
airship 飛船。

An airship is a lighter than air aircraft . it has twin engines and uses “ helium “ , a non - flammable gas , as a lifting gas which is contained in a large envelope 飛船是較空氣為輕的飛行器,置有兩個發動機,并依靠注入于大型氣囊的不燃氣體氦推動其上升。


The game introduce : the war of the silver planetary system broke out finally , your star all fleets is be sent to battle front , you be unique stay to guard of airship , for the sake of the honor of the star , the devotion fight 游戲介紹:銀行星系的戰爭終于爆發了,你的星球所有艦隊都被派往前線作戰,你是唯一留守的飛船,為了星球的榮譽,投入戰斗吧!

This is used to determine how high to draw the white box when the user selects the building , and how high a kirov airship , rocketeer , or another air unit will rise to clear the obstacle in their way ( the building ) 它用于決定當選中該建筑時,出現的白色虛線框的高度,還有基洛夫空艇、火箭飛行兵或其他任何飛行單位打算飛過該建筑時需要升高的高度。

Wenzhou xiongbao automatic equipments manufactory warmly congratulate the absolute being boat the no . 5 to carry the person s airship in the chinese wine spring the successful blast - off go up the sky the success 溫州雄豹自動化設備制造廠是自動化設備專業生產廠家,我廠主要產品有精密直線導軌,精密滾珠絲杠及印刷包裝機械的相關配套設備。

The first airline , delag , was established on october 16 , 1909 , to carry passengers between german cities on zeppelin airships . by november 1913 , more than 34 , 000 people had used the service 第一條航線delag , 1909年10月16日開通。主要使用齊柏林飛艇在德國各城市間運送旅客。到1913年11月止,運送旅客超過34 , 000人。

The airship , which measures about 41 metres ( length ) x 13 metres ( height ) x 11 metres ( width ) , is allowed to fly over victoria harbour and its adjacent waters at an altitude of about 1 , 000 feet 該飛船約長四十一米,高十三米,闊十一米,已獲準在維多利亞港和附近水域上空約一千尺高度飛行。

Perhaps it is here that many of the airships are still kept , in underground bases much as the americans , british and soviets have built around the world in the past few decades 也許在這里仍然保存了多數的飛船,在地底下大多數像美國,大不列顛和蘇聯在過去幾十年內全世界建造的。

An airship is a lighter than air aircraft . it has twin engines and uses “ helium “ , a non - flammable gas , as a lifting gas which is contained in a large envelope 飛船是較空氣為輕的飛行器,置有兩個發動機,并依靠注入于大型氣囊的不燃氣體氦推動其上升。

The airship which will operate in hong kong has operated in various cities around the world , including los angeles , new york city , london and singapore 今次準予在香港飛行的飛船曾在全球多個城市飛行,包括洛杉磯、紐約市,倫敦和新加坡等。

There are 110 different types plane models , such as civil , military , lateral plane , etc . and have guided missile , rocket , airship from soup to nuts :有民用、軍用、公務機、支線飛機等110多種機型;還有導彈、火箭、飛船模型一應俱全;

5 the airship , pictured here flying over the victoria harbour , makes use of weather information provided by the observatory . photo : courtesy of captain m . nerandzic 圖5香港天文臺為照片中的飛船提供天氣資料照片蒙機長m . nerandzic提供

China has already begun to make a carrier rocket that will undertake the task of lauching the shenzhou number seven airship , which will be lauched in 2008 中國已開始制造承擔神舟七號飛船發射任務的運載火箭,預計將在2008年發射。

There are 110 different types plane models , such as civil , military , lateral plane , etc . and have guided missile , rocket , airship from soup to nuts :有民用軍用公務機支線飛機等110多種機型還有導彈火箭飛船模型一應俱全

Games start button , with the direction of flight control keys , the space bar up a rope rescue , then airship parked in a designated area 游戲start按紐開始,用方向鍵控制飛行,空格鍵放繩子救人,然后把飛艇停在指定的位置。

Italian forces are the first to use airships for military purposes , using them for reconnaissance behind turkish lines 1912年的今天,意大利軍隊首次將飛艇用作軍事用途,使用它們在土耳其戰線的后方進行偵查。

Gliding , hang gliding , paragliding , hot air ballooning and airship flying are aviation sports enthusiasts favourite activities 滑翔飛機、滑翔風箏、滑翔傘、熱氣球和飛船飛翔都是飛行運動愛好者喜愛的活動。

You can set your fleets of airships to bomb areas , or to patrol , and they ' ll fly back on their own to repair and rearm 你可以設定艦隊或者飛船轟炸一個敵方,或者巡邏,他們就會自動回航修理以及重整。

5 the airship , pictured here flying over the victoria harbour , makes use of weather information provided by the observatory 圖5香港天文臺為照片中的飛船提供天氣資料(照片蒙機長m . nerandzic提供)

Blown up enemy planes could be 10 hours , successful rescue beauty 0950 , but the airship should shoot down 炸掉敵人飛機可以得到10分,成功搭救美女50分,可不要把飛艇打下來!