民用航空器處于適航狀態。

This thesis discusses the issues of how to improve repair quality to maximum guarantee the continuous airworthiness of the aircraft parts repaired by avionics repair station , while in line with the requirements of civil aviation quality system 本論文主要探討了在現有民航維修質量體系的要求下,航空電子維修站應如何進行質量改進以最大限度地保證維修部件的持續適航性的問題。

Application shall be filed with the competent civil aviation authority under the state council by the manufacturer for export airworthiness certificate with respect to the export of civil aircraft and its engines , propellers and on - board equipment 出口民用航空器及其發動機、螺旋槳和民用航空器上設備,制造人應當向國務院民用航空主管部門申請領取出口適航證書。

Subsequent to the successful completion of a proving flight in the presence of my flight standards and airworthiness inspectors , the company has obtained cad s approval to operate its 50 - seat crj - 200 aircraft for the purpose of public transport , ? mr lam said 通過這考核后,中富航空成功取得民航處認可,營運這架五十座位的crj - 200型飛機,作公共運輸用途。

The airworthiness issues will , on the other hand , cover matters on aircraft airworthiness standards , the approval of maintenance organisations , licensing of maintenance personnel , and the allocation of aircraft registration marks 在適航方面,雙方將談論航空器適航的標準,維修單位的審批事宜,維修人員執照的簽發,以及航空器登記標志分配等。

Ensuring aerodrome safety , aviation security , flight operations , airworthiness and air traffic management are maintained at the highest international standards through regulation and setting of policies and standards ; and 透過監管及制定有關政策和規定,以確保本港機場安全、航空安全、飛機的運作安全及適航性和航空交通管理均保持國際最高水平;及