
airproof adj. 不透氣的,密封的,氣密的。2.vt. 使不透氣...

In this paper , firstly the macro parameter of the series connection app was comprehensively analyzed , among which the trajectory location of the bullet emission and the terminal velocity of the bullet were mainly analyzed , and the feasibility of the series connection app to cope with explosive reactive armor was demonstrated . and then the macro design about the head of the series connection app was made , among which a particular analyse about the bullet “ s launching process was made , from which we concluded the relation between the thickness of the airproof loop and the velocity of the bullet detached from the carrier and the relation between the length of the bullet and the velocity of the bullet detached from the carrier and the relation between the length of the bullet and the burning rate of the powder and the relation between the length of the bullet and the maximum pressure of the emission hole and the relation between the length of the bullet and the emitting time of the bullet , and the reasonable str ucture of the head of the carrier and bullet were designed , then the intensity of the head of the carrier was checked out using of the software of ansys 本文首先對子母式穿甲彈總體參量作了全面的計算分析,其中主要分析了子彈射出的彈道位置和必要的子彈著靶速度,論證了子母式穿甲彈對付爆炸式反應裝甲的可行性,然后對子母式穿甲彈彈頭部進行了總體設計,其中主要對子彈的發射過程進行了詳細的分析,得出了母彈彈頭部發射孔內閉鎖環厚度與子彈飛離母彈速度的關系、子彈長度與子彈飛離母彈速度的關系、子彈長度與火藥燃燒率的關系、子彈長度與母彈彈頭部發射孔內最大壓力的關系以及子彈的長度與子彈發射所需時間的關系,設計出了合理的母彈彈頭部結構和子彈的結構,并利用ansys有限元分析軟件對母彈彈頭部的強度進行了校核。

Especially , the idea of “ datum dimension precision back “ is being put forward , and this idea is being realized by backing composition composed by outer - diameter micrometer , airproof shafting , microwatch . at the same time , use “ non - lock “ to replace “ lock “ , this way make the system compact , eliminate many bigger error and resolve th 尤其是提出了基準尺調整后精確后退的思想,并通過外徑百分尺、密珠軸系、千分表組成后退機構加以實現。同時以“無鎖”代“鎖” ,使系統結構緊湊,受力小,消除了多項較大誤差從而解決了測試精度低的關鍵問題。

Cylinder gasket , enter and vent air spring and airproof gasket especial for dongfeng auto , yucai machine , dongfeng chaochai , guangxi liufa , hunan liufa , zhejiang jili , zhejiang xinchai ect many known auto factories and motor factories form a complete set 企業生產的“象“牌氣缸墊,進排氣墊及汽車密封墊片專為東風汽車玉柴機器東風朝柴廣西柳發湖南動力浙江吉利浙江新柴等國內知名汽車廠及發動機廠配套。

The sealed cabin “ s performance measurement and inspection include airproof detection , temperature detection and humidity detection 重點論述了密封艙的氣密性自動檢測、密封艙自動干燥處理和溫度、濕度、壓力在線監測技術。


In this paper , firstly the macro parameter of the series connection app was comprehensively analyzed , among which the trajectory location of the bullet emission and the terminal velocity of the bullet were mainly analyzed , and the feasibility of the series connection app to cope with explosive reactive armor was demonstrated . and then the macro design about the head of the series connection app was made , among which a particular analyse about the bullet “ s launching process was made , from which we concluded the relation between the thickness of the airproof loop and the velocity of the bullet detached from the carrier and the relation between the length of the bullet and the velocity of the bullet detached from the carrier and the relation between the length of the bullet and the burning rate of the powder and the relation between the length of the bullet and the maximum pressure of the emission hole and the relation between the length of the bullet and the emitting time of the bullet , and the reasonable str ucture of the head of the carrier and bullet were designed , then the intensity of the head of the carrier was checked out using of the software of ansys 本文首先對子母式穿甲彈總體參量作了全面的計算分析,其中主要分析了子彈射出的彈道位置和必要的子彈著靶速度,論證了子母式穿甲彈對付爆炸式反應裝甲的可行性,然后對子母式穿甲彈彈頭部進行了總體設計,其中主要對子彈的發射過程進行了詳細的分析,得出了母彈彈頭部發射孔內閉鎖環厚度與子彈飛離母彈速度的關系、子彈長度與子彈飛離母彈速度的關系、子彈長度與火藥燃燒率的關系、子彈長度與母彈彈頭部發射孔內最大壓力的關系以及子彈的長度與子彈發射所需時間的關系,設計出了合理的母彈彈頭部結構和子彈的結構,并利用ansys有限元分析軟件對母彈彈頭部的強度進行了校核。

Golden future series of intellectual coater developed by the company adopts numerical control coating system introduced from foreign countries and can meet strict requirements for airproof performance in aviation , spaceflight , ship , saloon car , engine , motor and manufacture of machine tool . it s really ideal equipment taking the place of artificial work in coatong and sealing procedure and to improve product quality and working efficiency 公司研制開發的金未來系列智能涂膠機是引進國外先進技術開發的數控涂膠系統,可以滿足航空航天船舶轎車發動機摩托車及機床制造等對產品的密封性能的嚴格要求,是涂膠密封工藝環節中取代手工作業,提高產品質量和工作效率的理想設備。

Belonging to open structure airproof tie - in system of machine pressure , it is widely used for communication , network system , cabled t . v . of catv , the fiber optic cable by network , the direct and branch connection , the body adopts the high and strong function engineering plastics , structure forerunner , legerity 屬于開啟式機械壓力密封接頭系統,廣泛用于通信網絡系統, catv有線電視光纜網絡系統,可直通分支,盒體采用高強性能工程塑料,結構先進,輕巧并具有可靠的密封性及抗雷擊性能,并適用于架空,管道,附桿及戶內等安裝。

