
airsickness 航空病,暈機。


Ling : nothing right now , thank you . but could you please give me a medication for airsickness ? i ' m not feeling well 謝謝,現在不要.你可以給我一些暈機藥嗎?我感覺不是很舒服

It was a terrible flight . i got a big headache first , and airsickness afterward (那真是一次很糟的飛行航程。我先是頭痛得很厲害,之后又暈機。 )

Please don ' t use the airsickness bag for garbage , sir ; that ' s not what it ' s for 先生,請不要用嘔吐袋裝垃圾,那不是它的用途。

The airsickness bag is located in the seat pocket in front of you 在您座椅前方口袋里備有清潔袋,供您放置果皮、嘔吐時使用。

The airsickness bag is located in the seat pocket in front of you 洗手間在客艙后部,左右各有一個。沖洗按鈕在手盆下面。

F : there ' s an airsickness bag behind the seat that ' s in front of you 空服員:在你前方的座位后面有一個暈機嘔吐袋。

Is there any airsickness bag 有暈機袋嗎?

There ' s an airsickness bag behind the seat that ' s in front of you 空服員:在你前方的座位后面有一個暈機嘔吐袋。

Have you ever suffered from airsickness before ? you ' re probably airsick 您曾經暈過飛機嗎?您可能是暈機。

Give me some airsickness pills , please 請給我些暈機藥。

Please give me some airsickness pills 請給我一些暈機藥。

May i have some medicine for airsickness 我可以要一些暈機藥嗎

May i have some medicine for airsickness 請給我一些暈機藥好嗎?

I ~ m not feeling well . do you have some tablet for airsickness 我覺得不舒服。有治暈機的藥嗎?

37 the airsickness bag is in your seat pocket in front of you 清潔袋在您前方的座椅口袋里。