
airtime (電臺或電視臺的)廣播時間;(無線電話等的)通話時間。

From several aspects above , this airtime scientifically and systematically analyzed the cultivation of college students “ awareness of sustainable development ; meanwhile , it provided some policies and methods on this issue . the purpose of the article is to integrate the theory with practice and provide theoretical foundation and practical guidance on strategic education of sustainable development for college students 從以上幾個方面,本文對大學生可持續發展意識培養進行了較為系統、科學的分析,并就高等教育的現狀提出了大學生可持續發展意識培養的對策與途徑,力求作到理論聯系實際,具有可操作性,為對大學生進行可持續發展戰略教育提供理論依據和實踐指導。

As prime advertising airtime is in high demand , the rates continue to rise year after year . the establishment of the advertising joint verture should be a big leap for the group . “ added dr . leung . the investment is expected to be completed on or before dec 31 , 2005 由于黃金時段的廣告時間的需求甚殷,電視黃金時段廣告價每年持續上升,成功建立合資廣告公司及取得經營境內重點電視臺黃金時段廣告時間的權益將會成為集團業務一項可觀的進展。

Pursuant to the letter of intent , joyrex will contribute a cash consideration of no less than hk $ 38 million as capital to the joint venture for the purpose of acquiring certain rights to place advertisement during the airtime of a television platform in prc known as “ qin jia yuan drama time “ 按照今次簽訂的意向書,集團的投資額為不少于3800萬港元,將以現金投入合資公司,用作收購若干境內重點電視臺“勤+緣劇場”之廣告權益。

Pursuant to the letter of intent , joyrex will contribute a cash consideration of no less than hk 38 million as capital to the joint venture for the purpose of acquiring certain rights to place advertisement during the airtime of a television platform in prc known as “ qin jia yuan drama time “ 按照今次簽訂的意向書,集團的投資額為不少于3800萬港元,將以現金投入合資公司,用作收購若干境內重點電視臺“勤緣劇場”之廣告權益。

In the airtime , the witter first proposed the concepts of “ self - ecological awareness “ “ social - afforestation awareness , etc . the airtime aims to study ditlevent methods of cultivating college students “ awareness of sustainable development . ( ccsasd ) 本文在論述中首先提出“人的自我生態化意識” 、 “社會綠色化意識”等概念,力圖從多層次、多角度探求對大學生進行可持續發展意識教育的途徑。

As prime advertising airtime is in high demand , the rates continue to rise year after year . the establishment of the advertising joint verture should be a big leap for the group . “ added dr . leung 由于黃金時段的廣告時間的需求甚殷,電視黃金時段廣告價每年持續上升,成功建立合資廣告公司及取得經營境內重點電視臺黃金時段廣告時間的權益將會成為集團業務一項可觀的進展。

It has certain rights to place advertisement in several major television channels in china during the airtime of a television platform known as “ qin jia yuan drama time “ 天津勤緣可促使持有內地多家主要電視臺的勤緣劇場黃金時段廣告合作合約及多家投放該黃金時段之廣告商合約之合約方出讓該等合約予合資公司。

“ the whole airtime is composed of four parts : the first part states the fundamental contents of ccsasd 全文共分四個部分:第一部分論述了大學生可持續發展意識培養的基本內容。


Fellow initiates have been encouraged to acquire additional airtime on local public access tv stations . thanks to viewer interest in master s teachings and the broadcast quality of our programs , the response has been overwhelmingly favorable . to date , master s world tour lecture program has been aired in many cities and counties across the nation , including seattle , portland , los angeles , orange county , san diego , san jose , sacramento , phoenix , houston , denver and boulder , colorado , frankfort , kentucky , sanibel , florida , minneapolis , indianapolis and new york city 截至目前為止,師父的世界巡回講經節目已經在全國許多地方播放,包括西雅圖波特蘭洛杉磯橘郡圣地牙哥圣荷西薩克拉門多鳳凰城休士頓丹佛波爾德科羅拉多法蘭克福肯塔基杉尼堡佛羅里達明尼亞波利印地安納波里斯以及紐約等各城市。