Belonging to open structure airproof tie - in system of machine pressure , it is widely used for communication , network system , cabled t . v . of catv , the fiber optic cable by network , the direct and branch connect - ion , the body adopts the high and strong function engineering plastics , structure forerunner , legerity . have also dependable functions of airpr - oofing and endureing lightning strike 屬于開啟式機械壓力密封接頭系統,廣泛用于通信網絡系統, catv有線電視光纜網絡系統,可直通分支,盒體采用高強性能工程塑料,結構先進,輕巧并具有可靠的密封性及抗雷擊性能,并適用于架空,管道,附桿及戶內等安裝。

Especially , the idea of “ datum dimension precision back “ is being put forward , and this idea is being realized by backing composition composed by outer - diameter micrometer , airproof shafting , microwatch . at the same time , use “ non - lock “ to replace “ lock “ , this way make the system compact , eliminate many bigger error and resolve th 尤其是提出了基準尺調整后精確后退的思想,并通過外徑百分尺、密珠軸系、千分表組成后退機構加以實現。同時以“無鎖”代“鎖” ,使系統結構緊湊,受力小,消除了多項較大誤差從而解決了測試精度低的關鍵問題。

The catena products design for stsrting closing controling of diversified strong corrosive medium , configuration form is float through form , connect form is flange , valves crust adoptcarbon - steel pad fluorine plastic inside , valve - ball is made of metal embed parts wrap fluorine plastic outside with integrative of valve - staff , have trait of commendably rotproof and airproof closing and starting neatly fleetly , and that exterior handsome intensity high durable 本系列產品是為各種強腐蝕性介質的啟閉控制而設計,結構形式為浮動直通式,連接形式為法蘭,閥外殼采用碳鋼內襯氟塑料,閥球為與閥桿一體式金屬嵌件外包氟塑料工藝制造,具有耐腐密封性好啟閉靈活快速的特點且外型美觀強度高經久耐用。

2 flange can base of custmers request to according state criterion of hg gb jb ansi jis bs din to smithing also can confirm by pact , because of machining craft of airproof - side , so advice to choose flat weld flange of board form neck form . airproof - sides are all planar airproof form , in order to install pipeline , we can afford volitant flange of flat welding 2法蘭可根據用戶需要按hg gb jb ansi jis bs din等國家標準,可以是鍛造,也可由合同確定,因密封面加工工藝建議選用板式平焊法蘭帶頸平焊法蘭。

Although the demand for detecting performance of a sealed - cabin was put forward in 1980s , as the advance of products , today not only airproof but also sealed - cabin drying process and hygrothermograph and pressure detection online are required . the more advance of our product , the higher means of detection are required 從80年代初僅僅提出的密封艙氣密性能檢測的要求,到今天的氣密性能、密封艙干燥處理及密封艙溫濕度和壓力在線檢測的要求,產品的性能越來越先進,對檢測的手段也提出了更高的要求。

( 2 ) introduced the optical influnce of seawater , the design of the nvdis optical system has been discussed . besides satisfying the optical performance and observation requirement , the instrument is able to press of seawater . the airproof of theinstrument has been designed 在此基礎上,確定了單兵水下微光觀察儀的技術指標,對產品的物鏡、目鏡等光學系統進行了全面的設計與計算,考慮到產品水下使用的特殊性,對產品的抗壓和密封性進行了工程設計。

Cylinder gasket , enter and vent air spring and airproof gasket especial for dongfeng auto , yucai machine , dongfeng chaochai , guangxi liufa , hunan liufa , zhejiang jili , zhejiang xinchai ect many known auto factories and motor factories form a complete set 企業生產的“象“牌氣缸墊,進排氣墊及汽車密封墊片專為東風汽車玉柴機器東風朝柴廣西柳發湖南動力浙江吉利浙江新柴等國內知名汽車廠及發動機廠配套。

Heat insulating aluminum material features airproof , heat insulation cold keeping out , it can obviously reduce energy consumption , fully conforms to the requirement of state laws and statutes , and has a good performance in resiwting corrosion of harmful substances 隔熱鋁材具有密封隔熱御寒性能,可明顯地降低能源消耗,完全符合國家有關節能法令的要求,亦具有抵御有害物質侵蝕的良好特性。

Abstract : this paper discussed some problems of the comfortable and airproof . in the end , some suggestions about improving the airproof of the china passenger car were given 文摘:論述了客車壓力密封問題的形成原因和發展概況。并對改善我國客車密封性提出了相關結構上的措施和評定方法的建議。為保證乘客安全和舒適度應加大力度進行客車密封性研究。

Special hints : in the maintenance of product , make sure not to lose or damage all the rubber seal - rings in the process . otherwise the airproof performance and using effect will be seriously affected 特別提示:在維護產品時,拆裝過程特別要注意所有的橡膠密封圈不能丟失或損壞,否則將嚴重影響其密封性能及使用效果。

( iii ) the structure design of the nozzle is completed according to coordinate data of the nozzle contour . the airproof design problem and the throat - cooling problem are mainly solved during the structure design (三)根據噴管型面坐標數據進行噴管結構設計,在噴管結構設計中著重解決密封設計和喉道冷卻等問題。

Completely automated airproof material loading , closed type material unloading system , pipeline connection , quick clamp connector , free of blind corner , convenient for dismantling and easy for cleaning 全自動密封式上料,卸料系統,管道式聯接,快開卡箍式聯接方式,無死角,拆卸方便,易清洗。