
airstrip (速成)機場跑道,簡易機場。


In connection with impact compaction technology of soil & stone cushion of third airstrip of pudong airport , it selects such experiment research as constructive technology & quality control , puts forward such constructive control parameters as pressing subsidence ratio ( single subsidence ratio ) , pressing times , pseudo thickness and so on 摘要基于浦東機場三期跑道山皮石墊層采用沖擊壓實技術進行壓實的問題,選取試驗段進行了施工工藝及質量控制等試驗研究,提出了沖壓沉降率(分計沉降量) 、沖壓遍數、虛鋪厚度等施工控制參數。

The problem the snow causes influences the people ' s lives and impedes the economic development . meanwhile the transportation infrastructure such as highway intercity and airstrip needs a great amount of deicing salts to maintain the bare road . therefore from 1980s , many areas and countries such as north american , north europe , japan have greater and greater demands on the deicing salts , about 20 million tons per year , only japan needs 200 to 300 thousand tons per year 在我國和世界上許多國家的高寒地區,冬季冰雪已成為嚴重的公害,積雪引起的問題不僅給當地人民的生活帶來困難,而且阻礙經濟的發展;此外,城市高速公路,機場飛機跑道等交通設施對冬季除冰劑的使用也日益迫切,因此,九十年代以來,北美、北歐、日本等多雪地區和國家,對融雪產品的需求量與日俱增,年需求量在2000萬噸左右,其中僅日本就需20 30萬噸。

Friends of the everglades and its determined founder have successfully battled the development of airstrips and additional canals that would divert the natural flow of rain through the wetlands , and threaten the very existence of one of nature ' s great ecosystems “大沼澤地之友”與其堅定的創立者一道,成功地阻止了在這里修建臨時機場和增開運河的計劃,因為那樣會改變流經濕地的雨水的自然流向,并威脅到這個大生態系統的生存。

In an interview with nbc television , president clinton says the sri lankan ambassador told them of an airstrip covered in crates where one of the challenges now is distributing aid that has already arrived 在接受美國全國廣播公司采訪時,前總統克林頓說斯里蘭卡大使告訴他們一條飛機跑道中已經擺滿了箱子,現在在那里一件比較難辦的事是分配已經運來的救援物質。

The 10 - seater aircraft is required to stop and refuel at a tiny airstrip in siberia ? which sir fred admits to being “ an interesting experience ” at the best of times 這架10座飛機中途必須在西伯利亞的一個小型機場停留加油? ?弗雷德爵士承認,即使在最好的天氣狀況下,這也僅是一種“有意思”的體驗。

An area the size of the hornet ' s flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time , after time from this restricted space 在機場上標出了與人黃蜂號甲板一樣大小的一塊地方,他們(機組人員)一次又一次地練習從這樣一塊有限的面積上起飛。

An area the size of the hornet ' s flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space 在機場上標出一塊與大黃蜂號飛行甲板一樣大小的地方,他們從這樣一塊有限的面積上一次又一次地練習起飛。

With no roads or airstrips nearby , the waterways are the only option for reaching the spectacular forests and beaches of the national park 由于附近沒有公路或機場,要前往公園壯麗的森林或沙灘,就只有依靠水路。

Mr szapary landed his plane on a grass airstrip by lake naivasha and found out the whereabouts of his two luo managers 斯扎帕里先生把飛機著陸在內瓦沙大湖一個著陸的草坪上,并且發現了他的兩位公司經理的去處。

The only small - scale weather modification other than local frost prevention is that of clearing an airport or airstrip of fog 除局地防霜外,唯一的小尺度人工影響天氣作業是清除航空港或簡易機場上的霧。

Naturally , this is where aircraft carriers come in handy : a mobile airstrip that you can park in his back yard 自然而然,航母在這里發揮作用了:一個可以放到敵方后院的移動飛行跑到?

He ' ll rendezvous with the helicopter at a deserted airstrip . we ' ve one chance to strike 目標會在一個廢棄的跑道上轉乘直升機那里是我們唯一的機會

Today a visit to the estate begins near the site of the old airstrip 今天游覽到這個莊園,起點就在舊飛機跑道所在位置附近。

If you don ' t want to die , my friend , you ' d better come with me to the airstrip 如果你不想死,朋友你最好和我一起去跑道

Eventually he spotted the airstrip spread out on a level terrain 他終于找到了那個伸展在平地上的簡易機場。

What is it ? - it ' s a mobile airstrip 這是什么? -這是一個機動機場

My girlfriend iives near the airstrip 我的女朋友住在飛機跑道附近

The plane landed on a jungle airstrip 飛機在叢林中的簡易機場降落。

- what is it ? - it ' s a mobile airstrip -這是什么? -這是一個機動機場