From several aspects above , this airtime scientifically and systematically analyzed the cultivation of college students “ awareness of sustainable development ; meanwhile , it provided some policies and methods on this issue . the purpose of the article is to integrate the theory with practice and provide theoretical foundation and practical guidance on strategic education of sustainable development for college students 從以上幾個方面,本文對大學生可持續發展意識培養進行了較為系統、科學的分析,并就高等教育的現狀提出了大學生可持續發展意識培養的對策與途徑,力求作到理論聯系實際,具有可操作性,為對大學生進行可持續發展戰略教育提供理論依據和實踐指導。

You may incur additional fees from the use of mobile and / or internet services of your network or other telecommunications operator / carrier and / or other service provider , including without limitation sms , mms and mobile internet browsing and other services that require the use of airtime and mobile data services 你可能會因為使用手機和/或你的網絡的因特網服務或其他通信服務商和/或其他服務商(包括但不限于, sms 、 mms和手機上網及其他需要使用空中時間的服務和手機數據服務)而須支付額外的費用。

As prime advertising airtime is in high demand , the rates continue to rise year after year . the establishment of the advertising joint verture should be a big leap for the group . “ added dr . leung . the investment is expected to be completed on or before dec 31 , 2005 由于黃金時段的廣告時間的需求甚殷,電視黃金時段廣告價每年持續上升,成功建立合資廣告公司及取得經營境內重點電視臺黃金時段廣告時間的權益將會成為集團業務一項可觀的進展。

The company sponsors the activities of charitable organizations and government departments , like participating in fund - raising activities , providing cash donations and free shuttle bus services , sponsoring free media space on bus shelters and bus bodies as well as free in - bus tv airtime 城巴熱心贊助慈善機構及政府部門的活動,如:參與籌款活動、捐款、提供免費穿梭巴士服務、贊助巴士站燈箱廣告、巴士車身及巴士上流動資訊多媒體的廣告。

Pursuant to the letter of intent , joyrex will contribute a cash consideration of no less than hk $ 38 million as capital to the joint venture for the purpose of acquiring certain rights to place advertisement during the airtime of a television platform in prc known as “ qin jia yuan drama time “ 按照今次簽訂的意向書,集團的投資額為不少于3800萬港元,將以現金投入合資公司,用作收購若干境內重點電視臺“勤+緣劇場”之廣告權益。

Pursuant to the letter of intent , joyrex will contribute a cash consideration of no less than hk 38 million as capital to the joint venture for the purpose of acquiring certain rights to place advertisement during the airtime of a television platform in prc known as “ qin jia yuan drama time “ 按照今次簽訂的意向書,集團的投資額為不少于3800萬港元,將以現金投入合資公司,用作收購若干境內重點電視臺“勤緣劇場”之廣告權益。

These “ branchless ” schemes typically allow customers to deposit and withdraw cash through a mobile operator ' s [ color = red ] airtime - resale agents [ / color ] , and send money to other people via text messages that can be exchanged for cash by visiting an agent 這種“無分行”的方案給顧客帶來了極大的便利,顧客總是能通過手機營運商提供的終端來提款和存款,還可以通過手機文本消息給他人匯款,只要訪問終端就能把手機消息轉換成現金。

Total advertising airtime amounts to 156 minutes per day and the annual advertising value calculated at the standard rate is up to rmb 700 million . as the owner of exclusive advertising rights , qjy has absolute discretion on the pricing , discount and strategies of the channel s advertising operations 全年廣告刊例價約達7億元,勤緣作為獨家廣告經營權益擁有方可全權決定廣告費金額和折扣投放廣告方式和策略等。

These “ branchless ” schemes typically allow customers to deposit and withdraw cash through a mobile operator ' s airtime - resale agents , and send money to other people via text messages that can be exchanged for cash by visiting an agent 這種“無分行”的方案給顧客帶來了極大的便利,顧客總是能通過手機營運商提供的終端來提款和存款,還可以通過手機文本消息給他人匯款,只要訪問終端就能把手機消息轉換成現金。

In the airtime , the witter first proposed the concepts of “ self - ecological awareness “ “ social - afforestation awareness , etc . the airtime aims to study ditlevent methods of cultivating college students “ awareness of sustainable development . ( ccsasd ) 本文在論述中首先提出“人的自我生態化意識” 、 “社會綠色化意識”等概念,力圖從多層次、多角度探求對大學生進行可持續發展意識教育的途徑。