
airscape 空瞰圖。


The procedure functions in the compare between partial image of dynamic collection and corresponding image of the airscape . in chapter 5 , basing on the analysis of correlative theory of digital image , we introduce the improved fasted - down algorithm and simulative anneal algorithm , which applies to nn calculation , an d bring forward the unique and effective means , correlative original value evaluation . basing on the combination of correlative arithmetic , a stable , high - speed and exact correlative arithmetic is formed , which makes it possible to apply computer vision detection of single - needle quilting in industrial production 本文展開研究并取得一定成效:構建了基于pci總線的微機實時圖像采集系統;在采集的布料總圖(鳥瞰圖)的基礎上,通過數字圖像的數字濾波、圖像增強、邊緣檢測等處理,提取布料圖像的邊緣,對輪廓的矢量化的象素點進行搜索,得到相應的圖案矢量圖,從而確定絎縫的加工軌跡,生成加工指令;在進給加工過程中,主計算機對動態局部圖像與總圖(鳥瞰圖)的對應部分進行圖像相關的匹配計算,應用數字圖像理論,結合神經網絡計算的改進最速下降法和模擬退火算法,提出獨特而有效的相關迭代初始值賦值方法,形成穩定、高速和準確的相關運算,實現單針絎縫視覺測量和自動控制。

In order to achieve the track of process trace , this article develops research in four aspects : establishing a graph collection system based on pci bus . quilting process track is from the edge of cloth figure ( airscape ) which is chosen as vector by users 本文提出應用計算機視覺測量技術,對絎縫加工軌跡進行實時圖像采集和處理、跟蹤,實現對加工軌跡的動態修正,使加工圖案滿足設計要求。

According as the urban land use maps in different period and airscape in 1996 and 1999 of jinan , its spatial and temporal process of urban spread was analyzed through growth vector 本文在全面分析濟南市自然條件的基礎上,通過擴展向量、擴展速率和不對稱系數三個變量,分析濟南市城市擴展的演變過程。

The airscape of mcnair new high - tech industrial estate building hihg - tech industrial estate of mcnair has been planed to carry into execution this year 邁科新高新科技工業園鳥瞰圖及規劃邁科新高科技工業園項目實施期于今年年底。

The airscape of mcnair new high - tech industrial estate april 27th , leng xiaoming , vice mayor of dongguang , had a visit to the mcnair 2005年4月6日,我司與廣發銀行進行了一場藍球友誼賽