
airtight adj.不透氣的,密閉的;嚴密的;無懈可擊的(an ai...


If users separate flammable and explosive supplies , user should make a request that adopts anti - blast electrical machinery or airtight tuber pipe before they want to order goods 5該機器為高速運轉設備更換零部件時,必須采用原廠配件。否則易造成損壞設備等事故。

This product be applicable to rubber , plastics , dyestuff , medicine , food , animal feed and turn fatty , porcelain and ceramics etc . the profession airtight , build a grain of usage 本產品適用于橡膠塑料染料醫藥食品飼料化肥陶瓷等行業密煉造粒使用。

Expert solves : what this wants to see you go is public it is what kind of place , it is open air , open , or airtight , this should be distinguished treat 專家解答:這要看你去的公共場所是什么樣的場所,是露天、開放的,還是一個密閉的,這應該區別對待。

Keep curry powder in an airtight container stored in a cool , dry place . curry paste should be refrigerated once the container has been opened 把咖哩粉存放在一個不漏氣的容器內并儲放在一個涼快、乾燥的地方。咖哩醬一旦容器被打開了就應該被冷藏起來。

They did not get wet because airtight caissons ( watertight structures ) were sunk under the water giving the men a dry place to work 他們之所以不會全身濕透,是因為事先就在河里放置了密閉的潛水箱(防水結構) ,所以他們可以在那里面工作,而不被弄濕。

The criminals plan is airtight . they figure they can t lose . but they overlook one thing : the desperation of a man with everything to lose . . . . 這個犯罪陰謀仿似天夜無縫,但這班盜匪忽略了一點,就是當人在極度絕望的處境時,會拼死闖出一條生路來

Organic waste such as livestock manure and various types of bacteria are put in an airtight container called digester so the process could occur 有機垃圾(例如,牲畜肥料和不同類型的細菌)放入稱為消化器的密封容器中,以便進行處理過程。

Result : the ball is under the magician s power the magic is in run to an airtight no air goes through box , the absolute being is strange and matchless 銅強鐵壁效果:球在魔術師的法力下神奇在跑到一個密不透風的盒子里,神奇無比

Based on hemorheology theory , a suit of airtight pipeline system is designed , which is used to measure apparent viscosity with different shear rates 基于血流變理論,設計了一套用于測量不同切變率下表觀粘度的密閉管道系統。

Airtight write the medicine water after water mix blend , write on the blank sheet of paper to can not see clearly , add fire to roast as soon as , show out 密寫藥水經水攪拌后,寫字在白紙上看不出來,一經加火烤,顯出來

“ hey , that ' s not an airtight room , that ' s your coffin . besides , you never scare anything . ” he wriggles uselessly 嘿! !那不是密閉空間,那是你的棺材! !除此之外,你根本沒怕過任何東西! !他掙扎著,真是無效的可憐。

Abstract : a paint vapour treatment by means of blowing and drawing ventilation in an airtight workroom is suggested in the article 文摘:提出在密閉噴漆作業間,采用吹吸式通風法對作業間的漆霧進行治理的方案。

They have the characteristics of strong intensity , light material , airtight , anticorrosion , aging resistance , low cost , etc 具有強度好、質輕、不透氣、耐腐蝕、抗老化、價格低等特點。

Standard specification for door fittings , for watertight gastight airtight , weathertight , and non - tight doors , for marine use 船用水密,氣密不透氣和防風雨及無夾扣門的門配件

Automobile fitting brings etc . and enjoys better reputation at home in step , such as airtight one by body ware 我縣汽配主要產品如密封件、同步帶等在國內享有較好的聲譽。

Specification for door fittings , for watertight gastight airtight , weathertight , and non - tight doors , for marine use 船用防水防氣體防空氣和防風雨門配件和非密封門規范

Field measurements of airtight performance of shanghai residential buildings and the analysis the performance of ventilation 上海市集合住宅氣密性能實測及換氣性能分析

Standard specification for doors , watertight , gastight airtight and weathertight , individually dogged , for marine use 船用水密,氣密不透氣和不透風各扇單獨安夾扣的門

“ i ' m so scared to stay along in an airtight room . ” i move close to him , pin him underneath 我害怕獨自一人留在密閉空間里嘛! !我向他挪近了些,將他壓制在我身下。